no. sometimes you just need a little "me" time
Do you believe that viewing porn is emotional cheating?
No, not at all. It's not like people are falling in love with performers when they watch porn, they're just getting off to them.
Very well said!
Originally posted by
No. No more than watching a "chick flick" or romantic comedy is.
Porn is fantasy, fantasy isn't cheating. Also, as many people become aroused while watching porn and/or reading erotica, it often will benefit your partner, as ... more
Porn is fantasy, fantasy isn't cheating. Also, as many people become aroused while watching porn and/or reading erotica, it often will benefit your partner, as ... more
No. No more than watching a "chick flick" or romantic comedy is.
Porn is fantasy, fantasy isn't cheating. Also, as many people become aroused while watching porn and/or reading erotica, it often will benefit your partner, as then you will be more interested in sex, and more ready to engage in sex.
Also, I think watching porn with one's partner is a good way to become aroused together as well as get ideas of fun, new things to try. Even if you don't try what you watched, it's fun and gets both of you in the mood. less
Porn is fantasy, fantasy isn't cheating. Also, as many people become aroused while watching porn and/or reading erotica, it often will benefit your partner, as then you will be more interested in sex, and more ready to engage in sex.
Also, I think watching porn with one's partner is a good way to become aroused together as well as get ideas of fun, new things to try. Even if you don't try what you watched, it's fun and gets both of you in the mood. less
If so, would that make masturbation cheating too?
I give a big "nope" to this poll question.
I give a big "nope" to this poll question.
Heck no
As others have alluded to, if watching porn is some form of unfaithfulness, then so is using sex toys.
I could care less if my man watched porn
I would say no.
Not at all.
I think that if it became a serious addiction, then like any addiction, I might consider it to be emotionally neglectful. Casual porn viewing, though? Totally fine.
Nope, not at all.
Like Airen Wolf said, it isn't cheating but when someone's choosing to watch porn and jack off rather than have sex with their partner it feels like cheating.
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
The cheating part would be if the addict admits there is a problem and says they will get help...and then doesn't. It's still the addiction cycle rather than cheating but I'll be honest, it feels the same.
no way!! Porn is normal and healthy (to a degree), there's no way I'd ever view it as cheating. I encourage my partner to look at porn whenever he wants, same with myself Porn is just... porn! It's not being involved with someone else, I don't see it any different than watching a movie.