What religion do you identify yourself with?

Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
I was baptised at a lutheran church when I was a baby. My parents never made me go to church, so I never went. I don't really care or have any opinion about any of that stuff.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Odd that you would put Seventh Day Adventist and Jehovah's Witness in here but not Islam? Muslims account for nearly a quarter of the world's population...Seventh Day Adventists not so much. I also know way more Rastafarians than Jehovah's Witnesses, lol. Seems like a reach to even come up with those two, western or not!

As for my religious beliefs, I'm just indifferent. That's about as close to a religious identity as I get. I was raised Baptist, but I fell off that wagon when I realized I liked girls. I do miss gospel music sometimes, though.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I was raised and baptized Church of God. I've been Wiccan, atheist, general Pagan, humanist. I'm now a devout agnostic, sorta. My ideas are easily changed as more information becomes available. I kinda believe in two things that I ... more
JR said: I'm now a devout agnostic "I don't know for sure what, but I'm pretty damn dedicated about it!"
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
Was raised Catholic, dabbled in southern baptist, and found that my own spirituality works best for me. I feel as if I was brainwashed growing up, because my parents did what their forefathers did before them, and to them, that was what was "right" and if you didn't believe, you were destined to go to hell.

I respect the teachings of the Bible as there are some good lessons, but to me, it is no more than a rulebook for humanity, some of it outdated, some of it still applicable today.

I do believe in a higher power, something magnificent that started everything, but I'm hesitant to call it "God". For all I know, it was just some spark, but I'm not going to dwell on it. It is what it is.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Odd that you would put Seventh Day Adventist and Jehovah's Witness in here but not Islam? Muslims account for nearly a quarter of the world's population...Seventh Day Adventists not so much. I also know way more Rastafarians than ... more
I think a lot depends on how and where you were brought up for which religions would stick out most in your mind. For example where I grew up I knew no muslims and no Rastafarians or any of that, but I went to school with many Jehovah's Witnesses and saw many of their Kingdom Halls around where I grew up so the religion is familiar to me.

I also went to school with many Seventh Day Adventists and saw many of their churches and heard about their church closings on the radio when there was bad weather, etc. and so that religion is familiar to me as well.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Originally posted by Alicia
I think a lot depends on how and where you were brought up for which religions would stick out most in your mind. For example where I grew up I knew no muslims and no Rastafarians or any of that, but I went to school with many Jehovah's ... more
True, I'm from the northeast U.S.

I just find it so hard to believe that people wouldn't know ANY Muslims just because it's the second most popular religion world-wide behind Christianity. I mean, I obviously do believe it because you're telling me it's true, it's just kind of weird to me. Also, I honestly didn't know what a Seventh Day Adventist was until I Googled it lol. Very interesting stuff.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
I was raised catholic, I'm now on non-theist and generally anti-organized religion (especially my former Roman Catholicism)
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I generally tell people I'm agnostic, but that's never really been the best description. I feel like agnostic gives a sense of wonder and questioning, but I'm not really bothered with religion at all. I attended a Mormon church for about a year because my ex was a member, but decided that was MOST DEF. not for me.

Talking over this topic with my partner last night, I think I would say I'm non-religious but spiritually agnostic. Couldn't give a crap about religion, but I consider myself spiritual. I think that all things probably have some kind of energy associated with them that ebbs and flows (I'm a chemist, of course I believe that!) and I love some of the ideas associated with Buddhism, Shintoism, Paganism, etc.
Contributor: Jill Ingoff Jill Ingoff
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
how funny, I'm the only jew lol ;o) ah well.

(I'm an atheist/agnostic really.. only a traditional jew).
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
We're both very non-affiliated. I was raised Catholic and turned out Pagan. My practices are a mixture of Wiccan and Native American. Alan was raised Baptist and is now an odd combination of Christian/Pagan.
Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
Atheist by belief, LaVeyan Satanist by philosophy.

Really laid back about it though.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I'm not an Atheist. An Atheist is against any religion, where I believe everyone has a right to theirs. I'm not anything. If anything I'm closest to a Pagan. If you guys read the stuff in the bible that is being preached, you would understand. It's not history. It's SICK.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Jenniae09
I am a Wiccan very open to different thought.
I used to be one and I highly respect what you do.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Tuesday
This is exactly true for me too. I've been using the term nontheist for quite a while. People have such negative reactions to the word atheist, sometimes feeling like they have to save me.

