Anything where both people get each other off counts to me--and often when they don't, actually. Anything that has the potential.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Simple question, in a private poll.

i count it as sex, but not as part of the number. i dont give it the bill clinton definition though.
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Personally, anything with the word "sex" in it is sex. Be it oral, anal, vaginal, or any other kind of sex. And safe sex can (and should) be a priority in all of these sexual acts.
if my dick is in a young ladies mouth, i like to think im getting laid...yay or Bjs!
Oral sex is sex.
Of course oral sex counts! It's called oral "sex" isn't it?
Oral sex is sex.
I think sex is sex, but I've only given oral sex to the people I've had sexual intercourse with.
Sex is whatever gets me off.
So yes, that includes oral
So yes, that includes oral
I think some wouldn't count oral because they may have been more casual about it. I wouldn't count first oral as lost of virginity.
Sex is sex no matter if it's oral or not. Hello, they call if oral SEX for a reason.
While I haven't had relations with any women, I do agree that they should be counted as well.
I don't consider it sex for me (strait male), though I can certainly see how a female/female situation would be sex. I have had the discussion with friends and I know many do feel oral should be counted in ones numbers. I do not however count in my numbers.
Originally posted by
Personally, anything with the word "sex" in it is sex. Be it oral, anal, vaginal, or any other kind of sex. And safe sex can (and should) be a priority in all of these sexual acts.
It is, after all, called oral sex. Just because there is no penetration doesn't mean it's not sex. And stimulation of the sex organs, whether penis or vagina is sex...... unless it's a bi-product of some activity like riding a bicycle etc.
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
But then where do you draw the line? A hand job is stimulation, too. Is that sex?
Originally posted by
It is, after all, called oral sex. Just because there is no penetration doesn't mean it's not sex. And stimulation of the sex organs, whether penis or vagina is sex...... unless it's a bi-product of some activity like riding a bicycle etc.
Well, I've never had oral sex with someone without later having intercourse,
While I don't consider it sex, per se, I would definitely still count them as a sexual partner. Enough so that those people would be factored into my "count"
While I don't consider it sex, per se, I would definitely still count them as a sexual partner. Enough so that those people would be factored into my "count"
I do count oral sex as sex. Any form of sexual intercourse is sex, whether it's to completion (orgasm), penetrative, or something else.
I count oral sex as sex.
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
I don't count it as "sex" you don't loose your virginity, but it is definitely close and I would consider it as bad as having sex with someone else in the cheating terms... but its not really sex to me, as satisfying as it is
To me it's sex. It doesn't matter if I put a condom on and masturbate in someone's armpit, it's still sex in my mind.
To me it's complicated. There are times when a blow job is just a blow job, and other times when oral sex is definitely sex.
If a guy sucks me off, but there's no kissing, touching, or any other sort of reciprocation on my part, then I don't count it as having sex with him, he's just someone I got a blow job from.
If I'm naked in bed with a guy, making out, caressing each other all over, and then it ends in performing oral sex on each other, then as far as I'm concerned we've had sex.
If a guy sucks me off, but there's no kissing, touching, or any other sort of reciprocation on my part, then I don't count it as having sex with him, he's just someone I got a blow job from.
If I'm naked in bed with a guy, making out, caressing each other all over, and then it ends in performing oral sex on each other, then as far as I'm concerned we've had sex.
All sex is "real" sex. Only counting penetrative sex as real sex is an incredibly limited and heteronormative view. By stating that the only "real" sex involves a penis entering a vagina you basically state that any act between any same sex partners is somehow invalid. This is incredibly hurtful and just not true. I find meaning in ALL forms of sex, penetrative and non-penetrative. Don't limit yourself to one form of sex when there are so many types of sex you can engage in and they are all real, meaningful, and beautiful. I also think its a bit of a cop out to deny that sex acts other than PIV count as oral. I feel like people do this because they feel guilty about sex or having lots of partners and so they compensate for their feelings of guilt by denying that it was real sex. Instead they should be targeting the views that consider sex as shameful and they should try to see the meaning in oral sex. I think not considering oral sex as real sex is dangerous healthwise as well since people use it as an excuse to not practice safe sex during oral. I know the women's health clinic I go to considers oral sex and anal sex "real" sex for this very reason. More so then anything I think this view is just generally limiting.
of course oral counts as sex.
I think it depends, which I know is weird, but it works in my brain.
Oral counts
I agree, actually.
Originally posted by
I think it depends, which I know is weird, but it works in my brain.
I'm a lesbian, so oral sex is definitely sex for me, without question. But I understand why straight folks might want to say only PIV counts as sex for them, personally.
I'm not a fan of absolute definitions of "sex"; personal definitions make much more sense to me.
I am amazed by how many people feel a penis is absolutely necessary to having sex. As a bisexual woman, I count all my partners, both male and female. Even if I was with a woman and all we did was get naked and finger each other until we were both satisfied, then it was sex!
oral sex is sex.
Originally posted by
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this
After reading something, where a women said that she only counted her male partners, but had sex with women also. I got to thinking, clearly this women only considers sex as sex and oral is not sex. So I searched the forum and could not find this question.
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
So do you think oral sex is sex? And do you count these partner's that you only had oral sex with? less
Great answer Kendra I could not have said this better myself. I agree with you 100 percent.
Originally posted by
No. Sex was originally PIV. You don't lose your virginity from oral sex and it is not intercourse. It's a sexual act, but sex is where penis goes in vagina. That's my opinion. I don't know why it has to be made to be so complicated.
No. Sex was originally PIV. You don't lose your virginity from oral sex and it is not intercourse. It's a sexual act, but sex is where penis goes in vagina. That's my opinion. I don't know why it has to be made to be so complicated. There's sex = penis in a vagina. There's ORAL sex = penis in mouth or cooter in mouth. There's anal sex = penis in booty. They all have different names. The term for oral sex is fellatio. Sex is commonly known as intercourse. ORAL sex is a sexual act just as they all are, but it IS NOT SEX. It is oral sex or fellatio.