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Sexuality is a very personal thing and a lot of us have grown up in homes where sex was shameful or done as a wifely duty or just never talked about at all. Or, even worse still - it was something that was used as a weapon in the
Sexuality is a very personal thing and a lot of us have grown up in homes where sex was shameful or done as a wifely duty or just never talked about at all. Or, even worse still - it was something that was used as a weapon in the relationships that were supposed to be models for our own behaviors.
For those of us who were lucky enough to have parents that engaged us in conversation on the matter, the road to adulthood and expressing our sexuality came a little easier.
For many of us it was difficult to get over the negative things we learned about sex as we were growing up and it seems that we have a large community here that has decided enough is enough and did something about it.
When do you think it was that you were able to declare your sexual independence and express yourself honestly and openly in the bedroom?
Do you have any advice for those who still do not feel comfortable with expressing their desires?
I have always been open and honest in the bedroom...ever since becoming 1st involved as a teenager! My mom raised me to speak my mind and claim my sexuality proudly, so I am lucky that way. My only advice for those that have trouble expressing themselves is that you just have to do it. Life is short and pleasure can be hard to come by on this planet. Grab it and take it and give it. Don't be worried about what the other person/persons think as chances are they are more worried about what you are thinking of them!