What weird-looking guy do you still totally want to have sex with?

Contributor: The Bloggess The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself please.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Eddie Izzard in full drag
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Miss Cinnamon , Victoria , Rockin' , Backseat Boohoo , Cenobyte B , Stephanie Lenz , beanmom , Oggins , Miss Grace , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Awry , Victoria Ashton , karayigitkizi , Angela Goetsch Weber , Meghan Elison , mmm yesss , Jenna Bremer , Lauryn Culnane , Kate Hughes , Ethel Ty , Lissa Brown , Heather Smith , Katie King , newblog2 , WaxingSarah , Ctina1973 , bunky , tairneanach , LicentiouslyYours , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , anerdnamedjen , Kitty MacAlpine , Laccaria , Wynn , Amy Scalf Roundtree , imp , Danzig ate your mother , mivox , MojoMagic , Becky_K , Ciao. , Beth D , joja , buzzvibe , clp , Madeira , CanMan , PussyGalore , RosesThorns , BadassFatass , dv8 , M121212 , GONE! , Sapphires13 , Greenleaf , tufails , GurlNxtDoor , vicdaen , Diaz Grace Alexander , iragenustik , DaisyHunter , mythologicalMayhem , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , Viviennevavoom , Rhiamon , Valeria H. Vers , Elizabeth Kyllingstad , Stinkytofu10 , AlianneCimorene , KrissyNovacaine , Gone (LD29) , Intrepid Niddering , Robespierrethecat , Nissa Nissa , amazon , Silverwinds
Alan Rickman
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Miss Cinnamon , Mommy Needs Therapy , Viv , Backseat Boohoo , Rufina , Stephanie Lenz , Adriana Ravenlust , beanmom , Oggins , Jaded , Awry , Victoria Ashton , Angela Goetsch Weber , Krissy Kringle , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , Allison King , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Kelly Blair , Kat Hogan , Lissa Brown , Heather Smith , Miss Milk , Nancy White , baltimoregal , newblog2 , highfiredanger , WaxingSarah , Natalie Dove , Ctina1973 , Rachel LeBlanc , bunky , tairneanach , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , anerdnamedjen , Kitty MacAlpine , Michelle Hartz , Evil Princess , vanillalatex , User Unknown , domestikook , Alan & Michele , deceased , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Danzig ate your mother , widget87 , MojoMagic , Jul!a , Polyserena , null , Annemarie , Maiden , Splendwhore , VieuxCarre , handatlker , Beth D , Kayla , LaMaMaLa , Peace357 , sextoygeek , NightNight , clp , softcoeur , redsong , Blinker , the bedroom blogger , RosesThorns , sixfootsex , Taylor , MaryExy , Noira Celestia , Dusti Lewars , lilly555 , Sapphires13 , Greenleaf , BobbiJay , KyotoAngel , GurlNxtDoor , vicdaen , Harpina is gone , Sohotdinosaur , wrmbreze , Do emu , iragenustik , RaggedyAnn , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , earthlygoddess77 , Rhiamon , Ms Sugarbottom , Valeria H. Vers , RTC , Waterlily , ScarletFox , AlianneCimorene , Faeya , KrissyNovacaine , hot lil momma , Gone (LD29) , Princess-Kayla ♥ , fallwillow , SubmissiveFeminist , pasdechat , bottled-diva , *Ash* , disenchanted , TheirPet , chicmichiw , Lildrummrgurl7 , Nissa Nissa , Septimus , MrsHouseWife , zj22 , LoneOokami , StormOfSnakes , alliegator , Nymaya , Kallina , Cinnyree , SourAppleMartini , gonnaburnitwithlemons
Philip Seymour Hoffman
