I don't have a firm standpoint on this. Usually when I think of sex, I think of vaginal (or anal), so therefore I usually only count my male partners.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Simple question, in a private poll.
sex is sex no matter how you toss the dice.
I think any sexual act with any exchange of fluids or contact with the sexual bits is close to sex, at least close enough to count that person as a sexual partner.
Oral sex is sex. Period. Otherwise, I know a lot of queer-identified people and people who don't have penetrative sex would be considered ~*~virgins~*~, and that is total bullshit.
I consider oral to be sex because you are exposed/exposing others to bodily fluids.
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
I'm female, and I count them because (other)
my other is that most people I've had oral with I've had intercourse with.
As for the females, well they were sex partners. So, yes, we had sex. Not intercourse...I don't own a strap on yet.
my other is that most people I've had oral with I've had intercourse with.
As for the females, well they were sex partners. So, yes, we had sex. Not intercourse...I don't own a strap on yet.
I think it is sex.
sex is sex no matter how you look at it.
I dont count BJS
I agree that oral is a sexual act, but no way is it sex. Mostly because I would have wayyyy to high of a number if I counted oral
I always saw oral as an act of foreplay, not sex. There is no penetration involved--unless their tongue is, well, large. That's just my opinion
of course its cheating
yes its sex
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
I think anything two people do foe each other can be sexual or sex. If it pleasures you to be rubbed a certain way then that too could be a form or sex or foreplay. I guess it just depends on the couples, but anything and everything we do that puts us in the mood and feels good sexually is considered a form of sex between the two of us.
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
if your discussing sexual partners, then how would oral not be sex? I never understood that. otherwise there are alot of people that don't have sex at all then,lol
depending on the context of the conversation, i can tell sometimes though that the person is referring to PIV
so on the same lines: do you count oral when its m/f? in other words for other female bisexuals out there, i'm curious if you are as likely to "count" blow jobs as you would oral with a woman? I guess I do have a double standard on that one.
depending on the context of the conversation, i can tell sometimes though that the person is referring to PIV
so on the same lines: do you count oral when its m/f? in other words for other female bisexuals out there, i'm curious if you are as likely to "count" blow jobs as you would oral with a woman? I guess I do have a double standard on that one.
Oral is sexual relations.
I don't consider it the same thing, but I would probably ammend my answer with an explaination of my partners. I would consider it a sexual act for sure, but not sex itself. I guess it's one of those gray areas. This is an excellent question. I'm not sure there is a right or wrong answer. I am loving reading the responses. Really gets you thinking.
I have had sex with everybody I ever received oral from...
I did give a guy a BJ once, and he was inconsiderate enough to not return the favor. I don't really count that. To me, sex is a mutual thing and that was just some jerk I gave a BJ to, LOL.
I did give a guy a BJ once, and he was inconsiderate enough to not return the favor. I don't really count that. To me, sex is a mutual thing and that was just some jerk I gave a BJ to, LOL.
it sounds weird, but I would only consider it sex if it was with another woman.
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
Sex is sex.

Yes, oral is sex, definitely.
I think it is sexual but I would not claim I had "sex" with someone when there was only oral involved.
yes, oral sex is sex.
man, some of these responses...
man, some of these responses...
It's all sexual contact
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
yes I think it is other wise it wouldn't be called oral SEX
Any contact with genitalia is "sex" if you mean exchange of sexual fluids. So for example, safe sex classes call all of it sex. But, it is not intercourse. For safety reasons I count it all as "sex" because sexual fluids are how all the nasty stuff is exchanged. So in my opinion it's important to count all partners for this reason.
When I was younger, I counted oral sex with women to be sex, but not with men. Now I agree that all oral sex is sex. Sometimes I count fingering, sometimes I don't. I also think that it depends on each individual circumstance
Before I lost my virginity, I would not have considered oral sex to be "in the count" as I would have considered myself still a virgin due to no penetration. But I would consider it to be sex now and would include any situation where only oral sex occurred to be a sexual partner.
I count anyone I have done anything sexual with. Of course, I only have female partners, so I've never ran into the problem of only one specific act counting as sex.
I do consider oral as sex.