never cheat. i would rather leave or be left then cheated on.
Profile poll on cheating and affairs
Yeah a lot of people that you hurt do not believe that being the cheater hurts as well. It hurts to admit it, and it hurts seeing all of the hell you have/are causing/caused. I can admit that I have cheated on my wife, but I would never do it again in a million years and regret it everyday and she has since taken me back almost two years ago. She still brings it up occasionally and I know it is because it still bothers her, but that is something I have to live and deal with
I have not cheated in my current relationship but I did cheat in a past one. My current SO knows about it, and I feel like she worries but she has no reason to worry. I didn't admit to my then current SO what happened. I will honestly never cheat again, the stigma that goes along with it is hard to handle.
Very true
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Life's Little Secrets
I have not cheated in my current relationship but I did cheat in a past one. My current SO knows about it, and I feel like she worries but she has no reason to worry. I didn't admit to my then current SO what happened. I will honestly never
I have not cheated in my current relationship but I did cheat in a past one. My current SO knows about it, and I feel like she worries but she has no reason to worry. I didn't admit to my then current SO what happened. I will honestly never cheat again, the stigma that goes along with it is hard to handle.
Just dropping by to see where we are at poll wise. Still sorry it's so long but I think it gives some interesting data. Thanks all and folks please keep it rolling.
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Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to
Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to further thoughts and discussion.
Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
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Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
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I am married and would never cheat on my Wife. If we ever decided to experiment with others we would do it together
Never say never. I'm not proud of cheating on my former spouse. Though there are no excuses for cheating, I'll just say that we emotionally abandoned each other long before I cheated.
Thank you for sharing. I must agree on the never say never part. I don't think most folks go into a relationship or marriage with the intent to cheat but in some cases circumstances change and things happen. Life is not easy and emotion can impact and influence us in ways we never anticipated or imagined. It is easy to judge someone for doing it until one day when the person you are judging is your own face looking back at you. I think as long as you are honest with yourself and can look within and make your life better then it is not my right to fault you, praise you or judge you because I have not walked in your shoes. Don't beat yourself up and realize that the commonality of what you did is much higher then a lot of folks realize. I'm sure there have been quite a few folks who fit the "I'm not answering this poll" section as well as those who have to help all of us learn. Thanks everyone who has taken the poll and responded so far for all your help!!!
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Never say never. I'm not proud of cheating on my former spouse. Though there are no excuses for cheating, I'll just say that we emotionally abandoned each other long before I cheated.

Never have, never will. Watched my parents' marriage get torn apart by cheating. I cannot ever fathom hurting someone that way.
I have never cheated on anyone past or present and never will.
I would never cheat my first serious relationship ended because My boyfriend cheated on me I would never want to hurt anyone like that.
Married and have never (and don't intend to ever) cheat on my husband. We are too close to each other. If he did, I would probably forgive if it was a one time thing, but I don't think I could handle it if he did it serially with intent.
In my first marriage, my late husband gave me drunken permission to sleep with my best male friend, and nearly a year later I took him up on it. It was never discussed beyond that initial conversation, and we were both so far removed from our marriage that it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway, but I never knew whether he knew or not. My cheating was 90% for emotional reasons. I loved, and still love my friend very much. We came out the other side of it better friends I think. I credit that relationship with my survival of the hardest time of my life.
I did tell my current husband about it, and he doesn't hold it against me. He sometimes worries that I will somehow feel the same level of neglect I did then, but that really isn't even possible. He treats me like a queen. I no longer have the same feelings for my friend, and he lives in another country anyway. It was a very specific situation, an aligning of planets! And I am head over heels smitten for my husband, like I never have been for another person in my life.
I did tell my current husband about it, and he doesn't hold it against me. He sometimes worries that I will somehow feel the same level of neglect I did then, but that really isn't even possible. He treats me like a queen. I no longer have the same feelings for my friend, and he lives in another country anyway. It was a very specific situation, an aligning of planets! And I am head over heels smitten for my husband, like I never have been for another person in my life.
I've never cheated.
Happily married over 35 years. No temptations. I just don' t fit the. "Cosmo" mold!
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Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to
Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to further thoughts and discussion.
Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
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Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
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Ive been cheated in the past and it felt aweful. I wouldnt wanna hurt my baba. Its an aweful aweful pain
I am married and I have never cheated on my husband and I will not ever.
I have never cheated, though I have been cheated on several times.
I voted.
I admittedly have cheated in the past. My ex spouse was a cheater as well,so basically we both were guilty. We divorced and the guy I had cheated with ended up as my bf for 12 yrs. We finally split. I am remarried and would never consider cheating again. I am so committed to my husband. BTW, I am great friends w/ my ex spouse, and I am best friends with his current wife!!)
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Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to
Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to further thoughts and discussion.
Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
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Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
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Never cheated in a committed relationship. I've "dated" multiple people at once, but never ever cheated.
I just can't imagine doing it. I have been cheated on and it was devastating, and I would never wish that on someone else, especially the person I love.
I just can't imagine doing it. I have been cheated on and it was devastating, and I would never wish that on someone else, especially the person I love.
Married and never cheated! If I was unhappy and we couldn't work it out we would divorce not cheat.
I am in a committed relationship and have never cheated on him and I never will. I would end the relationship if I started to be unhappy enough to cheat.
I have been cheated on in the past.
I have been cheated on in the past.
Never been in a relationship
never cheated
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Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to
Hello everyone, Sorry for how long I made this poll. I tried to think about all the common questions I have seen in other polls and reports and put them together in one place. Please leave additional comments and questions if your comfortable to further thoughts and discussion.
Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
Select all that apply and I am sorry if I missed anything!! CreamySweet less
Thanks for your help and have an awesome week!!!
Select all that apply and I am sorry if I missed anything!! CreamySweet less
I,m a one man woman!!
I am a Single Male
Faithful and in a committed relationship.
I've never ever cheated.
I'm married and have never cheated or thought about cheating on my husband.
Any play with another person while in our relationship was agreed on between us and happened with us both present and comfortable with it.
Any play with another person while in our relationship was agreed on between us and happened with us both present and comfortable with it.