Harry Potter Vs. Twilight

Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Inspired from the above quote...I decided to see what has a bigger fan base on EF.

Which one are you a bigger fan of?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Harry Potter Series
~LaUr3n~ , DeliciousSurprise , Trashley , the bedroom blogger , Love Buzz , Selective Sensualist , Melissa221 , ToyTimeTim , BBW Talks Toys , Porfiriato , El-Jaro , Emma (Girl With Fire) , PussyGalore , Chilipepper , 00 , CanMan , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , PassionQT , Anne Ardeur , ToyGeek , Airekah , Alicia , Blu , Andromeda , Envy , Coralbell , gone77 , Alan & Michele , qspark , Kindred , nolongerhere , lexical , Waterfall , StrawberryEve , Tart , Kimbertrees , Shumway , Red Vinyl Kitty , B8trDude , Miss Morphine , Libra , Naughty Student , menotu , wolf's lil red temptation , potstickers , mariah , Elias McLovin , SomewhatSomewhere , Darling Jen , Not here , ellejay , Lizabeth , northstar , moonch1ld , Persephone's Addiction , KnK , VieuxCarre , NawlinsDawlin , Keegski , Crystal1 , Bunnycups , Hot'n'Bothered , Eliza , seaofneptune , Angel deSanguine , Alys , Krysia , rdytogo , MR Chickhabit , VenusianThunder , Beaners , IndependentlyHappy , Vaccinium , softcoeur , REDRUM , Miss Cinnamon , LavenderSkies , Destri , Sin Secret , sixfootsex , Miss Madeline , Mistress M. , loveshocks , Adam02viper , Stephanie Marie , tigerkate , honeybee7484 , mystepmotherisafish , Totogrl , Lily Night , Taylor Von , Valentinka , -Spiro- , slynch , markeagleone , CSEA , Kaltir , PiratePrincess , zeebot , phunkyphreak , beeauctie2 , idunshire , Astia , Daniel & Brittany , Gary , Lucidity , SaucyMan , KrystalFayeO , BadgersRose , Upskirt , MaryExy , Lio , Lady Marmelade , Seharra , sexygoddess , mama2007 , purplekidney , chidoll , bluekaren , littlezimmey , eggiweg , mariedoll , cobiffle , missdizzy , 0 , alliegator , Akira , Smitty , sbon , Howells , Fullbeauty , toxie m , tim1724 , GravyCakes , Ashley:) , Ms. Paprika , Stagger13 , Ms. Spice , Boss Lady , CharlieBrown , tickle me pink , The Curious Couple , Errant Venture , brittany8612 , Scott Ghost , irishlove , Alyxx , Bonesdance , FETIS , lick123 , SiNn , Kkay , Rin (aka Nire) , ily , allehcat , aliceinthehole , Starkiller87 , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Beck , cheetahpita , Omakosuri , Halfthere , EnMH , Peggi , eeep , dawnkye , Horny & Holy , Maiden , CAKES , LaSchwartz , LoveDove , hyacinthgirl , Mihoshi4301 , ThoughtsAblaze , (k)InkyIvy , EnterTheFist , NarcissisticLust , Lola Park , CoffeeCup , lacybutton , mmike , spineyogurt , Tangles , corsetsaurus rex , SexysaurousRex , MistressDandelion , Gone (LD29) , ejrbrndps , sweetiejo , Deeder , catsin , lustylusty , roskat , FriskyInFlorida , Lady of the Lab , BlooJay , ksparkles16 , HippieFeet , mmmmm , HarlequinBunnie , pootpootpoot , PeachPunch , kittenfacery , pirkit , threesidedorchid , RuMaRo34 , sumie , BoobCopter , SilverIsis , Phoenix67 , JennSenn , Owl , brevado , True Pleasures , panthercat23 , Lildrummrgurl7 , Nacht Stern , sexxxkitten , Andrey2052 , Synthete , discotits , RatchetS , A.S. , Loubelle , istas , marshmallow , usforever , Allstars316 , hanjonatan , Ice1 , Mikemanz , RabidPizza , apryls , meitman , ThunderThighs
235  (77%)
Twilight Saga
Pleasure Piratess , Taylor , ZenaidaMacroura , GeekWife , leatherlover , staceejaxxx , kawigrl , RubenesqueAna , *HisMrs* , cnspots , SexFeind22 , Miss Jenn , tffnyandrs , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , sexyhellokitty , Choolz , TheSinDoll , Ajax , *Ashley* , Curves , Latsyrc728 , padmeamidala , AMGuidroz , AOutrajus , kelaaa33wish , Kdlips , MIRA , Harpina is gone , inmytoybox , laroc nite (Tina) , rosythorn , Mariehoney , Mrs.Cruz , Moniqua
34  (11%)
Neither, I don't like either of them.
darthkitt3n , J's Alley , Lady Venus , LikeSunshineDust , Kim! , popples , Hallmar82 , AU , lamira , null , Jobthingy , Michelle Menace , firekitten , Cream in the Cupcake , dv8 , EvaChangeN , Eden C. , married with children , wetone123 , skunked , southern woman , Missmarc , mpfm , ViVix , Rey , lulz , Scrawberry78 , Geogeo , dionysus lux , Cat E. , CaliGirl , himynameissteph , Living Doll , Pandwhora , llellsee
35  (12%)
Total votes: 304
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Yeah buddy! I think I might have to unfollow all Twilight lovers. HP for life!
Contributor: Love Buzz Love Buzz
Harry Potter kicks twilights ass!

