Profile poll on cheating and affairs

Contributor: spiced spiced
I cheated in my first relationship back in high school. I "confessed", then she cheated to get back at me, and then our relationship slowly withered and died. I vowed to myself then that I'd never cheat again, and I never have.
Contributor: lovelyzombie lovelyzombie
i haven't cheated and don't plan to
Contributor: Pierced Blaqk Skies Pierced Blaqk Skies
The only time I have cheated on anyone I was with was when I was younger. I was with another female who allowed a stranger into her home and had sex with him. I guess my childish mind decided it was okay for me to cheat on her because she did it to me. I slept with an ex/friend of mine at the time who was in a serious relationship. My girlfriend never found out, still doesn't know to this day and I think my ex/friend's girlfriend probably figured out. He wasn't very trust worthy and had cheated on his girlfriend many times before me.

I only regret it because the guy is a total jerk and I really, really dislike him. I don't regret the act of cheating.

Also, I have been the 'other woman' before but it was not my doing. I was with someone for a few months/sleeping with them already and whatnot before he admitted that he was married. (His wife was in another state currently because of travel issues, that's how I didn't know.)

It ended horribly for me because he ended up making her the 'other woman' to me. I basically used the last remaining days with him around having meaningless sex. I just kind of used him for sex until he was pulled back to whatever state he had fled from.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
Originally posted by CreamySweet
Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to ... more
I've gotten close with someone, but never had an affair.

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