The Bloggess , Delete My Account , Victoria , Backseat Boohoo , Cinnamon Chambers , Rufina , beanmom , Oggins , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Victoria Ashton , karayigitkizi , Meghan Elison , Kate Hughes , Nancy White , Natalie Dove , Liz2 , bunky , LicentiouslyYours , Alice Smith , anerdnamedjen , Amy Scalf Roundtree , widget87 , MojoMagic , Maiden , P'Gell , PolyGirl , clp , Trashley , redsong , Sapphires13 , Sohotdinosaur , spockgrrl , Waterlily , Intrepid Niddering
Dwight Schrute
The Bloggess , Stephanie Lenz , Laci Linn Mayton , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , betania , Jamaise , Natalie Dove , Alice Smith , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Jul!a , zracer , PussyPurr , DaisyHunter , Princess-Kayla ♥ , SubmissiveFeminist , charmedtomeetyou , Intrepid Niddering , Creepellah , karenm , Nymaya , Kallina
Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka
The Bloggess , Delete My Account , Viv , Luscious Lily , Backseat Boohoo , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Awry , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Miss Milk , betania , Natalie Dove , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , Kitty MacAlpine , anonymouscity , domestikook , Amy Scalf Roundtree , imp , ArmyWife Kira , Annemarie , P'Gell , clp , I'll Miss You EF :( , Trashley , redsong , KnK , cherryredhead88 , RosesThorns , M121212 , Antipova , MaryExy , Noira Celestia , *Huxley* , tufails , MrGoodTool , iragenustik , RaggedyAnn , mythologicalMayhem , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , Karen AndMike Butt , Rhiamon , Waterlily , KrissyNovacaine , Princess-Kayla ♥ , SubmissiveFeminist , charmedtomeetyou , Intrepid Niddering , Robespierrethecat , Kallina , Alatariel Surion
Steve Buscemi
The Bloggess , Sammi , Viv , Victoria , Rufina , Stephanie Lenz , beanmom , Miss Grace , Baby Sinead , Victoria Ashton , karayigitkizi , Jenna Bremer , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , Kat Hogan , baltimoregal , Natalie Dove , bunky , LicentiouslyYours , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , Michelle Hartz , anonymouscity , Danzig ate your mother , MojoMagic , Jul!a , Annemarie , NightNight , redsong , Blinker , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Antipova , hjtee , karay123 , GurlNxtDoor , ciderspider , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , freshbananas , RomanticGoth , Intrepid Niddering , Kallina
Benicio Del Toro
The Bloggess , Sammi , Victoria , Rockin' , Laci Linn Mayton , Miss Grace , Jaded , Baby Sinead , Awry , Victoria Ashton , karayigitkizi , Meghan Elison , mmm yesss , SkyeSidhe , baltimoregal , Katie King , newblog2 , psydyke , WaxingSarah , LicentiouslyYours , Mrs Melee , Pumpkin Lady , Michelle Hartz , Melissa Sunday Galvin , User Unknown , anonymouscity , domestikook , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Danzig ate your mother , widget87 , sarahbear , MojoMagic , Gardenvy , Annemarie , Laura , Misfit Momma , P'Gell , Peace357 , Selective Sensualist , softcoeur , Trashley , redsong , Blinker , the bedroom blogger , lamira , Bassy18 , PussyGalore , BadassFatass , M121212 , kellyg , Sapphires13 , karay123 , Sohotdinosaur , wrmbreze , MamaDivine , RaggedyAnn , Viviennevavoom , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , RTC , Waterlily , Creepellah , CaseyDeuce , AwesomeAmanda , joiedejouets , amazon , kat17 , Cinnyree
John C. Reilly