Maybe they should come out with a harry potter wand... I mean theres a twilight Vamp dildo!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Wow overwhelming lead so far.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Love Buzz
Harry Potter kicks twilights ass!

Maybe they should come out with a harry potter wand... I mean theres a twilight Vamp dildo!
They turned the Nimbus 2000 vibrating broom into a female sextoy phenomenon lol
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
I like both of them for different reasons. I've never understood the competition for the most fans. People can like more than one thing.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
What is Twilight?
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I've admittedly never read or seen any Harry Potter anything. I've read and seen Twilight though and the movies are horrible.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I like both series, but I'm a far bigger HP fan. Like to the point where I will go to a midnight screening, dressed in matching shirts with my friends, and come up with trivia questions to have the audience answer....

(And this last movie was PHENOMENAL, btw)

I liked the Twilight books, much to my own chagrin (I really didn't want to like the books but was surprisingly entertained)... the movies are pretty bad, but I have to admit that the Eclipse movie was much better than Twilight and New Moon and I'm curious to see how well they finish the series with Breaking Dawn. However, Breaking Dawn was my least favorite book (with two major plot points seemingly separate from one another smooshed into one big book).

But as much as I liked Twilight, I would never go to the lengths I go to for HP for anything Twilight related. I also think that HP was better written and better interpreted to screen (with MUCH better actors). Also, the story in Harry Potter is far more classic (good vs evil) with far more compelling characters (I hate Bella, she's actually my least favorite character in the books).

Sorry, didn't mean to write a dissertation on HP vs. Twilight.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I dislike both Harry Potter and Twilight. I am not much of a fantasy magic type of fan, and I just feel Twilight is a travesty. It takes Bram Stoker's, the author of Dracula, idea and just turns it into something that makes very little sense and appeals to girls with a love for those smutty romance novels.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
In October, ABC Family was showing Halloweentown about a bazillion times a week. Feeling nostalgic, I decided to watch it again for the first time in 15 years.

The similarities between Harry Potter and Halloweentown are pretty obvious. Flying buses that create their own stops based on the witch/warlock's location...then there are the similarities between HP and Hocus Pocus and a whole slew of other Walt Disney films and Roald Dahl books...

I'm over Harry Potter with their eight movie franchise and seven book boxed sets that cost $200 a piece and Twilight is so poorly written, I myself have considered the fortune I could make off of my own stories.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Twilight is a rip-off of the World of Darkness RPG. I have flashbacks of playing 'Vampire: the Masquerade' every time I see something related to it - teenagers pretending to be badasses and their dramas will make or break the World.

I got over being a teenager a long time ago.

Anyway, best description I ever heard about Twilight: "It's about a depressed girl trying to decide if she wants to have sex with a corpse or a dog."
Contributor: CanMan CanMan
Its gotta be Harry Potter!
Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
I'll go with Harry Potter, even though I refuse to read books 6 and up. Personal Reasons!

