I married my first husband 2 months after I turned 18. guess how old he was at the time...wait for it.... wait for it... 44! Yes no lie I ran away two months after I turned 18 we had only been dating for about a month and he was 44 at the time. My mom and dad were so mad at me.
is it okay for an 18 year old girl to date a 32 year old guy?
Meh kinda against it but she's 18 so..... oh well
I'm going to go out on a limb and say in majority of cases, one or both partners are in a relationship like this for the wrong reasons. They can work for a select few, but I'd venture to say probably not often at all.
I think back to when I was 18 not so many years ago - I have always dated older guys, but not significantly so, 5 or so years, for the maturity factor. I grew up quickly and much before I should have, and didn't find guys my age (or friends for that matter) came close to matching me at where I was in life. But there comes a certain point where I would expect someone to be much beyond where I was, and I'd have to question why in their 30's their life's direction was still matching up with that of an 18 year old's. I did date a man 9 years older, and I ended up leaving because I was still the mature one in the relationship.
I think back to when I was 18 not so many years ago - I have always dated older guys, but not significantly so, 5 or so years, for the maturity factor. I grew up quickly and much before I should have, and didn't find guys my age (or friends for that matter) came close to matching me at where I was in life. But there comes a certain point where I would expect someone to be much beyond where I was, and I'd have to question why in their 30's their life's direction was still matching up with that of an 18 year old's. I did date a man 9 years older, and I ended up leaving because I was still the mature one in the relationship.
youre both legal but why date somebody who isnt nice
Originally posted by
my best friend.....ugh...i don't think i'd mind quite as much as i do if he wasn't a dick to me...but still what do you think?
As long as it's legal, it's fine by me.
that is wayyyyy too much of a difference, he is a bit off if he can't find a girl closer to his age!!!
Originally posted by
I'm not going to say it's never going to work but an 18 year old who still doesn't know what she wants out of life shouldn't really be dating a 32 year old. Or older.
I voted yes, but it really depends on the people. I would guess most of these types of relationships won't last, but some do. When I was 18 I dated a guy much older than me, and it eventually ended because I was never fully comfortable with the age gap. But he and I actually did have a lot more in common than other guys I've dated since, who were closer to my age.
I would wonder if he has something wrong with him that grown women his age are not into. Why does he want someone that young? Maybe because she doesn't see things the more mature women see?
Originally posted by
my best friend.....ugh...i don't think i'd mind quite as much as i do if he wasn't a dick to me...but still what do you think?
I wouldn't.
It depends if he is also a dick to her, but I wouldn't accept my partner to be a dick to my friends either. If she's really okay with it, then it's no problem. Still, from personal experience, it bugs me.
I identify as a man, but live a a woman.
A lot of older guys insist an awful lot on me to date them... since I'm 12. WTF? When I tell them I don't want to, they don't listen and insist, and one told me when I was 15 that it's because of me that men are alone and sad, like I owe them something. Whatever the reason for not wanting to date them is, well they should go the fuck away and not insist.
Now it's not that I think it is bad to date someone much older or younger, but I noticed in the medias that when the older guy started it, it's perfectly accepted they're just seen as superficial, but when a younger woman or teenager ask an older guy out she's always portrayed as immature, not very smart and all, her wanting to date this older guy being the proof of it. It's also portrayed as if most teenage girls want to date older men. Let me doubt, I only ever knew ONE teenage girl who wanted to and dated an older man, yet older men keep asking me and my cisgender lady friends.
Yet if a younger woman just *asked*, it'd be seen as immature and most of all wrong, but they can insist all they want. It's kind of insulting.
Once I told someone to ask a guy to stop bugging me. I was 17. Guess what they told him? That he shouldn't bug me because I was a little girl.
What about me not wanting to even talk to him? No, because I was immature, yet when I specifically say I wouldn't be comfortable because of the age difference (and I'm not comfortable about the age difference, because when older men started I was fucking 12) it's seen as bullshit.
Also nobody actually told them to stop bugging me because I was a child when I could actually still be called one and still saw myself as a child.
My anger was also never thought of as serious and taken seriously.
I identify as a man, but live a a woman.
A lot of older guys insist an awful lot on me to date them... since I'm 12. WTF? When I tell them I don't want to, they don't listen and insist, and one told me when I was 15 that it's because of me that men are alone and sad, like I owe them something. Whatever the reason for not wanting to date them is, well they should go the fuck away and not insist.