The Bloggess , Delete My Account , Mommy Needs Therapy , Victoria , Backseat Boohoo , Cinnamon Chambers , Rufina , Stephanie Lenz , beanmom , Oggins , Jaded , karayigitkizi , MildlyAmused , baltimoregal , betania , Natalie Dove , Ctina1973 , bunky , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Amy Scalf Roundtree , I'll Miss You EF :( , the bedroom blogger , sixfootsex , Diaz Grace Alexander , Kallina
The deformed guy from Mask because he was nice and also he seems like he’d be really grateful
The Bloggess , Jessica Allen , I'll Miss You EF :( , Katelyn
Captain Jack Sparrow
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Miss Cinnamon , Sammi , removedacnt , Viv , Victoria , Lithaewyn , Carrie Ann , Naughty Student , Rockin' , Luscious Lily , Backseat Boohoo , Vibrator Happy , Cinnamon Chambers , Rufina , Miss KissThis , Stephanie Lenz , Adriana Ravenlust , Laci Linn Mayton , beanmom , Oggins , Miss Grace , Jaded , Jessica Allen , DreamyLove , Baby Sinead , bodymodboy , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Awry , Victoria Ashton , Angela Goetsch Weber , Krissy Kringle , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , Julie Mayfair , Jenna Bremer , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , Allison King , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Kelly Blair , Avery Dragon , Meagan 'Jones' Friedman , Miss Milk , Katie King , newblog2 , highfiredanger , Maureen Kuppe , ZenaidaMacroura , WaxingSarah , betania , Natalie Dove , Liz2 , bunky , tairneanach , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , anerdnamedjen , Kitty MacAlpine , Michelle Hartz , Melissa Sunday Galvin , Anica , Femme Mystique , Evil Princess , User Unknown , anonymouscity , Liz , Valyn , domestikook , Angel deSanguine , Wynn , Amy Scalf Roundtree , imp , spicywife , Cinnamon , SilverVixen , Darling Dove , MuffysPinguLove , sarahbear , her.royal.redness , MojoMagic , Rossie , ArmyWife Kira , Airen Wolf , bitchiamastar , Kynky Kytty , Becky_K , Jul!a , Gardenvy , LuLu Love , Annemarie , ~LaUr3n~ , Maiden , Splendwhore , Alicia , Lustful Dreams , SexyFox3 , Lynk , buzzvibe , SexyySarah , Misfit Momma , LaMaMaLa , P'Gell , deadpoet , fungo , Peace357 , Waterfall , Lady Venus , SweetestAngelGoneBad , sextoygeek , Megs , LittleBoPeep , NightNight , Selective Sensualist , Midway through , I'll Miss You EF :( , UrNaughtyaAngel , Trashley , mllebeauty , Madeira , redsong , 4EverCumming , the bedroom blogger , Bassy18 , KnK , cherryredhead88 , potstickers , CanMan , PussyGalore , RosesThorns , Not here , wetone123 , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , MrRainybowbow , BadassFatass , M121212 , Lady Marmelade , toxie m , padmeamidala , cburger , Shellz31 , MaryExy , sarki , ElleMNOP , Noira Celestia , bayosgirl , PussyPurr , jeangel246 , LQ , InnocentISwear , eeep , SexyStuff , Sapphires13 , Greenleaf , CoffeeCup , karay123 , shinypinkstars , MissCandyland , LoveTies , Zombirella , BobbiJay , KyotoAngel , aliceinthehole , GurlNxtDoor , vicdaen , samanthalynn , Sohotdinosaur , wrmbreze , MamaDivine , Do emu , Diaz Grace Alexander , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , Karen AndMike Butt , Viviennevavoom , SweetXSurrender89 , Rhiamon , Bex1331 , StarFire , Valeria H. Vers , Elizabeth Kyllingstad , Lilith Bealove , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , LovesAPoet , Waterlily , Ropey , chantalgiardina , ScarletFox , legna , AlianneCimorene , Faeya , Tessa Taboo , KrissyNovacaine , KRD , Illusional , TiffyPixie , Gone (LD29) , Lavendar , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Upyourreviews , ksparkles16 , SubmissiveFeminist , pasdechat , satinlady550 , charmedtomeetyou , Passionate Mandi , Robespierrethecat , Molly Carter , skeeterlynn , CaseyDeuce , PassionCpl , TheirPet , AwesomeAmanda , Lildrummrgurl7 , MrsHouseWife , Ivy Wilde , surreptitious , kat17 , ChubbyNerd , BlackOrchid , StormOfSnakes , sunflower , Innocence Is Bliss , alliegator , Nymaya , Silverwinds , Kallina , LAndJ , Cinnyree , MrsandMrbunnysoffun , SourAppleMartini , gonnaburnitwithlemons , Katelyn , Feisty
