Harry Potter Vs. Twilight

Contributor: EvaChangeN EvaChangeN
Let me think....ummm, glitter or overly fake CGI....teens never getting another movie role, or uhhhh teens never getting another movie role. I would rather sleep. lol
Contributor: beeauctie2 beeauctie2
harry harry harry
Contributor: Astia Astia
HP fo life

Been on board since book one
Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Inspired from the above quote...I decided to see what has a bigger fan base on EF. Which one are you a bigger fan of?
Twilighty ruined vampires for me! maybe forever! they burn in the sun they dn't SPARKLE! Andrew Futral worded it well, Harry Potter is a great novel series written by a Great writer. Twilight is a Fiasco directed at lonely teenage girls who want to feel even though there an outcast theres a vampire out there for the somewhere, and a wherewolf who wants to fight the vamp for them... RUINED I SAY!
Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
What is Twilight?
Sir you just went up 5 points in my coolness ranking...

Contributor: Gary Gary
I really like Harry Potter... Twilight, not so much.
Contributor: SaucyMan SaucyMan
HP is grossly overrated, I feel, but your quote rings true. It was quite pathetic, I feel, how that woman absolutely needed that guy in the twilight series.
Contributor: KrystalFayeO KrystalFayeO
that made me literally laugh out loud
Contributor: BadgersRose BadgersRose
I actually like both of the series.

The romantic in me like Twilight and the magic lover in me like Harry.

So it was a really hard choice in the end I voted for Harry.
Contributor: Upskirt Upskirt
I read both. Harry Potter wins by FAR. Also, I hate Kristen Stewart..so I saw the first movie and haven't seen any since..
Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Originally posted by Upskirt
I read both. Harry Potter wins by FAR. Also, I hate Kristen Stewart..so I saw the first movie and haven't seen any since..
Don't we all hate Kristen Stewart? I wanna slap her in tha face with my 18" purple cock!

This Purple Cock, the 18 incher not the 12!
Contributor: Curves Curves
i hate that people compare the two. they are completely different books about completely different things, and they are both great in their own right.

i feel like alot of people hate twilight because it's "the cool thing to do", and most of them haven't even read it.
Contributor: Seharra Seharra
Harry Potter, hands down.
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
I never could stand Twilight.. ever.
Contributor: Latsyrc728 Latsyrc728
i want to pick both! I went with Twilight just because it is more emotional to me. I love HP though too. : )
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Inspired from the above quote...I decided to see what has a bigger fan base on EF. Which one are you a bigger fan of?
ive never watched Twilight lol i do not like vampires cuz they r not real soooooooooooo Harry Potter!
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
Harry Potter was at least well-written, if for a youngish audience. Twilight was just half-assed.
Contributor: chidoll chidoll
Harry Potter series, 100%. I've read the Twilight books (painful doesn't even begin to describe it >_<) but I refuse to see the movies. The books are... just... augh. So, so much bad. Even looking past the horrible characterisation and poor excuse for a plot, knowing the things it's teaching little girls who read them makes me so sad.
Contributor: bluekaren bluekaren
I have read both series and I enjoyed Harry Potter so much more. The depth of characters and "world" blows twilight out of the water. Watching the movies, the Harry Potter series looks so childish. Twilight series of books were just as poorly written as the movies.
Contributor: littlezimmey littlezimmey
I like both series but for completely different reasons. Harry Potter has an actual message and idea behind it where as, like the original posted quote said, Twilight's about having a boyfriend. Both are good reads in my opinion but for actual literary basis, HP takes the cake.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Daniel & Brittany
Don't we all hate Kristen Stewart? I wanna slap her in tha face with my 18" purple cock!

This Purple Cock, the 18 incher not the 12!
I hate Kristen Stewart in THESE movies. I really liked her in The Runaways and in The Cake Eaters.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Inspired from the above quote...I decided to see what has a bigger fan base on EF. Which one are you a bigger fan of?
I never got into Harry Potter. Just wasn't interested. I did like the Twilight movies though.
Contributor: mariedoll mariedoll
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
Harry potter will always be better
Contributor: missdizzy missdizzy
No competition - HP all the way.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
HP has such a fantastical world, and when it first came out I was in the target age group. I may have liked Twilight if I had started reading it when I was twelve. Now, when I real paranormal romance, I want it more adult
Contributor: AOutrajus AOutrajus
i like both but i only like the twilight books i hate the movies.
Contributor: Smitty Smitty
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Inspired from the above quote...I decided to see what has a bigger fan base on EF. Which one are you a bigger fan of?
I agree with that quote. I refuse to watch or read Twilight because I've read this abridged script from The Editing Room and I think it says all you need to know.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
i like both
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
Inspired from the above quote...I decided to see what has a bigger fan base on EF. Which one are you a bigger fan of?
personally, i can't stand twilight.