These all sound like positive changes for the EF community
#EdenUpdate - Expectations of Conduct
thanks for improvements
I am new to Eden and trying to learn everything. I have one question. I was on the clasifieds and made a trade. I know what happens there is my fault. But what if this person is taking money and not providing a trade/product as promised. I dont want to be winnie I have learned my leason. But I am hoping this is not how everyone proceeds on here. But I don't want anyone else to answer her add and be taken advantage of. Newbie trying to find answers.....Email me it would be easier lol.
If you get burned on a trade, there isn't anything we can do about it (use at your own risk), but we DO want to know about it.
Originally posted by
Sunny Meadows
I am new to Eden and trying to learn everything. I have one question. I was on the clasifieds and made a trade. I know what happens there is my fault. But what if this person is taking money and not providing a trade/product as promised. I dont want
I am new to Eden and trying to learn everything. I have one question. I was on the clasifieds and made a trade. I know what happens there is my fault. But what if this person is taking money and not providing a trade/product as promised. I dont want to be winnie I have learned my leason. But I am hoping this is not how everyone proceeds on here. But I don't want anyone else to answer her add and be taken advantage of. Newbie trying to find answers.....Email me it would be easier lol.
Send an email to partners@edenfantasys. com or to any admin and we'll look into it.
This is a great post!
Originally posted by
Forum Moderator
Expectations of Conduct:
Open discussions and opinions are welcome. We strongly support freedom of speech, but do not support negative or hurtful behavior. Debates and disagreements are a part of the territory, but we expect members to ... more
Open discussions and opinions are welcome. We strongly support freedom of speech, but do not support negative or hurtful behavior. Debates and disagreements are a part of the territory, but we expect members to ... more
Expectations of Conduct:
Open discussions and opinions are welcome. We strongly support freedom of speech, but do not support negative or hurtful behavior. Debates and disagreements are a part of the territory, but we expect members to conduct themselves in a mature and respectful manner. We will not tolerate bullying, deliberate provocation, or disrespect. This includes insinuations and threats of action that may take place outside of the EdenFantasys community.
Defamation of individuals, EdenFantasys, or other companies is not tolerated. This includes accusations, speculations, and sweeping generalizations that can be hurtful. This is an information sharing resource, not a rumor-mill - Let's be factual and fair.
Any homophobic, racist, or otherwise hateful behavior will result in immediate banning from the community. Additionally, any content that sexualizes children or animals will result in an immediate ban. Hatred, abuse, and illegal activities have no place in our community.
EdenFantasys works hard to maintain the positive attitude and safe haven that make the EdenFantasys community such an open and welcoming place. When an EdenFantasys employee steps in to mediate a concern or disagreement, it is a cue that everyone needs to take a step back, calm down, and discuss the matter in a more rational matter. We prefer to mediate rather than close or delete threads; however, there may be circumstances where that is necessary.
We reserve the right to remove threads that do not serve a constructive and positive purpose.
We also reserve the right to replace a graphic (nudity) or copyrighted image avatar with a default image. If you have any questions if an avatar is appropriate or not, ask an Admin. less
Open discussions and opinions are welcome. We strongly support freedom of speech, but do not support negative or hurtful behavior. Debates and disagreements are a part of the territory, but we expect members to conduct themselves in a mature and respectful manner. We will not tolerate bullying, deliberate provocation, or disrespect. This includes insinuations and threats of action that may take place outside of the EdenFantasys community.
Defamation of individuals, EdenFantasys, or other companies is not tolerated. This includes accusations, speculations, and sweeping generalizations that can be hurtful. This is an information sharing resource, not a rumor-mill - Let's be factual and fair.
Any homophobic, racist, or otherwise hateful behavior will result in immediate banning from the community. Additionally, any content that sexualizes children or animals will result in an immediate ban. Hatred, abuse, and illegal activities have no place in our community.
EdenFantasys works hard to maintain the positive attitude and safe haven that make the EdenFantasys community such an open and welcoming place. When an EdenFantasys employee steps in to mediate a concern or disagreement, it is a cue that everyone needs to take a step back, calm down, and discuss the matter in a more rational matter. We prefer to mediate rather than close or delete threads; however, there may be circumstances where that is necessary.
We reserve the right to remove threads that do not serve a constructive and positive purpose.
We also reserve the right to replace a graphic (nudity) or copyrighted image avatar with a default image. If you have any questions if an avatar is appropriate or not, ask an Admin. less
You mention graphic/nudity avatars, but what about graphic/nudity pictures on the forums? For example, I clicked on a topic and was greeted with a very graphic photo that I wished I had a warning about or had the imaged embedded in a link to click on.
Yes, please contact an admin about it! Please!
Originally posted by
You mention graphic/nudity avatars, but what about graphic/nudity pictures on the forums? For example, I clicked on a topic and was greeted with a very graphic photo that I wished I had a warning about or had the imaged embedded in a link to click
You mention graphic/nudity avatars, but what about graphic/nudity pictures on the forums? For example, I clicked on a topic and was greeted with a very graphic photo that I wished I had a warning about or had the imaged embedded in a link to click on.
What about dynamic IPs and two people with different accounts in the same household?
Originally posted by
Forum Moderator
Multiple Accounts:
There have been numerous cases of contributors creating multiple accounts to abuse or exploit many of the programs and privileges on the site. We take these offenses very seriously and definite action will be taken in ... more
There have been numerous cases of contributors creating multiple accounts to abuse or exploit many of the programs and privileges on the site. We take these offenses very seriously and definite action will be taken in ... more
Multiple Accounts:
There have been numerous cases of contributors creating multiple accounts to abuse or exploit many of the programs and privileges on the site. We take these offenses very seriously and definite action will be taken in every case. The accounts will be disabled, and the IP addresses will be blocked. This is a lose-lose situation. Creating multiple accounts is dishonest; it undermines the entire purpose of the community. less
There have been numerous cases of contributors creating multiple accounts to abuse or exploit many of the programs and privileges on the site. We take these offenses very seriously and definite action will be taken in every case. The accounts will be disabled, and the IP addresses will be blocked. This is a lose-lose situation. Creating multiple accounts is dishonest; it undermines the entire purpose of the community. less
That has been asked before and every answer was that it was fine
Originally posted by
What about dynamic IPs and two people with different accounts in the same household?
