One, if the criteria is people you have had sex with. Two, if everything-but-sex counts.
How many sexual partners have you had?
If the marriage was never consumed, you could have just asked for an annulment.
Originally posted by
Mine's convoluted - my best guy friend in HS who was my First, an ex-boyfriend that I got back with for a one-night-stand not too long after that (we didn't have sex until two years after we broke up LOL), and another guy friend that happened
Mine's convoluted - my best guy friend in HS who was my First, an ex-boyfriend that I got back with for a one-night-stand not too long after that (we didn't have sex until two years after we broke up LOL), and another guy friend that happened to be there (neither of us were into it, despite trying).
Here's the convoluted part - I am not counting my husband of ten years because we NEVER did anything sexual, not even oral. I think he once caught me masturbating, but he quickly left the room. I know, I'm finding it harder to justify why I stayed with him except to say that my self-esteem was lower than the stock market.
So I recently got divorced, and - lo and behold - I'm back with my best guy friend who more than made up for my inexperience by his own experience and is teaching me. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm having fun. Who needs quantity when the quality is where it's at? less
Here's the convoluted part - I am not counting my husband of ten years because we NEVER did anything sexual, not even oral. I think he once caught me masturbating, but he quickly left the room. I know, I'm finding it harder to justify why I stayed with him except to say that my self-esteem was lower than the stock market.
So I recently got divorced, and - lo and behold - I'm back with my best guy friend who more than made up for my inexperience by his own experience and is teaching me. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm having fun. Who needs quantity when the quality is where it's at? less
I count 7, 4 of which were boyfriends, 3 of which were not.
Well, if we're counting everything-but-sex as well, I'm at a whopping... 2. :p
For me it's only been two, and I have no regrets. I'm pretty satisfied with the sex life I have now.
I am saving myself for my second marriage.
One, unfortunately. Not to say that my husband isn't great, but I'd like a little more variety.
Totally non-regretted six, and I definitely count oral sex and mutual masturbation as sex. I thought society had pretty much agreed in the 90s that anything involving genitalia was sex? I don't really think it's my business how many sex partners someone else has had, and I certainly can't be the judge of whether it's "too many", "not enough", or "just right" for them. I'm not sure such designations hold a lot of meaning, to be honest.
Not all guys. I was proud of the fact that I waited for my wife. Of course, part of it was that the only other opportunity that presented itself was a woman that, when I was with her, caused a part of my brain to scream *THIS IS WRONG!!!* I'm very glad that my wife was my first (and only) and that woman wasn't my first.
Originally posted by
Guys seem to exaggerate on their number of partners, want to come off as "experienced" but reality is somewhere else.
I remember all my sexual partners, both male and female, a small number.
I remember all my sexual partners, both male and female, a small number.
I know one who has (around 120 I think). At first I was Then he told me how it ended up happening and it made a lot more sense. Most of them (Around 110) were during a tour in the military after his fiance had cheated on him with two of his best friends...he hated her and consequently hated love and any woman who wanted more than sex. He was lonely but too afraid to get hurt again so it filled the gaps till he grew up and came back home from the military. Since then he has only slept with like 5 in 4 years.
Originally posted by
Wow some has done a 100 people...that blows my mind lolz.
Two, for me (And I consider Intercourse as my qualifier. Some opinions differ. Great poll. I would like to see more participants. D pending. My # will rise. But I think w/my brain and heart. Not the part. I am I nice guy, not Mr Notch Guy.
Originally posted by
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past 4.
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
*cough* 3.
Originally posted by
Well, if we're counting everything-but-sex as well, I'm at a whopping... 2. :p
Before I moved back home and grew up a bit, I used to use sex as a way to justify myself. I honestly would justify my self worth by who I was sleeping with. I'm lucky to be clean and not have any diseases. These days I am highly selective of who I share myself with and no longer justify myself by my partners.
I've had 7, and as I'm only 26, expect to have more over the course of my life. I think what's normal and too many varies from person to person. I definitely don't feel ashamed of my number, and I won't even as it increases. I rarely feel like I'm lacking in partners - I have a very busy life with the ones already in my life!
Originally posted by
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past 4.
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
Six..four guys, two girls.... and sucked several cocks in college..whoops, guess that counts
I am surprised by all the low numbers! Come on, ladies! Get your sex on!
Originally posted by
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past 4.
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
I think I'm at 27, but I'm not sure. It could be 30. I used to even remember all the names - first names, anyway, but it's been awhile so I've forgotten. I've been in a monogamous relationship for 7 years, which put an end to my sexual conquests. *lamentation*
Mine was a guestimation... like many people I'm sure (I unfortunately haven't read the entire thread--4 pages is a lot to read!), I had a period of time in which I was ruthless and stupid and had many sex partners.
But, in the last five years, it's only been 2.
But, in the last five years, it's only been 2.
Cinnamon Chambers I have never been ashamed. I decided a long time ago to consider that before I make any decision. So..if I decide to do it, it will not be something I am ashamed of.
Very true
Very true
Five - one is my ex, who I have 4 children with so I guess I can't regret it too much - wouldn't have my kids otherwise, but you know how it goes. One is my hubby. One was my high school sweetheart. And the other 2 are HUGE regrets...
I don't think there is such a thing as a "right number of partners" nor "too many" partners.
I do think that one needs to Test Drive a bit, because I wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, I certainly wouldn't get into an exclusive relationship without knowing what a person likes or what he is into. Likewise, some experience, and experimenting I think is necessary before one settles down. How much experience is totally up to the individual.