Sam Elliot, but only if he’s talking to you
The Bloggess , Sammi , Victoria , Carrie Ann , Cinnamon Chambers , Stephanie Lenz , Laci Linn Mayton , beanmom , Oggins , DreamyLove , Angela Goetsch Weber , Nancy White , baltimoregal , WaxingSarah , betania , LicentiouslyYours , Mrs Melee , Michelle Hartz , domestikook , Wynn , Amy Scalf Roundtree , widget87 , handatlker , Lustful Dreams , P'Gell , Peace357 , the bedroom blogger , PussyGalore , seaofneptune , lilly555 , wrmbreze , spockgrrl , Cecily Israel
Chris Rock, but only if he’s *not* talking to you
The Bloggess , Mommy Needs Therapy , Victoria , Stephanie Lenz , Baby Sinead , mmm yesss , Natalie Dove , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Owl Identified , Splendwhore , Alicia , LittleBoPeep , Greenleaf , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , LovesAPoet
Prince, even though he’s probably smaller than you
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Delete My Account , Carrie Ann , Laci Linn Mayton , Miss Grace , Awry , karayigitkizi , Krissy Kringle , mmm yesss , Lorena Padilla , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , psydyke , Natalie Dove , Michelle Hartz , anonymouscity , Danzig ate your mother , Airen Wolf , joja , redsong , Bassy18 , KnK , PussyGalore , M121212 , Kdlips , MaryExy , Noira Celestia , Sapphires13 , aliceinthehole , Nadia Nolan , Viviennevavoom , SweetXSurrender89 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Waterlily , burtnuh , Kallina
Gary Oldman
The Bloggess , Victoria , Backseat Boohoo , Cenobyte B , Rufina , Stephanie Lenz , beanmom , Jaded , DreamyLove , karayigitkizi , Krissy Kringle , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , Jenna Bremer , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , Allison King , Kate Hughes , Lissa Brown , Heather Smith , baltimoregal , newblog2 , WaxingSarah , Natalie Dove , Rachel LeBlanc , bunky , tairneanach , Mrs Melee , Michelle Hartz , Melissa Sunday Galvin , Anica , domestikook , Amy Scalf Roundtree , mivox , widget87 , MojoMagic , Annemarie , handatlker , Peace357 , Megs , NightNight , redsong , Blinker , the bedroom blogger , cherryredhead88 , RosesThorns , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Taylor , padmeamidala , Noira Celestia , PussyPurr , karay123 , BobbiJay , GurlNxtDoor , vicdaen , Do emu , iragenustik , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , Viviennevavoom , earthlygoddess77 , Rhiamon , Bex1331 , Valeria H. Vers , RTC , Gone (LD29) , Princess-Kayla ♥ , skeeterlynn , *Ash* , LuckyLady , Lildrummrgurl7 , Nissa Nissa , Noelle , surreptitious , StormOfSnakes , alliegator , Kallina , Alatariel Surion , sarah81
Adrien Brody