Now it's not that I think it is bad to date someone much older or younger, but I noticed in the medias that when the older guy started it, it's perfectly accepted they're just seen as superficial, but when a younger woman or teenager ask an older guy out she's always portrayed as immature, not very smart and all, her wanting to date this older guy being the proof of it. It's also portrayed as if most teenage girls want to date older men. Let me doubt, I only ever knew ONE teenage girl who wanted to and dated an older man, yet older men keep asking me and my cisgender lady friends.
Yet if a younger woman just *asked*, it'd be seen as immature and most of all wrong, but they can insist all they want. It's kind of insulting.
Once I told someone to ask a guy to stop bugging me. I was 17. Guess what they told him? That he shouldn't bug me because I was a little girl.
What about me not wanting to even talk to him? No, because I was immature, yet when I specifically say I wouldn't be comfortable because of the age difference (and I'm not comfortable about the age difference, because when older men started I was fucking 12) it's seen as bullshit.
Also nobody actually told them to stop bugging me because I was a child when I could actually still be called one and still saw myself as a child.
My anger was also never thought of as serious and taken seriously.
Half your age plus seven is the creep rule. 18 does not make the cut, in this case.
I voted other. I go back and forth on this one. I've been with men much older than me when I was 18, 19, and 20. When my little sister dated an older guy when she was younger it upset me (mainly b/c it was illegal). When she was legal and dated another guy 10 years older, I didn't care. I'd been there. Here's where I'm a flip flopper. My uncle is a 43 year old man who habitually dates young women. Apparently he's been with the most recent chick (she's 23) for nearly a year. It bothers the hell out of me. Mainly b/c I know he's a dog. He's been married multiple times to women closer to his age and it never works out. In fact when I see him with younger women I get disgusted. Not with the girl, but with him. If people are happy and the age difference is huge, I'm not going to jump their shit. It's not my place and I'm happy for them. I just get mixed feelings sometimes. Same goes for a younger guy with an older chick.
That is a bit weird. it could work but most 18year olds I know aren't mature enough fora 32 year old man, so i think that is a little strange. Unless he is super immature or just looking for a summer fling.
When I was 18, I dated older guys. My maturity level was more than the guys my age. Now that I am older, I go for the younger guys. I'm the thing that comes AFTER cougar.

I think your comment is spot on.
Originally posted by
I'm not going to say it's never going to work but an 18 year old who still doesn't know what she wants out of life shouldn't really be dating a 32 year old. Or older.
I realize everyone's experience is different and who am I to tell another person what to do, but it makes me uncomfortable.
First of all, 18 is high school age, generally speaking. I was in my first year of college so my studies were my focus. I was in a relationship with someone close to my age that was ready to settle down and it freaked me out, I can't imagine how disconcerting it would be coming from a 32 yr old. (assuming he's looking to marry)
I've been fending off blatant sexual advances from older men most of my life, to the point where any man that is significantly older than I am is perceived as a threat, from elderly homeless men to my college professors. Even polite dinner invites or minor flirting from an older guy raises my hackles.
That being said, I advise honesty and caution in matters of the heart, regardless of age. It obviously wouldn't work for me, but from the success stories on this thread it works for some!
First of all, 18 is high school age, generally speaking. I was in my first year of college so my studies were my focus. I was in a relationship with someone close to my age that was ready to settle down and it freaked me out, I can't imagine how disconcerting it would be coming from a 32 yr old. (assuming he's looking to marry)
I've been fending off blatant sexual advances from older men most of my life, to the point where any man that is significantly older than I am is perceived as a threat, from elderly homeless men to my college professors. Even polite dinner invites or minor flirting from an older guy raises my hackles.
That being said, I advise honesty and caution in matters of the heart, regardless of age. It obviously wouldn't work for me, but from the success stories on this thread it works for some!
It all depends on where each person is at in their life. Age isn't the determiner so much as the maturity level. I am 19 with a 42 year old. It originally started off purely sexual, and we acknowledged that and it wasn't a problem. But then we clicked, and it just works. But part of that is because I am not in the typical place of a 19 year old. I lived a hectic childhood, I've had to persevere things most 19 year olds don't have to, I've already moved across the country on my own. It depends on the people. But society's rules of what is or is not okay is a load of crap, because I can assure you I can NOT relate with other people my age, no matter how hard I have tried.
I'm indifferent on this.
Well, it depends but I tend to doubt that it's going to end well. That's a big gap.
If both parties are comfortable, consenting, and have equal distribution of power in the relationship, then there really isn't a problem that I can see.