I do think that one needs to Test Drive a bit, because I wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, I certainly wouldn't get into an exclusive relationship without knowing what a person likes or what he is into. Likewise, some experience, and experimenting I think is necessary before one settles down. How much experience is totally up to the individual.
Ive had sex with one guy and ive done a threesome and a foursome so what it comes down to is 1 guy and 2 girls
I've actually had more partners then my boyfriend. I think its admirable that he has less than me. After my first boyfriend I kind of went on a crazy sex spree. I wish I had waited like I had planned but whats done is done. I now know what I look for in a partner in the sack and other areas of life though because of these experiences. So in the end it could be worse.
Just my wife. We were both virgins when we got married
At 28, I've had sexual intercourse with one person. I've had quite a few "sexual experiences" with others, though, mostly involving hands. Some might count those, I do not.
My number used to get to me. It didn't make me feel good. In fact, there was one night that I was with my (at the time) boyfriend and I just started crying while we were lying in bed together.
I'm glad I've gotten past that. I don't know what changed but I think that the number doesn't matter so long as you're content with your sex life. I can't help but grin every time someone says something about my oral performance though.
I'm glad I've gotten past that. I don't know what changed but I think that the number doesn't matter so long as you're content with your sex life. I can't help but grin every time someone says something about my oral performance though.
I am male, and I can honestly say I have been with only 3. The one that I lost my virginity to, my ex wife and my new wife. New wife says I fuck like a porn star. So I don't see why men exaggerate how many partners they have had, caused to me it isn't the number that makes you experienced. It how many times you do it with one partner. I surely don't want people thinking I'm a male whore for sleep with 100's maybe even 1000's of women. I glad I have only slept with 3 women. Guess 3rd time is a charm.
Originally posted by
Guys seem to exaggerate on their number of partners, want to come off as "experienced" but reality is somewhere else.
I remember all my sexual partners, both male and female, a small number.
I remember all my sexual partners, both male and female, a small number.
<<<<<<< Lifestyler and open relationship here.
I'm not going to judge anyone for numbers, so long as they have done so as responsibly as possible.
I have known of couples where the wife thought the husband was 100% faithful or he thought she was, and neither were! I guess you just have to trust your partner, but even when you think you can, he or she could still be out there doing something with someone else. I'm not saying this to make anyone start doubting their partner, but I'd like to share something personal:
My husband and I had been married about 6 or 7 years (we are going on 14 years in a few weeks) and just had our 2nd child. He went away to a school for a few months, came back, and life moved on. When we opened our relationship 3 years ago and started exploring (a good thing although at times rocky since he came to terms with his bisexuality), he admitted he had a one-night thing during that absence with another woman (before he knew for certain that he was bisexual). I thought he was 100% faithful for 11 years and never had any reason to doubt him. He was so overcome with guilt and just wanted to come clean. I was surprised because he never seemed like the type to cheat, but I wasn't angry. All I said was "well I hoped you used protection!" and he said he did.
That's why it's so much easier for my partner and I to be 100% open about it. This way, should something happen, we can take responsibility for our actions because we chose this life together. And we aren't out looking for it all the time. We prefer lasting friendships, but it's hard to like-minded friends.
There's a book out there called something along the lines of "The Myth of Monogamy", which I keep meaning to purchase. I need to get that, like today!
I'm not going to judge anyone for numbers, so long as they have done so as responsibly as possible.
I have known of couples where the wife thought the husband was 100% faithful or he thought she was, and neither were! I guess you just have to trust your partner, but even when you think you can, he or she could still be out there doing something with someone else. I'm not saying this to make anyone start doubting their partner, but I'd like to share something personal:
My husband and I had been married about 6 or 7 years (we are going on 14 years in a few weeks) and just had our 2nd child. He went away to a school for a few months, came back, and life moved on. When we opened our relationship 3 years ago and started exploring (a good thing although at times rocky since he came to terms with his bisexuality), he admitted he had a one-night thing during that absence with another woman (before he knew for certain that he was bisexual). I thought he was 100% faithful for 11 years and never had any reason to doubt him. He was so overcome with guilt and just wanted to come clean. I was surprised because he never seemed like the type to cheat, but I wasn't angry. All I said was "well I hoped you used protection!" and he said he did.
That's why it's so much easier for my partner and I to be 100% open about it. This way, should something happen, we can take responsibility for our actions because we chose this life together. And we aren't out looking for it all the time. We prefer lasting friendships, but it's hard to like-minded friends.
There's a book out there called something along the lines of "The Myth of Monogamy", which I keep meaning to purchase. I need to get that, like today!

I've had exactly 20.
Originally posted by
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past 4.
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
I have been with 4 people but I should have just stopped at 2...I learned all I needed to know from 2 different people!
Originally posted by
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past
I know many of my friends and I used to "compare notes" of our sexual partners and how many we had. I had a running tally of how many men my best friend had been with which was remarkably easy to keep because it never exceeded past 4.
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
As for you, how many sexual partners have you had? How many do you think is "normal"? How many do you think is "too many"? Have you ever been ashamed of your number or feel like you never got to have as many partners as you should have?
Feel free to give as little detail or as much detail, the poll will be private so you don't even need to chime in on the subject if it isn't something you're comfortable talking about! less
I have had 5 including my husband, but I have had more "sexual" experiences then that.