LikeSunshineDust , Mommy Needs Therapy , Rockin' , Backseat Boohoo , Rufina , Stephanie Lenz , Laci Linn Mayton , Oggins , Miss Grace , Baby Sinead , karayigitkizi , MildlyAmused , Lorena Padilla , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Kat Hogan , Lissa Brown , Heather Smith , baltimoregal , highfiredanger , psydyke , ZenaidaMacroura , WaxingSarah , Natalie Dove , tairneanach , Mrs Melee , Pumpkin Lady , anerdnamedjen , Melissa Sunday Galvin , User Unknown , Laccaria , widget87 , MojoMagic , Annemarie , ~LaUr3n~ , Maiden , Alicia , clp , Trashley , the bedroom blogger , lamira , Bassy18 , BadassFatass , sixfootsex , MaryExy , ElleMNOP , lilly555 , InnocentISwear , GONE! , eeep , Greenleaf , LoveTies , Apirka , BobbiJay , vicdaen , Sohotdinosaur , Diaz Grace Alexander , iragenustik , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Karen AndMike Butt , SweetXSurrender89 , earthlygoddess77 , Bex1331 , Elizabeth Kyllingstad , RTC , vanilla&chocolate , KrissyNovacaine , Illusional , fallwillow , Girly Juice , RomanticGoth , Intrepid Niddering , LuckyLady , CaseyDeuce , chicmichiw , Septimus , karenm , Beautiful-Disaster , kat17 , StormOfSnakes , Nymaya , gonnaburnitwithlemons , Feisty
Both of the lead guys on Shawn of the Dead (but not at the same time)
The Bloggess , Sammi , Victoria , Lithaewyn , Rockin' , Backseat Boohoo , Stephanie Lenz , beanmom , Oggins , Miss Grace , Baby Sinead , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Awry , Victoria Ashton , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , mmm yesss , Lorena Padilla , Allison King , Ethel Ty , Kat Hogan , baltimoregal , highfiredanger , bunky , Mrs Melee , anerdnamedjen , Kitty MacAlpine , Michelle Hartz , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Danzig ate your mother , Darling Dove , Jul!a , Maiden , buzzvibe , sextoygeek , I'll Miss You EF :( , Trashley , redsong , Blinker , the bedroom blogger , BadassFatass , SiNn , l'amour , ily , Sapphires13 , BobbiJay , GurlNxtDoor , vicdaen , Sohotdinosaur , wrmbreze , Diaz Grace Alexander , DaisyHunter , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Elizabeth Kyllingstad , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ScarletFox , bh253 , Intrepid Niddering , AwesomeAmanda , Septimus , MrsHouseWife , Nymaya , SydneyScreams , Katelyn
Neil Gaiman
The Bloggess , Miss Cinnamon , Victoria , Backseat Boohoo , Cenobyte B , Stephanie Lenz , Adriana Ravenlust , beanmom , Oggins , Carrie Stienen , Krissy Kringle , Meghan Elison , Kath Leen , MildlyAmused , Julie Mayfair , mmm yesss , Jenna Bremer , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , SheRaPrincess , Allison King , Ruby Strawbridge , SkyeSidhe , sutcliff , Kelly Blair , Ethel Ty , Kat Hogan , Lissa Brown , Heather Smith , Nancy White , baltimoregal , Katie King , newblog2 , Laurie Outlaw , Natalie Dove , Rachel LeBlanc , tairneanach , LicentiouslyYours , Nikoel Anderson , Alice Smith , Michelle Hartz , Melissa Sunday Galvin , Evil Princess , Valyn , domestikook , Amy Scalf Roundtree , mivox , clp , redsong , Sera , Phoenix713 , cherryredhead88 , Lucidity , BadassFatass , Antipova , Noira Celestia , Dusti Lewars , vicdaen , wrmbreze , iragenustik , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Cecily Israel , Karen AndMike Butt , Viviennevavoom , earthlygoddess77 , Rhiamon , Ms Sugarbottom , Bex1331 , Valeria H. Vers , Elizabeth Kyllingstad , AlianneCimorene , Girly Juice , SubmissiveFeminist , RomanticGoth , SkylarrStarr , TheirPet , chicmichiw , Septimus , Ivy Wilde , sunflower , Nymaya , Alatariel Surion , SydneyScreams , Katelyn
David Bowie when he was in Labyrinth
