What religion do you identify yourself with?

Contributor: Modern^Spank^Anthem Modern^Spank^Anthem
a mix of the majors
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I don't.
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
I don't exactly identify. I'm christian with Buddhist and Wiccan influences as well as a good, healthy dollop of 'whatever the fuck I want' along with 'do what makes you happy'. It works good for me.
Contributor: Cherry21 Cherry21
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I'm not anything really. I believe in stuff, but hate church.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
I don't idenity with any religion at all. I've tried Wicca and Buddhism, was made to go to Sunday School when I was young and roped into teaching it as a teenager... honestly, I just stay out of anything religious because it's not my thing.
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
I worship the female formmm mmm
Contributor: Daemonin Daemonin
Other: Pagan spiritual, but not Wiccan
Contributor: Badass Badass
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
im affilated with the church of right is right and wrong is wrong, but there is a whoooole lot of gray in there.
Contributor: QSBybakd QSBybakd
I am atheist, but was raised Christian. However, atheism is not a religion, or even a philosophy, so Secular Humanist would be a better example of my personal beliefs if that's what you were looking for.
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
Agnostic Atheist here.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
I'm atheist. Fun fact: I work in a Lutheran Church once a week.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
Contributor: SaMiKaY SaMiKaY
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I identify with the Unitarian Universalist faith
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
Im not a devout Catholic, but follow it
Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
I'm just now finding this area of the forum and this thread. Please forgive me in advance for my probably very lengthy post as I suspect I'll write a lot.

I'm a "Christ-follower". I was raised in a Christian home and attended church twice every Sunday and on Wednesdays too. I graduated from high school and went away to a Christian college where I met my husband and we got married after that first year.

I do believe that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God and I do believe that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God and came to earth to die for our sins. For one thing, there is a lot of historical references that prove that much of what is in the Bible is true.

But I also believe this because of my "experiences" as a "Christian" - how I have seen God work in my life over the years. Time and time again I've seen prayers answered - sometimes yes - sometimes no - and sometimes wait. Later on, looking back, I was able to better understand those answers.

I also believe that as a Christian, I need to be ready to share about God and Christ with others. Does that mean I should push it down their throats? Of course not.

But if I asked you where was the best place to eat in town - you'd give me an answer - right? Well - if someone asks me why I am happy or why I have a sense of peace about life even during the tough times - my answer has to do with my faith and I will share it.

Do I attend church? I haven't in a while but we are switching to a new church and I hope to go more faithfully.

Do I read my Bible every day? I used to and want to get back into the habit.

But I know that my life is not based on a religion - it is based on a relationship and that relationship is not with a church but it is with God and His son Christ.

I hope that as folks have interacted with me on the forum, etc. they've come to see me as someone who would try to follow Christ's teachings. I know at times I've whined about things or gotten frustrated - but I pretty much try to ask myself how He would act on this site if He was here. He wouldn't hold himself aloof - He'd be helpful and try to be a blessing.

That is what I try to be.

If my post was "too much preaching" - I apologize as I didn't write it to offend anyone.

I've enjoyed reading all the various posts and the beliefs, etc. etc. It has been very interesting and I've learned a lot. To be honest with you, I'm 51 and I honestly didn't know much about Muslims or the Muslim religion till we moved to Washington, DC shortly before 9/11. I had no idea they were the second largest religion or whatever the comment was.
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Jewish...but randomly observant, and I don't hold to anything that could be called normative Judaism.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I voted "Other" because I believe in God (in the Christian sense) and it doesn't go much farther beyond that. I don't go to church, I'm not sure how I feel about the Bible, and I basically do my own thing.
Contributor: Harpina is gone Harpina is gone
Not really any.
Contributor: Bzz Bzz
I found it interesting some people put mormon - maybe they are just looking for couples toys, because it is FORBIDDEN to masturbate, basically. You cannot be a 'member in good standing' if you do!!
Contributor: jokerzwild jokerzwild
Raised Christian, I guess agnostic is best description now. I take bits of truth I find from many.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I haven't had any interest or belief in religion since I was about 12, and happily fall into the atheist camp.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster does hold some appeal to me though.
Contributor: SalmiakkiVodka SalmiakkiVodka
I identify as an agnostic pagan.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Wish there was an "All of the Above" option. I believe there is "Truth" in all religions.
Contributor: null null
Apathetic Agnostic. I don't know, and I don't care.
Contributor: destinationtwilight destinationtwilight
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I believe there is something bigger than us out there.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Born again/Bible believing/NOT in-your-face Christian.
Contributor: Alx Alx
baptised and had a confirmation at age 13, but those things are mostly just pure tradition in Denmark these days. I'm 100% atheist.
Contributor: dbm6907 dbm6907
I don't participate in any organized religion, I just believe in God
Contributor: TheGreat TheGreat
Agnostic because I believe there is some kind of entity but that human kind will continue to construe the existence for its own benefit till the world does end.
Contributor: marrythenight marrythenight
Originally posted by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
I'm just now finding this area of the forum and this thread. Please forgive me in advance for my probably very lengthy post as I suspect I'll write a lot.

I'm a "Christ-follower". I was raised in a Christian home and ... more
I find myself echoing a lot of your sentiments! I'm a christian, believe the main doctrine, but don't really go to church so much anymore. I support LGBT rights and biblical interpretation that is affirming, so I would probably want an open and affirming church at this point, rather than silently disagreeing to sermons about homosexuality, as I did for years. I'm just not up that anymore--I want a church that is as welcoming as Jesus is, you know? there are a couple of these churches in my metro area, just a bit of a drive for me :/