What political party are you?

Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
I am Canadian
Contributor: dovakiin1 dovakiin1
Genderqueer green party.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Male and Conservative
Female and abstains from voting.
Contributor: Ms. Paprika Ms. Paprika
I tend to vote for socially liberal policies, and am moderate in other regards. I am registered as an independent voter.
Contributor: LostBoy988 LostBoy988
I'd rather not be involved with politics.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
None of those choices really apply to me, being a Brit. However, I could always take a stab at it, and take an educated guess based on my (very) limited knowledge of the US political system. Tentatively I say Democrat. And, to be honest, my (very) limited knowledge is based on Denny Crane and Alan Shore from Boston Legal .
Contributor: Nothere Nothere
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I don't identify with a party. I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative, hence I find myself unsatisfied by most politicians.
Exactly how I feel!
Contributor: Bonesdance Bonesdance
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I don't identify with a party. I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative, hence I find myself unsatisfied by most politicians.
This describes me as well; I think the Libertarian option certainly comes closest, but I don't get involved in politics at all.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I voted "Female - Libertarian," as that was the option available that I most closely identify with. I just tried a few weeks ago to research political parties to more clearly define myself on Facebook, and I came up with this: "Post-modern, Libertarian-leaning Liberal, Socialist Dreamer, among other things." It's still very incomplete.

During the last election (first time I voted), I voted entirely for the Green Party. First, because one of my most important platforms is nuclear energy, which I'm 100% opposed. Second, voting for the lesser of two evils makes zero sense to me. I gave my vote to a third party and yes, I knew they would lose, but my number went toward a statistic that I believe we'll see growing: people voting for more third party options as the two main parties fail to offer us viable candidates.
Contributor: BabyL0ve BabyL0ve
independent but i lean towards democrat
Contributor: -BillD -BillD
I'm a post modernist, but I vote Democrat.
Contributor: LaLaLouise LaLaLouise
I'm registered as a Republican and tend to have a conservative stance on most issues, but it really depends. I'm for gay marriage. As a personal opinion I think abortion is wrong, but recognize that it's not my place to decide that for someone else, so I'm a combination for pro-life and pro-choice. It just depends on the individual issues.
Contributor: TumorCrunch TumorCrunch
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
there's no "anarchist" or "socialist" options....i'm somewhere in the middle, whereas true anarchism shares a lot of the same principles of socialism.
Contributor: emilia emilia
i never party vote I vote for the person
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
i voted 'female other' and by that i meant 'female none.'
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
I'm registered as an Independent, mostly for conceptual reasons like not "believing" in voting for parties. However, it is a matter of fact that due to current trends within the parties, I've *almost* exclusively voted for Dems. And the R's I've voted for have been ideological outcasts within their parties.

I'd vote for someone like Huntsman, but moderate/not-very-cons ervative conservatives are hard to find. Specially here in the south. I'm not an evangelical nor a tea partier, so the focus and and structure of Republican platforms have had little to no appeal in recent years.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I voted female voter bc i dont identify with any
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by TumorCrunch
there's no "anarchist" or "socialist" options....i'm somewhere in the middle, whereas true anarchism shares a lot of the same principles of socialism.
In less idealist terms, and in reality "anarchy" would be similar to what would happen if we let Middle Schools be run by the students. Cliques, bullies, daily beatings and the "most popular" and physically strongest of the group ending up making all the decisions (and yes, it would be worse than what we have now.)

Socialism is actually a very goverment intensive form of social order, while anarchy is the lack of structure and goverment. I know it's all cool and hipster to "identify as anarchist" but the only actual places where anarchy thrives is after natural disasters (the Dome in New Orleans after the hurricane, for instance? Sound like a nice way to run a country?) or after gun totting "strong arm" men overthrow a goverment.

NO anarchistic goverment has ever lasted more than a few years, and none have ever benefited the downtrodden and the poor. To say otherwise is simply being idealistic.

We won't have rainbows, peace, love and co-operation and everybody taking care of everybody else if we have real anarchy. We'll have bully run, violent non-working society. See Somalia, Uganda or other sub Saharan African nations to see what happens when real anarchy is allowed to thrive.... fear, death, rape, food shortages, hoarding, violence etc. We aren't going to all "take care of each other" in anarchy... or in a Libertarian structure for that matter. Humans, as a rule, are selfish and self absorbed. They usually need to be required to contribute in order to have the majority of the population "take care" of those who can't do it themselves. Most won't do it on their own. And in society, you can't pick and choose who gets to live in your country.

Read Lord of the Flies to see how Anarchy works in action.

I used to think differently, until I learned and realized reality.

I gave up listening to Punk Rock and the Sex Pistols when my brain matured in my mid 20s, my illusions about "Anarchy" went with my love of unstructured music and scream laden lyrics....
Contributor: Brianna91 Brianna91
I'm very liberal, and dont identify with either name brand. In many ways America is a right wingers wet dream because the way the people have been conditioned to accept such a ridiculously narrow democratic framework where large corporations and the military industrial complex writes the bills and legislation and decide the direction our fake democracy takes from behind the scenes where peoples "votes" mean dick - usually hard right turns that are spun as being the opposite of what they are, or as "necessary" -and this happens because for decades people got all their info and opinions from corporate news that doesnt reflect the interests of people, but of increased corporate power and hegemony. This corporate reality is then upheld by many of the social institutions because those are comprised of people who have likewise been conditioned to specific priorities and values that always puts profits ahead of people. That is what makes the US so unique, that the majority of the people here seem to be quite brainwashed when it comes to seeing what this country actually is and represents vs the utterly unrealistic propaganda that passes as mainstream opinion.

It's clear though that that is all changing fast, and the old lies no longer hold up for nearly as many because reality for more and more people simply doesn't support the old propaganda. This is why police state tactics have become more out in the open, and the people realize this has NO place in a democracy, and certainly isnt for "our own good" to "protect" us. It is the US government that is really just shadow corporate and banking power AGAINST its own population, and any other country those corporate interests care to destroy and then exploit. In short the US has a VERY weak model of representative democracy, both in application and theory.
Contributor: WildeKnight WildeKnight
I'm what republicans were supposed to be, but are NOT!
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
Female Other. I'm a registered Independent (though, I'm really a big ole Socialist)
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
I'm a social libertarian and a fiscal conservative. Most judges with a libertarian label get my vote. When it comes down President, and in certain other cases where I feel it is prudent, I vote for the more liberal candidate. I'll admit it's not easy to juggle the two viewpoints. In this political climate I find myself abandoning fiscal conservatism and supporting civil liberties more frequently than I used to.
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
Originally posted by Red
None of the above, as I am Canadian
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
In local elections I tend to vote more based on the person. So independent I guess.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Very liberal, almost always Democrat.
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Liberal Demo
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
I suppose I would identify as a female socialist.
Contributor: Mia Fey Mia Fey
Independent, aw yeah. I usually side with Democrats, depending on the Democrat but I like having no party affiliation.
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
I technically consider myself an Independent but being a liberal, atheist, feminist I vote Democrat 99% of the time so I went ahead and put myself down as a Democrat.
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
Female Democra