I bet with Spock it'd be like Vulcan tantric sex, hehe!
Originally posted by
The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself please.
thank god, I was getting really tired of the strange looks I get when I mentiopn how freaking hot David Bowie was in Labyrinth. Also, pass the heavily made up pirate this-a-way please.
I humbly submit for consideration - Anthony Bourdain.
I was waiting for a bus in Waikiki and I saw Anthony Bourdain and his camera guy and of course I had to tell him I loved him and his books and....I practically fainted. He's just as cool in real life, the kind of person you can drink a beer with or something.
Amy Scalf Roundtree
Originally posted by
The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself please.
This is the most accurate thing I have ever read on the internet. A-MAY-zing.
Chris Rock, basically. I'd actually prefer it if he were speaking, really...
R. A. Z.
I am just floored that the Bloggess and I apparently have the same taste in men. Seriously, I didn't think any other women crushed on Eddie Izzard, Alan Rickan & David Bowie. She even got my list of nos down perfectly. My addition to the list is Sean Connery, even like now and all being old. I know, cliche but still, that man screams sex to me.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a thing for Spock. And I second V from V for Vendetta.
This poll is hilarious!
Heh my first "adult dream" was about Spock. I was married when it happened and I was like WTF??!!??? Still it was erotic as hell and changed the way I viewed Star Trek forever LOL
Y'all are warped. In the best way, of course, but I still have to draw the line at Gene Simmons.
Hmmm I can see Gene Simmons...but when I read the post my mind said Richard Simmons and then I was like WHAT??!!??? OMG NO! That's just wrong...then I read it again and was like whoa ok she hasn't totally lost it!
Hmmm I can see Gene Simmons...but when I read the post my mind said Richard Simmons and then I was like WHAT??!!??? OMG NO! That's just wrong...then I read it again and was like whoa ok she hasn't totally lost it!
LMAO! I just saw Richard Simmons on TV the other day, and while I totally wouldn't, I swear he hasn't aged a day in years.