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Miss Cinnamon , Sammi , Carrie Ann , Backseat Boohoo , Cenobyte B , Rufina , Adriana Ravenlust , Laci Linn Mayton , beanmom , Oggins , Miss Grace , DreamyLove , Baby Sinead , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Victoria Ashton , karayigitkizi , Krissy Kringle , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , mmm yesss , Jenna Bremer , Lorena Padilla , SheRaPrincess , Allison King , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Kat Hogan , Lissa Brown , Miss Milk , baltimoregal , Katie King , WaxingSarah , Natalie Dove , Rachel LeBlanc , bunky , tairneanach , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , anerdnamedjen , Baker77 , Kitty MacAlpine , Michelle Hartz , anonymouscity , Valyn , domestikook , Angel deSanguine , imp , Danzig ate your mother , Cinnamon , widget87 , her.royal.redness , MojoMagic , Rossie , Airen Wolf , Kynky Kytty , Becky_K , Gardenvy , Annemarie , Maiden , VieuxCarre , SexyFox3 , Beth D , deadpoet , Peace357 , Lady Venus , sextoygeek , Megs , NightNight , clp , Persephone Nightmare , Trashley , Madeira , redsong , KnK , PussyGalore , RosesThorns , Lucidity , M121212 , sixfootsex , Taylor , MaryExy , SiNn , Noira Celestia , l'amour , Dusti Lewars , PussyPurr , starklover , LQ , GONE! , eeep , Sapphires13 , CoffeeCup , karay123 , shinypinkstars , BobbiJay , KyotoAngel , tufails , vicdaen , LusciousLollypop , Sohotdinosaur , Do emu , Diaz Grace Alexander , iragenustik , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , earthlygoddess77 , Rhiamon , Elizabeth Kyllingstad , Lilith Bealove , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , RTC , Waterlily , vanilla&chocolate , ScarletFox , AlianneCimorene , Tessa Taboo , KrissyNovacaine , Illusional , Gone (LD29) , Princess-Kayla ♥ , RomanticGoth , Intrepid Niddering , Robespierrethecat , Molly Carter , skeeterlynn , LuckyLady , disenchanted , CaseyDeuce , TheirPet , AwesomeAmanda , Nissa Nissa , Septimus , pfoof , Ivy Wilde , surreptitious , StormOfSnakes , sunflower , alliegator , Kallina , SydneyScreams , Katelyn
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Mommy Needs Therapy , Rockin' , Luscious Lily , Cinnamon Chambers , Cenobyte B , Stephanie Lenz , beanmom , Oggins , Baby Sinead , Awry , Victoria Ashton , Angela Goetsch Weber , Meghan Elison , MildlyAmused , mmm yesss , Lorena Padilla , Lauryn Culnane , Allison King , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Kat Hogan , Avery Dragon , Nancy White , baltimoregal , Katie King , highfiredanger , psydyke , ZenaidaMacroura , Eric Wyatt , bunky , tairneanach , LicentiouslyYours , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , anerdnamedjen , Kitty MacAlpine , User Unknown , Liz , Valyn , domestikook , Laccaria , Angel deSanguine , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Steffany Farros , MojoMagic , ArmyWife Kira , Airen Wolf , Jul!a , null , Annemarie , handatlker , Beth D , buzzvibe , PolyGirl , NightNight , Selective Sensualist , clp , softcoeur , redsong , ToyGeek , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , M121212 , sixfootsex , Antipova , MaryExy , Noira Celestia , ily , PussyPurr , starklover , Sapphires13 , Greenleaf , BobbiJay , vicdaen , Sohotdinosaur , wrmbreze , Do emu , Diaz Grace Alexander , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , Cecily Israel , Viviennevavoom , Rhiamon , bh253 , AlianneCimorene , Breas , SubmissiveFeminist , bottled-diva , Robespierrethecat , Molly Carter , TheirPet , Septimus , MrsHouseWife , Ivy Wilde , StormOfSnakes , alliegator , Kallina , MrsandMrbunnysoffun , gonnaburnitwithlemons , Alatariel Surion
That limpy doctor on House. I think his name is “House”. And his cane.
