Which do you use?

Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.

Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
LikeSunshineDust , Chilipepper , removedacnt , Domineight , MuffysPinguLove , Sir , Kayla , Carrie Ann , Lithaewyn , Tuesday , Sassybunny85 , xsapphirexangelx , Jul!a , Kinky Skier , Undressed Reviews , J's Alley , Heather Shadrick , Gunsmoke , namelesschaos , Fun Lover , JustYourAverageGuy , CockGawker , ToyTimeTim , ScotchIrish , ~LaUr3n~ , Alicia , deltalima , Tori Rebel , 00 , Miss B Haven , Pleasure Piratess , Annemarie , SexyySarah , anyroom4me , PassionQT , fatesrelease , Blinker , happeegrl03 , NightNight , MastersXKittenXSlave , asdfg , Lizabeth , softcoeur , SydVicious , Kindred , JPito , Trashley , Jenniae09 , ToyGeek , Darling Jen , Sweet-Justice , Waterfall , cherryredhead88 , kck , Kinkyquing , nolongerhere , Lily Night , Madeira , Unconventional , ZenaidaMacroura , lamira , Anne Ardeur , clp , Tart , Luvbugleah , Shellz31 , Bunnycups , SexyTabby , menotu , Naughty Student , potstickers , LavenderSkies , NawlinsDawlin , C4ss , TheSinDoll , Ladyt1003 , vegan.guy , Moein , zracer , Miss Madeline , Kaltir , zeebot , mystepmotherisafish , bunny love , Eliza , indiglo , wetone123 , JessCee , SaMiKaY , SMichelle , mpfm , rom323 , KyotoAngel , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , GenderSexplorations , LaSchwartz , Jon S , Silverdrop , Woman China
99  (45%)
Adriana Ravenlust , El-Jaro , Airen Wolf , Envy , Angel deSanguine , Sundae , Queerest , Neuron Geek , Rufina , Lady Venus , P'Gell , Not here , DustBunny , Evoluchun , Sinjo , Jobthingy , Penguin , onehotmomma , lemony , BluePixi , ichwillwaffels , Rainbow Boy , toxie m , Cream in the Cupcake , EJ , IslandGoddess , SilverIsis , Eucaly , Anjulie , sarahswallows , geliebt
31  (14%)
Mp4 , EffinSara , darthkitt3n , Gary , Alan & Michele , Jimbo Jones , Sammi , Miss Jane , LicentiouslyYours , her.royal.redness , Liz2 , BitterSweet , imp , LiftedUp , Passionate Pastor , Jenn (aka kissmykitty) , VeronicaStone , Gardenvy , Hannah Savage , sexysweetieshan , Valyn , YoungCouple , Splendwhore , deadpoet , isisandshiva , Midway through , B8trDude , Rossie , Eeyor89 , Hot'n'Bothered , SomewhatSomewhere , lovehurts , Raggedy Andie , lunapixie , VampKitty , popples , Persephone Nightmare , CynicallyYours , leatherlover , Lummox , OroNomi , Selective Sensualist , Teaser , Phoenix713 , CanMan , Crystal1 , VenusianThunder , goodeatz , Michelle Menace , dv8 , BadassFatass , jroho , RonLee , null , slynch , Totogrl , Stephanie Marie , Taylor Von , markeagleone , DreamWolf , Errant Venture , Allstars316 , unfulfilled , mmike , shcoo , doeknob , Elias McLovin
67  (31%)
whatever they call a Mac desktop...
Holly Hox , ArmyWife Kira
2  (1%)
whatever they call a Mac laptop...
sqweak , Miss Naughty Kitty , buzzvibe , DeliciousSurprise , UrNaughtyaAngel , Yiggi , Lonewolf , Mr. E , Miss Morphine , CS2012 , wolf's lil red temptation , GeekWife , Porfiriato , mllebeauty , sixfootsex , streetshark182 , skunked , NaturalWoman , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , karay123
20  (9%)
Total votes: 219
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Contributor: Mp4 Mp4
If you don't need a high end computer for gaming or work purposes then I'd go with a laptop. It's nice to have the portability when you need it even if you keep it on a desk most of the time.

Laptops can be found fairly cheap on sale and tend to hold their value better than desktops in my opinion. My 2 year, 2 month old laptop still sells on ebay used for what I bought it for new on sale.

Myself I keep a super low power consuming desktop running 24/7 as a server and then use my laptop 95% of the time.
Contributor: EffinSara EffinSara
If space and portability are the only two concerns, why wouldn't you get a laptop?
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
in case laptops are part of some kind of plot to take something over...like aliens or something...