Plus the movies have Emma Watson, and I have had a crush on that chick for ever (We are nearly the same age.. like a year or so in difference). Not a crazy stalker crush, more along the lines of I think she is beautiful and talented and thats about it.
Contributor: Pleasure Piratess Pleasure Piratess
I don't really know....... I like them both. But I think that quote is clearly by someone who is biased. In fact, I would be surprised if they have ever even read the books if that is all they got out of it.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Pleasure Piratess
I don't really know....... I like them both. But I think that quote is clearly by someone who is biased. In fact, I would be surprised if they have ever even read the books if that is all they got out of it.
I would agree. It's not about whether or not she has a boyfriend... it's just a supernatural romance and that's OK... there doesn't have to be a morality tale or epic good vs evil in every fantasy novel! Just most of them...
Contributor: Anne Ardeur Anne Ardeur
I don't know that I'd consider myself a Harry Potter "fan", per se, but I liked the books more than I did the Twilight series.

I enjoyed the first Twilight book as a bit of light reading, but after that they went downhill. Rowling at least managed to keep my interest through book 6.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I'm a pretty big Harry Potter fan, and Twilight was . . . okay, I guess, if you like that sort of thing. I don't get why they get compared. One is a quest type saga, and the other is an emo teenage romance.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by ToyGeek
I'm a pretty big Harry Potter fan, and Twilight was . . . okay, I guess, if you like that sort of thing. I don't get why they get compared. One is a quest type saga, and the other is an emo teenage romance.
"I don't get why they get compared. One is a quest type saga, and the other is an emo teenage romance."

Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Love Buzz
Harry Potter kicks twilights ass!

Maybe they should come out with a harry potter wand... I mean theres a twilight Vamp dildo!
It'd be "Nothing special, just 10 inches."

That's only funny if you saw the newest movie.
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
I love Harry Potter and I like Twilight but Twilight will never be as good as Harry Potter.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I'm a bigger fan of Harry Potter then I am Twilight, though I did like the Twilight books. Thing with the Twilight books and movies is that they have to be taken for what they are. They're meant for kids and teens and that shows. It's not nearly as well written as Harry Potter, but either are a lot of books meant for that age range. It was never intended to be literary gold, they're just fun books for teens. If the books are taken too seriously then they're of course going to seem silly and stupid.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I've only read the first book of each series and haven't seen any of the HP movies and I saw the first two twilight movies. So I wouldn't say I'm a hardcore fan or anything.

I do like Twilight better, but I really like cheesy teen romances, and I've never really liked action movies. I tend to like movies that other people think are terrible though lol
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
Ok, my vote isn't totally true. BUT...Although I love the books, the Twilight movies have ruined them. As far as acting...Harry Potter...Kristen Stewart may be the worst actress I have ever seen.
Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
I voted for Twilight just because I've never seen the Harry Potter movies and didn't mind the Twilight books, though the movies were horrible. I just saw the first HP movie last night. My boyfriend loves them and wants to see the new one in theaters, so we're kind of having an HP marathon so I can catch up and see them with him.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by ZenaidaMacroura
I voted for Twilight just because I've never seen the Harry Potter movies and didn't mind the Twilight books, though the movies were horrible. I just saw the first HP movie last night. My boyfriend loves them and wants to see the new one in ... more
After you watch the movies, you should go back and read the books. I would start with the 3rd book on because, although there is good information in the first two books, the 3rd book is where it starts to "grow up" a bit and the movies are pretty accurate as far as pertinent info. The books are actually really good.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by sarahbear
I like both of them for different reasons. I've never understood the competition for the most fans. People can like more than one thing.
This isn't a competition. It's a poll. I asked what you like MORE. If you can't choose, I understand. No worries.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by PussyGalore
In October, ABC Family was showing Halloweentown about a bazillion times a week. Feeling nostalgic, I decided to watch it again for the first time in 15 years.

The similarities between Harry Potter and Halloweentown are pretty obvious. Flying ... more
That is really interesting! I loved that movie when I was younger, but don't remember it much now.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I like both, but I like Harry Potter more. Twilight is more of a guilty pleasure for me.
Contributor: Envy Envy
HP all the way, and I hate Twilight.