Yes. I have genital herpes. Have had it going on 11 years now. Someone at the beginning of this post said they should screen for it when they do the pelvic exams. Trust me, herpes, unless you're having a breakout, doesn't show up on a normal pap smear. It would in a blood test, but usually, you don't get blood drawn for well-woman exams. I caught it from a guy I was seeing, & the condom slipped off. I don't know if he even knew he had it, since some people can carry it, & never have an outbreak. Or he may have known, & chose not to tell me. The first outbreak is the worst. Then, it's only slightly irritating. I never passed it on to my husband, being very careful, & knowing what the signs are that signal an outbreak feel like. I found out while we were dating & told him that if he wanted to leave, I understood. He chose to stay & to not use condoms, though the last 6 yrs, condoms were part of our birth control plan. Even though we're divorcing, having herpes had nothing to do with our split.