I voted for both. I need a laptop for work because I am on the road 4 to 5 days a week, and I like the desktop at home because it is faster and has more capability. I also don't like the small keyboard and monitor of laptops.
Which do you use?
I use a MacBook but my husband is planning on buying me a MacMini computer next month.
I use laptops since I'm at school. I love how they're compact and portable!!
I have a laptop and a desktop, and a netbook for school, though the desktop needs its fan replacing and so doesn't work very well. My desktop used to be my machine of choice, but now I use my laptop so much more that even when the desktop is fixed I don't think it will get used much.
I made the conscious decision when I needed a new laptop last year to make the laptop my gaming rig for the next couple of years (hello 8G RAM) whilst the desktop by now needs upgrading (and doesn't have the capacity, so that means replacing) so I won't be switching any time soon.
I made the conscious decision when I needed a new laptop last year to make the laptop my gaming rig for the next couple of years (hello 8G RAM) whilst the desktop by now needs upgrading (and doesn't have the capacity, so that means replacing) so I won't be switching any time soon.
I use a laptop, but looking to move over to a Macbook Pro in the next few months. I am very excited about it, too!
I LOVE my laptop - my desktop has been left to rott...lol.
Laptop hooked up to a monitor because I suck and broke the screen in my room for Hulu, desktop for anything that requires a lot of screen real estate (coding, any of Adobe products since I only have them for Windows and Photoshop on a small screen isn't as great and it's my "storage" computer so it has my music too), and a MacBook Pro. I love my MacBook. A lot.
This is old so I'm guessing you've bought something, but someone else might be interested. I'd pay the extra money for a Mac. As for the desktop vs laptop debate, it depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to take it places then a laptop is obviously better. If you don't mind sitting at your desk all of the time then a desktop is the wiser choice.
Laptop hooked up to a monitor because I suck and broke the screen in my room for Hulu, desktop for anything that requires a lot of screen real estate (coding, any of Adobe products since I only have them for Windows and Photoshop on a small screen isn't as great and it's my "storage" computer so it has my music too), and a MacBook Pro. I love my MacBook. A lot.
This is old so I'm guessing you've bought something, but someone else might be interested. I'd pay the extra money for a Mac. As for the desktop vs laptop debate, it depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to take it places then a laptop is obviously better. If you don't mind sitting at your desk all of the time then a desktop is the wiser choice.
I use my mom's mini-laptop, my wife's college laptop, and my own desktop.
Originally posted by
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Ha gotta love the slam on mac...
An hp laptop
Originally posted by
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
A laptop would be convenient at times but not always necessary for myself.
I have a laptop right now but I used to have a "desktop" computer. It didn't really take a lot of space and I really liked it but I love that I can carry my laptop into bed with me if need be, or on the couch.
I love my laptop... especially when it's cold outside and I can snuggle in bed with my electric blanket and still get work done.
I use my laptop for the internet/gaming.
Originally posted by
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
I have a desktop that I use for my writing (so I am not distracted with the internet).
I have a desktop and a net-book. The net-book is in need of some TLC that I just can't seem to get around to.
I don't know what I'd do without my laptop. I take it everywhere. I don't mind plugging it in for power. Anything else seems way too bulky now.
I like them both. Laptops are great for if i'm going out or being lazy in bed hahaha
It's all going to depend what your price range is, but you can get a laptop that's just as, if not more, powerful than a desktop. In my experience a laptop with the same specs as a desktop will probably be a few hundred more.
Originally posted by
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Self built desktop and a wittle baby netbook seem to be the perfect combo for me :3
As an artist, I rely heavily on my Macbook Pro.... it is absolutely perfect for me and has given me virtually no trouble over the four years I've had it. I love it to death.
I love my desktop and I rarely use my laptop anymore. My desktop has much more power and is better for running games and doing schoolwork.
Originally posted by
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Laptop, definitely! You can't use a desktop in bed
Will you hate me if I tell you to install ubuntu?
Will you hate me if I tell you to install ubuntu?
Laptops are great. The portability option is key.
I use both, but mainly a laptop.
I have both. A desktop and a netbook. I must say for the notebook, is very hard to do alot of typing on (reviews)I actually got a key board to plug in. Also, 98% of smaller laptops do not have a big hard drive for gaming, downloads, and music. The more 'portable' it is the less you can do. I prefer a desktop, bigger screen/easier on eyes, better to type bigger projects and you do not want to bog down a smaller lap top with embedded data or anything you have to download programs (quick time,apple ipod softwear,DivX,frostwir e)
I would take a desktop over a laptop anyday. I also found out if you have a com cam built into a lap top and using wireless it is very easy for someone to hack into it. I have a piece of electrical over my cam.
I would take a desktop over a laptop anyday. I also found out if you have a com cam built into a lap top and using wireless it is very easy for someone to hack into it. I have a piece of electrical over my cam.
I would recommend both if you are a heavy user. Laptops are portable, but are not designed for long run times. Heat is a major issue. Desktops can run almost continuous.
Originally posted by
I'm on the verge getting a new computer and have decided to get a laptop for space reasons and portability.
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
Besides voting (thanks), what are your thoughts?
I use a Toshiba laptop, and love it.
Once you go mac, you never go back
I have my own desk top in my room but I really want a laptop because it's so much eaisier plus I could move it around because sometimes I feel like laying down on my bed and using the computer but I can't because I have to sit in the chair and it makes my back hurt