What political party are you?

Contributor: SecretToyMan SecretToyMan
Reppin the rep
Contributor: sunkissedJess sunkissedJess
I'm a Democrat.
Contributor: L&P3040 L&P3040
While I have more Republican beliefs i think we have to much gov't and there isn't one that truly needs to be there. I'd really like to see an overhaul done wiht the system b/c of all the corruption and them not representing those that voted them in.
Contributor: KRD KRD
I'm registered as a female democrat, but I don't always vote democrat. I vote more for the person than the party.
Contributor: pestilence pestilence
Other Other.
Contributor: pestilence pestilence
Originally posted by P'Gell
In less idealist terms, and in reality "anarchy" would be similar to what would happen if we let Middle Schools be run by the students. Cliques, bullies, daily beatings and the "most popular" and physically strongest of the group ... more
I just wanted to make clear - "anarchism" comes from the Greek anarchos, meaning "without rulers," not "without rules." The type of anarchism that many people think anarchists want is actually known as anarcho-primitivism, and most anarchists realize that it would quickly devolve into tribalism and worse extremely fast.

No African nations are in anarchy right now, not even Somalia (what it has is an entirely ineffective government, not a complete lack of one). And their problems are not due to a lack of governance - they're due to long-term effects of colonization and war and more recent effects of government corruption and natural disasters.

Few anarchists agree on exactly what sort of system would work best in an anarchistic society (though most agree such a system should be agreed upon by its users rather than forced upon them by an outside group), but it's only a tiny minority who believe that humans can work peacefully with no system in place whatsoever.

Edit: Also, it's not very nice to insult someone else's political beliefs when they weren't engaging you in debate to begin with.
Contributor: yummyinmytummy yummyinmytummy
I'm extremely lieral
Contributor: Scythe Scythe
Originally posted by EffinSara
Hey! What about people who don't identify as either male or female?
I am a Libertarian.
Contributor: WestTexasBarbie WestTexasBarbie
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
I'm a strange mix of ultra conservatism & a few liberal views. Is there a name for that? Besides politically confused? LOL!
Contributor: Eugler Eugler
I support a lot of political views, as they equally make sense to me.

According to American writers I read I mostly support Noam Chomsky and Bob Wilson. Maybe you could label me as a left-wing libertarian.

According to European parties I'm mostly a Pirate.
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
I'm "other"
Contributor: A&M A&M
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
I am a republican. Hopefully I don't get chastised for that seeing as we do have a bit more democrat leaning group here.
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
The rent is too damn high party