What religion do you identify yourself with?

Contributor: pootpootpoot pootpootpoot
Christian, non-denominational. I hate the squabbling between denominations, especially because most of my friends are Baptist and have serious issues with Episcopalians (my mother's denomination). The kind, sweet, rational people I know and love disappear as soon as that kind of stuff comes up for discussion.

In the church I attended up until a few years ago, several gay and lesbian marriages were performed, and many of the most respected members of the church community were gay and lesbian as well. It always breaks my heart when people talk about being barred from their places of worship for their sexual orientation.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I kind of view myself as more spiritual than anything.
Contributor: catsin catsin
Thelemite!! The religion of science and the science of religion. Check it out, it's pretty awesome if you do your research.

I was raised Catholic and Christian, though. Went to Wicca at 13, then went agnostic, dated a Jehovah, and now thelemite for life. Thelema respects personal relationship with the divine despite what that may be or what form it may take.

It's one of the most modern religions, beginning at the start of the twentieth century with Aliester Crowley (some of you will know him as "The Beast" and author of The Satanic Bible. He likes attention I did a research paper on him and he was a mad genius.

If you're in anyway spiritual and looking for the community aspect that organized religions offer, Thelema might be worth checking out. You can go in a Gnostic Mass of Thelemites saying that you believe Unicorns are the Gods of us all and rainbows consist of all the souls radiating together, and they will be like "Hmm... interesting, do go on". It's pretty hilarious and fantastic.
Contributor: roskat roskat
Contributor: Thomas90 Thomas90
Although i do not believe in a God of such... i don't like saying im an Atheist because i feel many people just fling the word about and make it sound like a bad thing. Everybody can believe what they want, but if i tell someone im an Atheist? I get stick for it.. or atleast where i come from.
Contributor: sneako sneako
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
atheist but enjoying reading the bible
Contributor: PinkParakeet PinkParakeet
I find it interesting that there are even more Wiccan than Mormon on the poll. Maybe a correlation with the site itself.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I am agnostic and have never been happier.
Contributor: mlmac mlmac
Sure, I can tell you what religion I follow if any and I can tell you who I will vote for in this coming election if I decide to vote, but I feel that this is something I like to keep separate from my love for this forum. So, I voted other.
Contributor: Kinky T Kinky T
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I'm probably considered agnostic to most. I have no "religion" so to speak. I see it as though I have philosophy so I'd never need a set religion.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
It's almost, but not quite Christianity for me.
Contributor: Sci Sci
i am a bit of a gnostic catholic, too many years of catholic schooling, lol
Contributor: SecretToyLover2 SecretToyLover2
Contributor: catastic catastic
I just believe in science.
Contributor: Lilith Bealove Lilith Bealove
I'm a bapacostle Christian and I was raised this way.
Contributor: Faeya Faeya
Unitarian Universalist leaning towards agnostic pagan
Contributor: mmmmm mmmmm
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
Contributor: Love Obsessed Love Obsessed
I'm an Atheist.
Contributor: elli elli
I'm an atheist. My parents didn't raise me in any particular religion, though my mother is Buddhist.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I most closely identify as Wiccan, but more spiritual and less ritual.

I used to attend a Unitarian Universalist church for a while that held services for every major holiday (of every religion they could come up with). It was an educational experience.
Contributor: BoobCopter BoobCopter
Not really sure.
Contributor: butts butts
Agnostic, but raised jewish/buddhist. I still eat pretty kosher but I'm pescatarian so it's not very difficult.
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Why is atheism and agnostism identified as religions in the poll?
Contributor: snowyslut snowyslut
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I'm searching at the moment, but if I had to say, I'd say secular humanist.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Agnostic. I loathe organized religion.

I think god is in everything. The energy we all exchange as being of this world.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Open-minded Christian.
Contributor: Experiment Experiment
You put agnostic as it's own category instead of just lumping it with atheism! I always hate having to check the atheist box because there isn't an agnostic one.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Non-Pauline Christian, somewhat Deist. I have no real beef with St. Paul, beyond that some of what he said is his opinion. He even said it was his opinion, and his opinions were often on subjects Jesus didn't speak on or contradictory to Jesus.

I sort of follow God as the loving but strict parent, "Fall of Man" was really time to leave the nest rather than pure punishment, etc. I definitely do not believe that God interferes in sporting events.