How do you feel about gay marriage?

Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Love is Love plain and simple. No details needed.
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
I remember a few years ago seeing something about voting for or against gay marriage, and I just thought that I would hate to have someone tell me I could not marry the person I loved, even though I am straight. Now that my brother has come out and is very happy to be gay, I support gay marriage 100%.
Contributor: Shaelote Shaelote
Originally posted by Sweet-Justice
Love is Love plain and simple. No details needed.
I think if we all adopted this viewpoint, the world would be a lot simpler - and a lot better.
Contributor: Dame Demi Dame Demi
Originally posted by happeegrl03
LOL. I love that episode of Law & Order.
I love Jack McCoy, even though I'm several opposite sides of the political fence. I'd do Sam Waterston in a second.
Contributor: Dame Demi Dame Demi
Ok, several corrections of common misconceptions and one BIG question in this post:

Regarding the Roman Catholic Church, I believe it was Backseat Boohoo(?) whose gradfather was excommunicated for marrying a Protestant who would not convert. It was probbly true in our grandparents' time, but the Catholic Church has changed its position regarding marrying members of another faith. Catholics are free to marry non-Catholics with little difficulty, PROVIDED they agree to raise any offspring from the union in the Catholic Church. It's not a great improvement, but beats excommunication.

Also, the Church has now scantified having sex simply for pleasure, and not only with the purposes of conceiving children. You're still not allowed to PREVENT conception, but it doesn't have to be the only reason to have sex, if medical conditions or something make conceiving unlikely. I believe couples who are physically incapable of having children can still get married in the Church, but it requires a special dispensation from the Vatican; I suppose, theoretically, miracles can happen if it's God's will or something. The Catholic Church can and will grant an annullment it, at any time, either member of the couple claims they never intended to have children.

I've been married 17 years (for now), but since I was married by a Justice of the Peace, my marriage is not sanctioned by the Church, and I've been living in sin for all these years. Well, in addition to my generally sinful existence. Plus, we never intended to have children, so my heterosexual marriage is not only not acknowledged by, but considered sinful, by the Catholic Church.

Actually, I answered my own BIG question by doing just a little research. I was confused regarding how consummation applies in gay marriages. I was under the impression that a marriage was not officially legal until it was consummated, and that the definition of "consummation" was still the first instance of post-marital sexual intercourse, legally defined as penile penetration of the vagina. Apparently, though, the legality of marriage is now based upon consent, not consummation. Sorry--I think PA, where I grew up--was pretty far behind the curve regarding sexual laws and definitions. HOPEFULLY it's changed by now, but if I remember correctly, when I was 21, anything EXCEPT the male penis penetrating the vagina, from a face-to-face position in which the man was 'on top,' was actually illegal.
Contributor: PuplePleasures PuplePleasures
I'm all for same sex marriage.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I can sum up my opinion in one sentance.

Yay for Gay!
Contributor: Phoenix713 Phoenix713
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I was reading over at the SF Gate this morning (cuz that's where my favorite columnist writes. Have you checked out Mark Morford? link You should. He's smart and funny and snarky as hell and I want to have insane sex with his brain) and, ... more
I totally agree that it should be legal.
Contributor: C4ss C4ss
I'm all for it.
I believe you have the right to choose who you want to marry and it doesn't matter if that person is a man or a woman as long as you love him or her.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. - The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, July 1776

It is unconstitutional for homosexual marriage to be illegal and it is dispicable that in the year 2010 we still believe that we can inflict standards and customs of law based on religious pretexts from a God we have not proven nor disproven exists. I have never seen a valid or logical argument against gay marriage that wasn't based on a homophobic view point. And it's even more ridiculous that the Federal government does not trump state law and tell politicians (who we're finding out consist of a large number of closeted homosexuals) to get over themselves and allow marriage for everyone. To deny marriage because of orientation is absolutely ridiculous and will not impact the sanctity of heterosexual marriage. Having a hetero relationship does not make one a speshul snowflaque and having a homosexual relationship does not mean you are a threat to any one or anything. I suppose if the argument against it is driven by financial and consumerism concerns - guess what homosexuals can adopt children! Tada! New generations of consumers.

*walks away grumbling and shaking her head*
Contributor: Destri Destri
Good lord, I can't understand why this is even still an issue. Of course gays should be allowed to marry. They are human beings, they are in love, and isn't that all that is needed for a good marriage? They deserve all the legal and financial benefits that any other couple gets.