Ditto on liking Buddhism too.
Yeah, I agree with both of you. That's similar to the way I think. Why is it that when most people think of the word Atheist, they think of "devil worshipper"? It's a totally judgmental world.
Contributor: Eeyor89 Eeyor89
I could say I'm a Babtist, but I haven't attended a church service in like over two years. And the church I did attend was a non-dominational church. I feel like churches make you feel welcome when you fit their standards, but not when you don't.

Long story short I dated a guy who I went to church with, and when things got hot and heavy (sex woo hoo) the church didn't approve. I was kicked out of the drama department, and everyone would stare at me (in a very condeming stare). So I just left bc I don't feel that they have the rite to judge me, bc their not perfect.

So I am religious on my own I guess (no church involved).
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Sera
I'm not an Atheist. An Atheist is against any religion, where I believe everyone has a right to theirs. I'm not anything. If anything I'm closest to a Pagan. If you guys read the stuff in the bible that is being preached, you would ... more
Hey, I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying this, and I hope you know that what I mean is that I have some strong opinions about the bible. These I can't change, but I hope that you know that I don't mean to offend you!
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by Sera
Hey, I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying this, and I hope you know that what I mean is that I have some strong opinions about the bible. These I can't change, but I hope that you know that I don't mean to offend you!
Thanks for posting this, Sarah.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I'm atheist and no matter what people say, I do not believe I will burn in hell.
Contributor: RosesThorns RosesThorns
I put Other because I identify as "Eclectic Pagan"
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I voted bhuddism bcs I like a lot of their teachings and I love meditating.

But really I am just spiritual in general....
Contributor: bzzingbee bzzingbee
I'm a non-practicing Baptist.
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
I have my own beliefs, and they do not belong under any religion title. I believe in some things from most religions, but I can not believe in one religion completely for some reason. Maybe it's because I watched to much of the Discovery and History channels while growing up.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Owl Identified
True, I'm from the northeast U.S.

I just find it so hard to believe that people wouldn't know ANY Muslims just because it's the second most popular religion world-wide behind Christianity. I mean, I obviously do believe it because ... more
I grew up in a suburb of Chicago and part of the time on the Northwest side of Chicago. Chicago, until recently, was populated mainly by Italian, Polish, German, Irish and Greek immigrants,(all Christian places) and a few isolated neighborhoods of Jewish people from Europe. Living in the Midwest, this was very common, until, probably the late 80s.

I never met a Muslim until I went to college, and I doubt I've met more than 2 or 3 real Rastafarians in my life. (College kids who wear black, green, yellow and red, try to Dread their blond hair with glue and listen to Bob Marley do not really count as real Rasta in my book. Most of them cut the dreads out of their hair when they graduate. I hope that doesn't offend anyone, I have simply never met a white person NOT from the Islands who really followed Rasta for more than a few years. Especially the women.)

Where I live now, there are a lot of Muslim people, one of my youngest children's best friends is a Muslim boy from Pakistan (and two the little girls she plays with are Hindu) and probably at least 30% of my clients are Muslim. But, those of us who are a little older and grew up in old fashioned "traditional" neighborhoods, really didn't run into anyone other than mainstream Christians and a few Jewish people until we were older and lived in more sophisticated and integrated areas or went to University.
Contributor: Kiskis2 Kiskis2
i love that John Lennon song "Imagine" and "God".. religion is as dirty as politics.. i try to be a good person without religion
Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I am a non practicing catholic. I am very spiritual though. I do pray and have faith, I just don't go to church itself.
Contributor: PuplePleasures PuplePleasures
Spiritual pagan.
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth Jessica Elizabeth
I'm an eclectic pagan; specifically I identify as a domestic witch.
Contributor: kermi91 kermi91
baptized catholic but definitely agnostic these days.
Contributor: Penguin Penguin
Contributor: Shumway Shumway
Originally posted by puffkix
I've seen quite a few polls regarding religion/spirituality and its impact on sex and sexuality, so I was wondering what sort of religious congregation we've got here.

I know there's a lot of religions out there but there's ... more
I was raised christian.. and am still a believer more or less.. but there's some glaring issues with the church and the brainwashing/controlli ng nature of the whole establishment, so I really don't agree with the "organized" aspect of religion.. but i do try to live according to certain strictures: don't lie, cheat, steal, and treat everyone the way I would like to be treated.