However there has been one person on here who has made MANY accounts (even after they were banned before for multiple accounts, plagiarism, scamming people on the Classifieds, etc) and I've reported them and nothing has been done. Not sure if I should add a "yet" to that because I'll believe that they take that offense "seriously" when something is actually done about it.
Yeah, we're taking care of that person. We have tech tracking down their IPs. I assure you, I'm on this.
Originally posted by
That has been asked before and every answer was that it was fine
However there has been one person on here who has made MANY accounts (even after they were banned before for multiple accounts, plagiarism, scamming people on the Classifieds, ... more
However there has been one person on here who has made MANY accounts (even after they were banned before for multiple accounts, plagiarism, scamming people on the Classifieds, ... more
That has been asked before and every answer was that it was fine
However there has been one person on here who has made MANY accounts (even after they were banned before for multiple accounts, plagiarism, scamming people on the Classifieds, etc) and I've reported them and nothing has been done. Not sure if I should add a "yet" to that because I'll believe that they take that offense "seriously" when something is actually done about it. less
However there has been one person on here who has made MANY accounts (even after they were banned before for multiple accounts, plagiarism, scamming people on the Classifieds, etc) and I've reported them and nothing has been done. Not sure if I should add a "yet" to that because I'll believe that they take that offense "seriously" when something is actually done about it. less
If anyone finds any suspicious activity on-site, please send an email/on-site message/support ticket (whichever works best for you) to us so we can look into it.
Bumping this thread up. Seems to be a lot of stuff going on that the EoC covers.
I am very appreciative that the Eden team works so hard and clearly clears about the Eden Community and how its members may or may not be making meaningful and respectful contributions to the community. I have loved it so far since I've joined and I certainly appreciate the moderating of plagiarism since I go out of my way to be as original and thorough as possible, or give praise and citations where they are due in my SexIs articles.
Wonderful! The reasons I love EF just keep growing!
(Blinks in disbelief.) I know I am new to the community, but I have to wonder what on Earth I am missing that would warrant all these warnings. Everyone I have met virtually/read posts from on Eden has been super friendly, has posted relevant things, and has not been in the least cruel or defamatory. Did I just get lucky in who I followed/made friends with, or is Eden really having tons of problems that these new regulations address? Forgive me if I sound a bit naive here.
Every forum has their bad apples. There aren't too many here on EF in the time I've been here, but there are a few you may come across from time to time. The only real problem I have had is retaliatory votes on reviews.
Originally posted by
(Blinks in disbelief.) I know I am new to the community, but I have to wonder what on Earth I am missing that would warrant all these warnings. Everyone I have met virtually/read posts from on Eden has been super friendly, has posted relevant things,
(Blinks in disbelief.) I know I am new to the community, but I have to wonder what on Earth I am missing that would warrant all these warnings. Everyone I have met virtually/read posts from on Eden has been super friendly, has posted relevant things, and has not been in the least cruel or defamatory. Did I just get lucky in who I followed/made friends with, or is Eden really having tons of problems that these new regulations address? Forgive me if I sound a bit naive here.
love that you added this some things on here get a little too heated! especially in a place where we are all supposed to be able to be open and honest.
Originally posted by
Forum Moderator
We, at EdenFantasys, have created these Expectations of Conduct to provide a welcoming, safe, sex-positive community for all community members to enjoy. We love our community and want to protect everyone participating in it. Please respect these
We, at EdenFantasys, have created these Expectations of Conduct to provide a welcoming, safe, sex-positive community for all community members to enjoy. We love our community and want to protect everyone participating in it. Please respect these rules and guidelines to help us keep EdenFantasys a safe and open place for all. We greatly value the exchange of information and ideas, and look forward to learning and sharing together.
Thanks so much for the the break down of the conduct!
Originally posted by
Forum Moderator
EdenFantasys strives to maintain a sex-positive community that welcomes all genders, races, religions, creeds, etc. - EVERYONE. These expectations are for every person who participates anywhere on the EdenFantasys website. The Expectation of Conduct
EdenFantasys strives to maintain a sex-positive community that welcomes all genders, races, religions, creeds, etc. - EVERYONE. These expectations are for every person who participates anywhere on the EdenFantasys website. The Expectation of Conduct (EoC) has been created to ensure that discussions and comments are respectful, productive, and relevant to EdenFantasys. We are a community, here to support and help one another via our forums, review comment areas, and system messages. This is a “living document” and may be altered, changed, or updated with or without notice.
I am sure that some of these are new updates, or ah, additions I believe one would call it, to the conduct?
Thank-you. I also want to thank eden that when I did struggle with conduct problems that eden was right there to help quickly and smoothly.
Originally posted by
Forum Moderator
We, at EdenFantasys, have created these Expectations of Conduct to provide a welcoming, safe, sex-positive community for all community members to enjoy. We love our community and want to protect everyone participating in it. Please respect these
We, at EdenFantasys, have created these Expectations of Conduct to provide a welcoming, safe, sex-positive community for all community members to enjoy. We love our community and want to protect everyone participating in it. Please respect these rules and guidelines to help us keep EdenFantasys a safe and open place for all. We greatly value the exchange of information and ideas, and look forward to learning and sharing together.

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