Typical Catholic turned Pagan.
What religion do you identify yourself with?
Atheist! I find Buddhism interesting and think the Koran (uhm, not the Saudi Arabia version) is beautiful. Particularly when it's being recited.
Originally posted by
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's only so much space in here and being the westerner I am, I filled it with mostly Judeo-Christian religions... But there is an other option less
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's only so much space in here and being the westerner I am, I filled it with mostly Judeo-Christian religions... But there is an other option less
non practicing catholic
I was raised and still practice the catholic religion
none i just know god
As an infant I was baptized at the Protestant church I still (VERY occasionally) attend, but I am by no means Christian anymore. Likewise, for ease of understanding, I identify myself as "Wiccan," but I must say that I don't actually follow one religion. Religions are the practices of certain types of spiritualism, and as such must impose certain rules and dogma and labels. A spiritualistic individual follows more of their "feelings," rather than the specific rules imposed by a "religion." So rather than say I follow Wicca, I call myself a Witch, or a spiritualist. And boy am I long-winded. ^^;;
I'm Jewish but I don't practice the religion traditionally. For a little while, I considered converting to Islam.
Pagan/other, but mostly in the sense of not wanting to play with rules made by other people's imaginary friends.
I prefer to synthesize my own little quasi-spiritual worldview.
I prefer to synthesize my own little quasi-spiritual worldview.
I was raised Catholic and was all my life. Here recently I changed my religion to Non-Denominational Christian.
I selected "other" because I'm an atheist but certainly appreciate the Buddhist way of thinking, which isn't really considered to be a religion.
Religion is just another way for humans to segregate, it's disempowering. Faiths like Christianity aren't just irrational they also serve to demean people and tell them that they're flawed, sinful and can't truly depend upon one another. At its very best religion is just a waste of time...
The first post mentioned that religion is full of rituals and tradition and sadly that is mostly true. I just think of myself as spiritual. I don't do the specific Church Of God, or anything. I'm simply just a believer in Christ and although I may like sex toys, I do engage in my activity with God each day. Alot of people don't know that there is a difference in being religious and spiritual. I simply just want to be what God wants me to be and fulfill his purpose for my life, be guided by him and filled with the holy ghost. I believe in treating others as I wish to be treated (very strongly!) I know I won't ever change my mind about my beliefs in this area because I've been through far too much and been brought through all of it to ever not be able to believe.
I consider myself to be a strong Christian although my views are a little more liberal than some on the topic.
Religion is such a hard subject for me. My mom has always been the type to talk about god and things like that but recently because of some negative situations she has become a true "born again christian".I also figured if i had, had, HAD! to choose I would pick Christian, but when my mom lectures me and disagrees and argues about my beliefs it really turns me off. I cannot tell myself that, yes there is a Jesus, a God, etc and Logic prevents me from going there. But my faith puts me into an agnostic, or even spiritual belief. I just have no idea what is out there but I feel there is something. We are all connected and we are all one, humans, animals, and bugs. I dont think we should segment ourselves so much, as long as we are good people, that should be all that matters.
Methodist is my home church but I don't clearly identify with one specific group however I do have very concrete beliefs and morals.
Born, Baptized, raised, first communied, confirmed, catechismed and married in the Roman Catholic Church. My Methodist wife and I even signed a paper promising to raise our kids in the Catholic Church. But that was soooo long ago. I suspect that my wife would still consider herself a Methodist, even though she doesn’t practice anymore. I, however, am a confirmed agnostic, leaning very strongly to atheist. I might even go so far as to say that I am actually a nontheist. To quote Chilipepper, “God and I are not on speaking terms at the moment, so I'm agnostic. He started it.”
I believe that there are a lot of very nice stories in the Bible, as well as some very good life’s lesions, but if you tale it literally, it is a very simple minded, almost misogynistic document. It is ancient man trying to understand himself and why he is here, without a clue about the universe.
In my humble opinion…
I believe that there are a lot of very nice stories in the Bible, as well as some very good life’s lesions, but if you tale it literally, it is a very simple minded, almost misogynistic document. It is ancient man trying to understand himself and why he is here, without a clue about the universe.
In my humble opinion…
Not religious. I identify myself as a bright, but not many people know what that is.
I was raised catholic. I was baptized, made my first holy communion and my confirmation as was my boyfriend. Our daughter was baptized as a baby and made her first holy communion this past weekend. Our son will be baptized in a few years. We dont go to mass every weekend but we do go on some holidays.
Originally posted by
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's only so much space in here and being the westerner I am, I filled it with mostly Judeo-Christian religions... But there is an other option less
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's only so much space in here and being the westerner I am, I filled it with mostly Judeo-Christian religions... But there is an other option less
I was watching an educational show about transgendered people in SouthEast Asia not long ago. I learned that Buddhism considers transgendered people "bad karma" and associating with them to be detrimental to one's soul's health. (South East Asia has the largest percentage of "lady boys" or transgendered men in the world.) So many people choose these "exotic" religions without realizing that they can be just as judgmental as Western religions.
This is not a knock at Buddhism, but just a peek into something that some people think is whatever they want it to be. It's a religion, and has mores and problems and morals and rules just like any Western or Eastern religion.
This is not a knock at Buddhism, but just a peek into something that some people think is whatever they want it to be. It's a religion, and has mores and problems and morals and rules just like any Western or Eastern religion.
Oddly enough, I identify myself as being a Christian. I attend church every sunday, I pray, read the bible, and I have a really good relationship with God. Other than sex outside of marriage, I follow the rules *laughs*. I go to a Catholic church with my family, and my fiance is Catholic as well. I have never really belonged to any specific church, but I think I want to become a Catholic Christian.
Wow. This is fascinating. What a great poll! Thank you, OP!
Protestant Christian Methodist.
Originally posted by
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's only so much space in here and being the westerner I am, I filled it with mostly Judeo-Christian religions... But there is an other option less
I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's only so much space in here and being the westerner I am, I filled it with mostly Judeo-Christian religions... But there is an other option less
I was raised Catholic and even went to Catholic school until I was 14. I do not consider myself Catholic anymore because I have some serious issues with the church, but I will go to mass with my family on holidays just to make my mother happy.
I suppose I fall into the other category. I was baptized Catholic and spent most of my life Catholic, but there are so many things the Catholic church believes that I don't agree with that I've all but slipped away from it all. I have my own views on religion that would probably take hours to fully explain. Basically I just try to be a good person in life, which is the bottom line of most religions anyway.
Proudly Agnostic.
I will know when I die, and if I don't find out, then I will know there is nothing.
I will know when I die, and if I don't find out, then I will know there is nothing.
Honestly, i dont really give it much thought, but if i had to pick one, aethist.