Is it really right to discriminate against any segment of our population? Let's get into the 21st century here, people.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by Destri
Good lord, I can't understand why this is even still an issue. Of course gays should be allowed to marry. They are human beings, they are in love, and isn't that all that is needed for a good marriage? They deserve all the legal and ... more
I agree with every thing except "...they are in love and isn't that all that's needed for a good marriage...". No, no that's not the only thing needed for a good marriage. The fact remains, no one should be able to decide that orientation is a factor for what constitutes a good marriage.
Contributor: Porfiriato Porfiriato
Homophobia is the last socially acceptable prejudice. Society no longer accepts blatent racism or sexism (though they both still exist), but it tolerates homophobia.

Of course gay marriage should be legalized. Of course gays should be allowed to openly serve in the military. We should be far beyond this sort of prejudice.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by Porfiriato
Homophobia is the last socially acceptable prejudice. Society no longer accepts blatent racism or sexism (though they both still exist), but it tolerates homophobia.

Of course gay marriage should be legalized. Of course gays should be allowed ... more
We fear those things that which we do not understand.

It's terrible.
Contributor: Shaelote Shaelote
Originally posted by Porfiriato
Homophobia is the last socially acceptable prejudice. Society no longer accepts blatent racism or sexism (though they both still exist), but it tolerates homophobia.

Of course gay marriage should be legalized. Of course gays should be allowed ... more
Yes. This. I don't understand how one marriage can cheapen another, regardless of who's getting married. It's a word. Let it be.
Contributor: mariah mariah
im a christian and love jesus.. but love is love.. let them be.. go get married! go be happy! and love!
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Completely for it!
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I feel that if someone wants to do it, they should be allowed to do it. It's not my thing, but neither is strawberry pie. Just because I won't eat strawberry pie doesn't mean everyone else should avoid it.
Contributor: Gallowraven Gallowraven
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I was reading over at the SF Gate this morning (cuz that's where my favorite columnist writes. Have you checked out Mark Morford? link You should. He's smart and funny and snarky as hell and I want to have insane sex with his brain) and, ... more
no matter which way it ends up going, I feel that homosexuality does not make you any less of a person, and thus you should have every right to marry who you choose. whether it be someone of the same gender or not. through history african americans, as well as women were all given equal rights, why not give homosexual people the right to marry?
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I was reading over at the SF Gate this morning (cuz that's where my favorite columnist writes. Have you checked out Mark Morford? link You should. He's smart and funny and snarky as hell and I want to have insane sex with his brain) and, ... more
HA HA!!!! "You want to have insane sex with his brain."

I love it!!!!!

My bottom line about it all... to each their own.

But I look at it like this...

Years ago a woman had to be married otherwise society frowned upon her, calling her all sorts of names that in my opinion, are pretty insulting. Now... it is quite accepted that women do not marry. Or that women have more than one sexual partner.

In time... when maybe my parents generation is totally in retirement will it be widely accepted. But I have beleif and hope that it will be throughout the world accepted sooner rather than later.
Contributor: inbarati inbarati
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I was reading over at the SF Gate this morning (cuz that's where my favorite columnist writes. Have you checked out Mark Morford? link You should. He's smart and funny and snarky as hell and I want to have insane sex with his brain) and, ... more
I just said this exact thing in a post about women going topless, but when a law excludes one group from rights that everyone else has, that's discrimination. End of story.

When the pilgrims first came to North America, their code of laws said that marriage was a civil institution, and religion was not a part of it.

That did not change until after the Civil War, when the laws were changed to punish the slaves and exclude a new wave of Asian immigrants.

It's 2011, not 1865. We should be better than that by now, surely?
Contributor: MissMod MissMod
There is both a state marriage and a marriage sanctioned by a church. Marriages under the state should be equal for all
Contributor: inbarati inbarati
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I was reading over at the SF Gate this morning (cuz that's where my favorite columnist writes. Have you checked out Mark Morford? link You should. He's smart and funny and snarky as hell and I want to have insane sex with his brain) and, ... more

I thought this link might be good for informational purposes, here.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
All for it, no questions asked.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
I'm totally for it. It is so hard to take the arguments against seriously when you look at how many hetero marriages are anything but what it is argued marriage "should" be.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
so many for it votes, love it
Contributor: EvaChangeN EvaChangeN
Whatever makes people happy
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
I'm all for gay marriage.
Contributor: Mr.Skillfu Mr.Skillfu
Gay couples should have the right to be misrable just like the rest of us...
Contributor: ninaspinkturtle ninaspinkturtle
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I was reading over at the SF Gate this morning (cuz that's where my favorite columnist writes. Have you checked out Mark Morford? link You should. He's smart and funny and snarky as hell and I want to have insane sex with his brain) and, ... more
i say go for it