All three seconds of my first time was with a friendly hippie-girl I met in college. I felt pretty miserable afterwards for whatever reason and I feel worse now, knowing that I probably made her feel weird too. We got together a couple more times over the following few years and remained good friends, though.
At what age did you lose your virginity?
I was twenty and it was as part of a threesome believe it or not! Best first time ever!
I'm still a virgin!
But I masturbate a whole lot and know a heck of a lot more about sex stuff than most of my non-virgin friends!
But I masturbate a whole lot and know a heck of a lot more about sex stuff than most of my non-virgin friends!
Whaaaat that's pretty sick.
Originally posted by
I was twenty and it was as part of a threesome believe it or not! Best first time ever!
You're in good chronically masturbating company.
Originally posted by
I'm still a virgin!
But I masturbate a whole lot and know a heck of a lot more about sex stuff than most of my non-virgin friends!
But I masturbate a whole lot and know a heck of a lot more about sex stuff than most of my non-virgin friends!
I was 16 when I first had sex.
18 and 2 months
22 (almost 23). It was with my first (and last) girlfriend, the one I'm currently with and who I'm madly in love with! I was nervous as hell during our first time, but we had fooled around and dry humped and been on a few dates beforehand, so I knew that she was someone I would be comfortable with. She said I was better than I had thought--amazing even! I'm so happy that my first time was with her. That was almost 2 years ago. We couldn't be happier!
I was 19 and had dated a girl in college for awhile. We never did it, and kind of acting in revenge, I slept with a random bar hookup. Don't even remember her name now.
I was 16 and I married that man. (only now we are devorced after 9 years)
Originally posted by
I would define "losing ones virginity" as consenting to sexual intercourse. Feel free to elaborate or suggest otherwise.
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully ... more
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully ... more
I would define "losing ones virginity" as consenting to sexual intercourse. Feel free to elaborate or suggest otherwise.
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully there have not been similar posts. I checked. Thanks! (: less
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully there have not been similar posts. I checked. Thanks! (: less
i was 17 yrs old
I was 16 and a half. It was in my partner's house. Still in a relationship with him.
I was scared and assumed it would hurt, but it was actually super boring, ahah. We needed practice.
I was scared and assumed it would hurt, but it was actually super boring, ahah. We needed practice.
How is that possible?
Originally posted by
I'm still a virgin!
But I masturbate a whole lot and know a heck of a lot more about sex stuff than most of my non-virgin friends!
But I masturbate a whole lot and know a heck of a lot more about sex stuff than most of my non-virgin friends!
You just had a baby, but it was your first time?
Originally posted by
I was 18 and living with my boyfriend.
It was actually the first night I was there.
He was rather experienced and I was rather..not.
I don't particularly remember it hurting; of course I just had a baby, so I think sex for the first time ... more
It was actually the first night I was there.
He was rather experienced and I was rather..not.
I don't particularly remember it hurting; of course I just had a baby, so I think sex for the first time ... more
I was 18 and living with my boyfriend.
It was actually the first night I was there.
He was rather experienced and I was rather..not.
I don't particularly remember it hurting; of course I just had a baby, so I think sex for the first time couldn't even compare.
I didn't know what I was doing, so we stuck with missionary.
I think I liked it; I've had so much amazing sex since then that I barely remember my first time. less
It was actually the first night I was there.
He was rather experienced and I was rather..not.
I don't particularly remember it hurting; of course I just had a baby, so I think sex for the first time couldn't even compare.
I didn't know what I was doing, so we stuck with missionary.
I think I liked it; I've had so much amazing sex since then that I barely remember my first time. less
Alright...I was 16. That's a bit of an average age for people my age, but I had a lot of wanting before and know I would have gotten it if I weren't so scared of girls and picked up on the clues some of them sent me.
Awww. Haha poor guy.
Originally posted by
Ah! So funny, me too! My husband (then boyfriend) was just so traumatized by the whole thing he kept asking if I was alright for the next two or three days. Then, I finally got fed up with it and said "It was just sex!" and he moped for weeks.
around 18
I was 16 and it was a great experiance.
18yrs old
Originally posted by
I would define "losing ones virginity" as consenting to sexual intercourse. Feel free to elaborate or suggest otherwise.
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully ... more
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully ... more
I would define "losing ones virginity" as consenting to sexual intercourse. Feel free to elaborate or suggest otherwise.
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully there have not been similar posts. I checked. Thanks! (: less
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully there have not been similar posts. I checked. Thanks! (: less
He was 16 I was 18
My first time was amazing, it didn't hurt and it was the right moment for us. We hadn't been together for that long only, about four months, but I was so attracted to him that I couldn't help myself(the only guy I have been sexually attracted to)
It was late june and we where up in my boyfriends room. It was very romantic, the lights were off and we were kissing. He leaned in closer to me and pulled me towards him, I could feel that he was, lets say "excited".... so I unzippered his pants so that I could feel and I did... he was perfect, I was so wet and he was more concerend about our first time being pleasurable then forcing it into me so he could have his way, so between him fingering me and everything else my first time didn't hurt a bit and it was very enjoyable.
My first time was amazing, it didn't hurt and it was the right moment for us. We hadn't been together for that long only, about four months, but I was so attracted to him that I couldn't help myself(the only guy I have been sexually attracted to)
It was late june and we where up in my boyfriends room. It was very romantic, the lights were off and we were kissing. He leaned in closer to me and pulled me towards him, I could feel that he was, lets say "excited".... so I unzippered his pants so that I could feel and I did... he was perfect, I was so wet and he was more concerend about our first time being pleasurable then forcing it into me so he could have his way, so between him fingering me and everything else my first time didn't hurt a bit and it was very enjoyable.
It was amazing. Outdoors, in the most beautiful field. We'd been hooking up their during our lunch hour every day for a while. Then one day--and we were both on our periods!--we ended up doing things so exhausting and delicious that, cuddling afterwards, we decided we definitely weren't virgins now, whether or not we had been before.
when I was a freshman in college, I dated a great guy and we did everything except "go all the way." We even tried oral, but I had been assaulted when I was 16 so I was a little freaked about sex and intimacy in general. He was really a great introduction into being sexual. When I was 20 I met my husband. While we were dating, he put no pressure whatsoever for me to be sexual, have sex, etc. I was able to explore him, myself, and sex at my own pace, and the journey was really amazing. We actually waited to have PIV sex on our wedding night, but we put too much pressure on ourselves to have sex that it wasn't so great. Luckily, our awkward wedding night was really an isolated instance.
18 and she was 17 and still together
20, on new years eve. :]
That is one way to enter the new year alright!
Originally posted by
20, on new years eve. :]
I was 14 and it was not a good experience. I have told my daughter (now 15) all about in order to ensure her first time is the special moment that mine should have been x x x

i was 17, my girlfriend was 16, it was around july 4th weekend, 2005 i think, at my camp on a pond, it was great for a first time, so good we did it like 3 times that day
Originally posted by
I would define "losing ones virginity" as consenting to sexual intercourse. Feel free to elaborate or suggest otherwise.
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully ... more
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully ... more
I would define "losing ones virginity" as consenting to sexual intercourse. Feel free to elaborate or suggest otherwise.
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully there have not been similar posts. I checked. Thanks! (: less
Also, I would love to hear about your first experience. How was it? Where was it? Etc.
Er, hopefully there have not been similar posts. I checked. Thanks! (: less
i was 14