Would you ever go vegetarian/vegan?

Contributor: Rokmai Rokmai
Maybe temporarily, for money.
Contributor: snowminx snowminx
A vegetarian sure, the only meat I love super bad is stake and grilled chicken. Everything else would be easy to pass up. I think vegan everything is crazy =/
Contributor: MaximusMax MaximusMax
Contributor: wicked48 wicked48
Don't think I could do it.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
No, because I love meat. I don't mind eating vegetarian frequently, but sometimes I just really crave meat.
Contributor: ChaiMocha ChaiMocha
I was vegan for 3 years, It wasn't that bad when I was doing it, and I felt super healthy and lost a bunch of weight. I don't know if I would do it again but I would like to have a mostly vegan diet. Its alot easier not to be though.
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
I really enjoy a good steak or burger on occasion so no, I wouldn't.
Contributor: friendswithfangs friendswithfangs
I just don't like enough things to make dietary restrictions, I'd end up just eating pasta all the time (wait, can vegans eat pasta even...?)
Contributor: Pierced Blaqk Skies Pierced Blaqk Skies
I am a current vegetarian. I don't have any interest in veganism though. I don't eat eggs (because I just don't like them) and I don't drink milk because it's gross but I love organic cheese!
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by himynameissteph
Would you ever consider being a vegetarian or a vegan?
Much as I understand the idea of not killing animals, the fact is, the few people I know that went Vegan (I have known several), all changed. Their personalities, their overall behavior did, honestly change...and not for the good. Cannot explain it exactly, but there was some, significant and real change. Others noticed it too.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by PepperPot
I'd definitely consider it--my husband is vegetarian... would make for an easier dinner time routine!
Did you know him before he was "vegetarian"? If not, did you see a change in his behavior and mood? Just curious.