and i like finding out what other people use
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I have a mid-size to large laptop right now that portable, but kinda big and heavy to transport it comfortable. I transport it anyway out of necessity. I'm toying with the idea of getting a netbook and retiring my laptop to the desk and around the house, I just don't have the money yet.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
eh, for the price of a netbook, you might as well get a really cool phone.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I have a laptop I use when I need to use a computer somewhere else, like my boyfriend's house, and I have my desktop computer to use normally. I prefer the desktop, since I use it to play video games and watch movies.
Contributor: Holly Hox Holly Hox
crap i voted for the wrong thing, lol i meant the Mac laptop.
Contributor: Sir Sir
You can always get a desktop that's very compact for space, however. There are plenty that have thin hard drives and monitors. Macs are supposedly wonderful, IF you have the money. I am doing fine with my HP laptop.
Contributor: Gary Gary
I have and use both. I do use the laptop more often. I am now using my laptop with a mouse, keyboard, and monitor in my office. I guess it really comes down to what you are going to use it for.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
We've got both too, but we the laptop practically everywhere, so it gets a lot of wear and tear. Have the good 'ole desktop at home as a backup for times when the laptop is down.
I will say the desktop is *much* cheaper and easier to fix when there are problems.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
I have the same desktop I've had since I was 16 but my husband has always had laptops. Sometimes I wish I had something more portable but it's much more comfortable for me to sit at the desk and I like my monitors big. I cannot stand heavy laptops so those two sort of.. clash
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I use both a Mac laptop and desktop, so I picked both above .
Contributor: Miss Jane Miss Jane
I use a laptop for portability but I'm getting a desktop to use for gaming.
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
Originally posted by Sammi
I use both a Mac laptop and desktop, so I picked both above .
Me too. Well, actually we have an iMac, Mac laptop and a PC laptop. the iMac is awesome as a space saver. It's a 24" flat screen monitor and the computer is inside that. No silly beige box to deal with!
Contributor: Miss Jane Miss Jane
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Me too. Well, actually we have an iMac, Mac laptop and a PC laptop. the iMac is awesome as a space saver. It's a 24" flat screen monitor and the computer is inside that. No silly beige box to deal with!
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I use both, my portable is always with me as is a sore shoulder from always carrying it. I do prefer my desk top to watch vids and overall better visibility of the monitor.
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Me too. Well, actually we have an iMac, Mac laptop and a PC laptop. the iMac is awesome as a space saver. It's a 24" flat screen monitor and the computer is inside that. No silly beige box to deal with!
Yeah, Macs are pretty cool!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
i just posted what i use. Can't wait to get the new laptop...just a matter of waiting
Contributor: BitterSweet BitterSweet
I have both, laptop and desktop, however, my desktop gets the most use simply bc I work from home on it, BUT the desktop is also WIRELESS AND everything is in the monitor, there is no tower or nething, and its a 20 inch flat screen...takes up hardly ne room...So the desktop is for work, laptop is for everything else really! Yet, my laptop is about 5 yrs old now and its still workin great! I would say it all depends on what you plan to use it for!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by BitterSweet
I have both, laptop and desktop, however, my desktop gets the most use simply bc I work from home on it, BUT the desktop is also WIRELESS AND everything is in the monitor, there is no tower or nething, and its a 20 inch flat screen...takes up hardly ... more
I work at home on my comp. I plan on using it for word processing/dictations. I could go places and not miss work as long as I have an interwebs. I really don't play too many games on my comp that I couldn't play on facebook.

and, of course, EF!
Contributor: Sassybunny85 Sassybunny85
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.

Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
I enjoy having the best of both worlds. I have a laptop and desktop. It's great when I travel because I have something to take with me to use.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Personally I prefer the laptop just for ease of portability. At this point storage space as far as how much a laptop can hold isn't really an issue anymore because of wonderful things like external harddrives (which I've seen in a fairly large capacity and it fits in the palm of my hand, which is pretty small) and also the fact that now laptops can come with oodles of harddrive storage all on their own. I've got a Dell laptop with a 120 gig harddrive and it works great for me and my fiance, because his crapped out so we've been sharing.
Contributor: Undressed Reviews Undressed Reviews
One of the best things we've ever bought was a netbook (laptop). I have pretty much taken it over for myself. I love it.
Contributor: imp imp
Desktop at home for work purposes, desktop at work on my request for work purposes lol .. extrenal harddrive for transferring work, a laptop for bed when I am feeling lazy or gone away on holiday (on borrow) and looking at a netbook for uni. Yes impy is a complete geek.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I thought netbook too. But they're just too small for me. I work on a computer all day and the 10.1" screen is just too small.

Otherwise, they'd be great!
Contributor: Angel deSanguine Angel deSanguine
I'm a gamer, so I have a big ass gaming rig... I just can't justify owning a laptop with as much money as I've spent on my rig (and my husband too, he has his own rig, so no chance of a laptop there, either.) When I'm feeling loungy and want to be on the couch, I use our PS3 for surfing, music or games. I have a Blackberry, so I'm connected when I'm away from the house in pretty much the same way as I would be with a laptop and it's a hell of a lot lighter.
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
I have a big bad ass gaming computer, but I miss having a compact laptop. I don't play that much on the computer anymore. More with myself than anything else.
Contributor: Heather Shadrick Heather Shadrick
I run World of Warcraft(and all expansions) and a few other MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) on a HP G60-438NR Notebook PC and it runs just about anything just fine. It has 3 G of RAM, nice graphics card, 16" 16:9 widescreen display, and Windows Vista. I would recommend this computer to anyone. Its especially awesome with all those specs considering is a laptop.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.

Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Laptops are great. I've had one since they had 15 minute battery life back in 1988!

However - if you don't do a lot of high-tech computing, I'd suggest looking at what is called a Netbook - they are far less expensive, more portable and have exceptional battery life.

Check it out!

BTW - Macs are nice machines, I just can't justify the cost being 3x higher than the alternatives. PCs have become toasters - just a necessary appliance that you needn't spend a fortune to acquire or use.