The Bloggess , LikeSunshineDust , Miss Cinnamon , Sammi , Mommy Needs Therapy , Victoria , Carrie Ann , Luscious Lily , Backseat Boohoo , Cinnamon Chambers , Rufina , Miss KissThis , Stephanie Lenz , Laci Linn Mayton , beanmom , Oggins , Soxy Deb , Miss Grace , Jaded , DreamyLove , Yasmineo , Baby Sinead , ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ , Victoria Ashton , Tuesday , VelvetBound , Krissy Kringle , Meghan Elison , Kath Leen , Jenna Bremer , Lauryn Culnane , Allison King , SkyeSidhe , Kate Hughes , Kelly Blair , Kat Hogan , Lissa Brown , Meagan 'Jones' Friedman , Miss Milk , baltimoregal , Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady , newblog2 , highfiredanger , psydyke , ZenaidaMacroura , WaxingSarah , betania , Natalie Dove , Rachel LeBlanc , bunky , tairneanach , LicentiouslyYours , Mrs Melee , Alice Smith , Pumpkin Lady , Baker77 , Kitty MacAlpine , Michelle Hartz , Melissa Sunday Galvin , Anica , User Unknown , anonymouscity , Liz , Laccaria , Amy Scalf Roundtree , Danzig ate your mother , mivox , mygoddess48 , Cinnamon , SilverVixen , Darling Dove , JEM , widget87 , sarahbear , MojoMagic , Airen Wolf , Kynky Kytty , Becky_K , Jul!a , null , LuLu Love , Annemarie , Maiden , Splendwhore , VieuxCarre , handatlker , Alicia , Lustful Dreams , Lynk , DixieDoo , Beth D , Kayla , LaMaMaLa , P'Gell , deadpoet , PolyGirl , Peace357 , Megs , NightNight , I'll Miss You EF :( , Trashley , Jobthingy , redsong , leela , Blinker , the bedroom blogger , Bassy18 , cherryredhead88 , PussyGalore , RosesThorns , Not here , BBW Talks Toys , C4ss , M121212 , Lady Marmelade , angel142stx , MaryExy , ElleMNOP , SiNn , Noira Celestia , l'amour , jeangel246 , lilly555 , InnocentISwear , eeep , Sapphires13 , Greenleaf , eroticmutt , shinypinkstars , LoveTies , Diabolical Kitty , Apirka , BobbiJay , kittychilla , aliceinthehole , GurlNxtDoor , vicdaen , LusciousLollypop , Sohotdinosaur , wrmbreze , Do emu , ciderspider , RaggedyAnn , DaisyHunter , Andrea Joyce Santa Maria , mythologicalMayhem , spockgrrl , Gabriella ૐ Seveet , Nadia Nolan , mpfm , Cecily Israel , earthlygoddess77 , Rhiamon , Bex1331 , PropertyOfPotter , Valeria H. Vers , Lilith Bealove , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Waterlily , ScarletFox , bh253 , AlianneCimorene , KrissyNovacaine , freshbananas , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Girly Juice , SubmissiveFeminist , pasdechat , RomanticGoth , bottled-diva , Intrepid Niddering , Robespierrethecat , skeeterlynn , *Ash* , LuckyLady , disenchanted , CaseyDeuce , TheirPet , AwesomeAmanda , joiedejouets , KissTheSkyBaby , Nissa Nissa , Septimus , MrsHouseWife , tunacan75 , karenm , ellieprobable , surreptitious , sunflower , Nymaya , Silverwinds , Kallina , Cinnyree , gonnaburnitwithlemons , eri86 , Katelyn
Total votes: 1571 (376 voters)
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Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
My #1 "weird looking guy who I'd still have sex with" isn't on the list. Steven Tyler, pre-1995. The past 10+ years have aged him a LOT. I used to lust after him though...before I knew what lusting was :-P
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
My #1 would be a three(four?)some with Neil Gaiman, Dr. House, and Dr. House's cane.

Thank you, Bloggess. I always thought I was the only one!
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I personally don't think Dr. House is that weird looking. He's always gone on my list of sexy older men, along with George Clooney and Harrison Ford.
Contributor: Viv Viv
I have such a weakness for Steve Buscemi and i have no idea why. XD and i'm not sure why House is weird looking- he's just gimpy.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I don't care if Johnny Depp is dressed up as a pirate or Edward Scissorhands. He's HOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
House is hot. I've also had a thing for Bowie since I was in high school .
Contributor: sry sry

Eddie Izzard is hilarious!!!!

