I am a born again christian. I attend a non-demoninational church, meaning, it's not associated with catholic, batist, lutheran, etc. It focuses on the teachings and scriptures of the Bible and the general growth of the church and spreading of the Word, through faith/grace of God. I know that I am not perfect, and that I sin, However, I have repented for my sins and through the love of God, I have been saved. I am human, I still slip, I still get tempted, I still do silly, stupid things. I know that I am covered under grace. I doesnt give me the right to continue to "sin", however, it gives me the conviction to know what is wrong and what is right so that I can continue to do the right thing and if do slip up and do the wrong things, all has been forgiven, if I just ask for forgiveness. I have a personal relationship with Christ.
I was rasied in a Christian home and both my husband and I are both Christians.
I was rasied in a Christian home and both my husband and I are both Christians.