How do you prepare for anal sex?

Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
I really don't do anything in particular! I try to keep a diet that is high fiber and healthy in general, so I feel like things tend to be pretty clean down there (I would probably pass on anal if I was having diarrhea recently though!). A clitoral orgasm can help, but just being really turned on and lubed up is enough!

And no....never had an incident
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
I play with it the most in the shower anyway lol
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
I need to vote for an other because I just lube up a lot and my husband goes in slowly little by little and as long as I am relaxed it is painless and fun we do it often I look at it like a good different option for my husband
Contributor: Why Not? Why Not?
It doesn't take much for me to be ready... maybe a little play with a plug, but that is usually it.
Contributor: AmethystQueen AmethystQueen
I know you mentioned a fleet enema, but didn't mention a different enema system. I try to do that, have a BM, wash in the shower AND wipe with a wipe.
Contributor: Shark09 Shark09
I clean out my ass using an enema, than I put my butt plug in to get me ready.
Contributor: CuriousFun CuriousFun
I've never really done much prep work for butt play. Maybe do a quick wipe-down with a wet wipe (which are good to have on-hand for clean-up afterwards, too), but that's as involved as it gets. Then just grab the lube and I'm good to go! Obviously if I'm having actual anal sex, some prep work with fingers and/or smaller toys first is necessary to make everything comfortable and pleasurable, but I don't really do anything special to prepare for starting to put things up my bum.

Obviously if I feel like my digestive tract is backed up, then it's not a good time for butt play, but I have a reasonably good diet (mostly, anyway), so that's not usually much of an issue for me.

Honestly, I've never quite understood why some people do so much elaborate prep work before anal play. Everything I know and have read about the workings of the human body says that stuff isn't necessary, and can potentially even be harmful (either outright harmful to your health, or harmful in the sense of being self-defeating and creating weird, unpleasant smells and the like), so why bother? I guess if it makes a person feel more comfortable and less self-conscious, then it serves a valid purpose, so to each their own (so long as they're not doing anything that potentially endangers their health), but I still don't really get it.
Contributor: Robin Goodfellow Robin Goodfellow
Originally posted by Liz2
For most of us, anal sex is not usually a spontaneous decision. To be pleasurable some thought and planning is entailed beyond lots of lube. Though I love anal intercourse, I am not always "just ready" for the experience.
Comments are ... more
I find it fascinating that among the numerous options provided in your poll, that you did not include: Enema! The old fashioned bag kind..

That's our go-to.

We use fleets or bulb style douche if in a pinch for time. But we use a bag enema set up before serious anal play sessions if possible. And for the health benefits.
Contributor: I preferred a mix between the two I preferred a mix between the two
People prepare??
Contributor: DenRu85 DenRu85
We have everything according to the classics, before anal sex I strongly excite my girlfriend, and of course a lot of lubricant, and then everything goes with a bang!
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
Most my anal encounters are usually in the shower so just washing before he goes in. Occasionally after doggy he’ll slip it in there

For our pegging sessions, he’s required to flush out till he’s very clean. Otherwise he’ll get more than just pegging.
Contributor: Jennshere Jennshere
I start with glycerin suppositories gel like tablets. I have a specific dildo not thick but just long enough to insert 2 glycerin bunnies. After ohhhhh, 1 1/2hour, time for toilet relief, then with enama squirt bottle tea, coffee, just water, enama formulas from neighboring drugstores fill myself. I hold as long as I can, 1hour Best. From there, after cleaning, Men, Men Men For Me!
Contributor: ingrid guerci ingrid guerci
When the time comes if it's her first time you might ask her to lie on her side (like a little spoon) most girls find this position to be the most comfortable when starting out (missionary is also popular).

Then if you're okay with fingering take lots of lube or if you can find it coconut oil (LOVE coconut oil) and insert one finger in slowly, as you insert tell her to slowly breathe out and relax as much as she can, you'll have to leave your finger there for a bit, swirl it around a little to loosen her up, then more lube and add another finger and keep this process slowly going until you get up to three fingers.
Contributor: Gustavo 9999 Gustavo 9999
I don't, I just stick my finger in her butt and if its sweaty and moist with the natural smell then I just pull her pants down and mess with her in the butt lol,
Contributor: Gustavo 9999 Gustavo 9999
I don't, I just stick my finger in her butt and if its sweaty and moist with the natural smell then I just pull her pants down and mess with her in the butt lol,