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i think i've finally come to terms with being atheist. for a long time i searched for something to believe in but i'm becoming comfortable with the idea of not needing any sort of religion.
happiness comes from within!
Happiness DOES come from within. I agree wholeheartedly!
My husband and I have butted heads on more than one occasion about religion. lol
As he said, he was raised christian and is still a believer to an extent. I try and respect that but I also like to debate. The bible to me is just a book of set rules that are there to control an unruly population. I mean we ARE animals by nature right?
I adhere to a lot of the morals and values that are taught in the bible but the stories? I can't get past a lot of them. I seem to have a very analytical and scientific way of thinking. I have tried to identify with different religions but then something totally unbelievable comes up in it and I am left questioning more than believing.
I identify with paganism and buddhism the most I think, because they seem to be accepting and open to all beliefs. I have my own blend of values from many religions so I guess you can say I am agnostic. I consider myself very spiritual.