I'm going to have to watch some of his stuff now.. >.<
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I did not know that Jack Sparrow (the character as played by Johnny Depp)could be perceived as weird! I adore his naughty misdemeanor and overall personality I would definitely do him without hesitation.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
Other weird looking guys I'd like to bang: V (from V for Vendetta) in full mask/costume getup, Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, and I don't know if he qualifies but to me he's cuter than Neil Gaiman but not as cute as Adrien Brody...John Cusack.

Awesome poll!
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Rockin'
Other weird looking guys I'd like to bang: V (from V for Vendetta) in full mask/costume getup, Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, and I don't know if he qualifies but to me he's cuter than Neil Gaiman but not as cute as Adrien Brody...John ... more
Duh, John Cusack - NO KIDDING!!! Who wouldn't bang John Cusack?! I'm just sayin...
Contributor: Luscious Lily Luscious Lily
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a thing for Spock. And I second V from V for Vendetta.

This poll is hilarious!
Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
My friend recently got to meet Neil Gaiman and posted pictures, and he looks a good bit like Adrien Brody! And I love big noses (Shahrukh Khan, helloooo!), so yeah, those two work for me. =)
Contributor: Cinnamon Chambers Cinnamon Chambers
Ohhhh Sam Elliot *swoons*. He is my top pick from all of the above, but House is a close second. Somewhere along the way I have realized Donald Sutherland is uber schmexy too...Him and his son.
Contributor: Epiphora Epiphora
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
My #1 "weird looking guy who I'd still have sex with" isn't on the list. Steven Tyler, pre-1995. The past 10+ years have aged him a LOT. I used to lust after him though...before I knew what lusting was :-P
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
The Bloggess' latest column post is live on SexIs!!! Click here to check it out! It's like this poll and then some!
Contributor: sry sry
Vulcans are cool...

I like the vulcan chick from Enterprise or whatever the latest series is, she is so epically hot, I can see why Spock would be cool..

Might be hard to have sex with a vulcan as they would only deem it logical when they want to have a child... they have no feelings... so for fun doesn't count... LOL
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Originally posted by Victoria
Duh, John Cusack - NO KIDDING!!! Who wouldn't bang John Cusack?! I'm just sayin...
LOL!!!! I agree!
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Victoria
Duh, John Cusack - NO KIDDING!!! Who wouldn't bang John Cusack?! I'm just sayin...
But he's not weird. LOL
Contributor: Oggins Oggins
It would be hard for me to turn any of these choices down! =P
Contributor: Oggins Oggins
I'd totally do Christopher Walken and I have no idea why....
Contributor: Soxy Deb Soxy Deb
I'd be all over House. Twice if he let me come back.
Contributor: Nicole Kelley Nicole Kelley
Originally posted by Luscious Lily
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a thing for Spock. And I second V from V for Vendetta.

This poll is hilarious!
Yes.. Spock. And Yes V!
Contributor: Jaded Jaded
My main fantasy guy? James Hetfield from Metallica. His voice = total panty-peeler.

Loved this poll!
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Victoria
Duh, John Cusack - NO KIDDING!!! Who wouldn't bang John Cusack?! I'm just sayin...
John Cusak has those... lips. Something about them makes me swoon.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Epiphora

I'd bang his daughter, too.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Carrie Ann

I'd bang his daughter, too.
Er... at a separate time, of course.
Contributor: Jessica Allen Jessica Allen
I had to actually watch the mask to find the wierd deformed guy. I'd so do him if he had a bag over his head. Plus I think it would be a Karma point. I'd also bang the guy who plays Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride...you killed my father..prepare to ride!
Contributor: Jessica Allen Jessica Allen
Originally posted by Jessica Allen
I had to actually watch the mask to find the wierd deformed guy. I'd so do him if he had a bag over his head. Plus I think it would be a Karma point. I'd also bang the guy who plays Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride...you killed my ... more
*not watch...google. But I did end up watching video clips of parts of the movie which is what I meant*
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Oggins
I'd totally do Christopher Walken and I have no idea why....
Oh my god, would I do Walken!