I don't understand this poll
What would you do if your honey cheated on you in your dreams?

I guess it would depend on how real the dream felt. I'd probably tell him about it in the morning and laugh it off.
Honestly I'd probably try to force myself to stay in the dream just to enjoy watching him with another woman then wake up and have the best morning sex ever!
This happens way to often with both of us. Generally I wake up and will push him or something and go back to sleep. On the other hand he'll get up for work and just stand in the doorway and yell goodbye to me, so I know I did something bad in his dreams. haha.
Lol, love your poll. But really, I'm always dreaming about someone else (maybe that's something I should be concerned about that). I really couldn't complain.
I would be upset when i woke up but as soon as i realized it was just a dream i would be over it and joking about it.
I Just Try To Laugh It Off
Haha, this poll is really amusing
Originally posted by
The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.
It makes me a bit self-conscious at first (even though it's a bit silly), but telling him about it makes me feel better, since it's always someone he would never be interested in so we laugh about it.
I've had one of those and as much as I knew it was completely irrational and stupid I was a royal BITCH the whole day and I felt really bad about it but I was hurt lol
Wait... what? Why would I even think of punishing my partner for what is probably my own paranoia? That is completely irrational. I'd talk about it with him, and we'd move on. I trust him completely. It makes no sense to use underhanded tactics for punishing someone for something you have no proof they did in the first place. Talk about it with them like an adult.
I'm usually the one cheating in my dreams. Or he cheats once and then I outdo him.
comically written polls never get old :p
I'm usually cheating in my dreams....in which case I react by giving him a bj. ha.
I'm usually cheating in my dreams....in which case I react by giving him a bj. ha.
im guilty of getting mad at my bf about cheating on me in my dream but i dont take it too far i just might be grumpy for the first half of the day
I don't understand why people get mad about things like this, it's neither person's fault XD Whenever I have weird dreams like that I either ignore them or tell him and get over it, it's not a problem.
I wouldn't really be mad at them, but I'd probably feel upset and act that way towards them for a little while, even though I'd know it was silly.
Originally posted by
The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.
I've had more dreams of him screwing a man (he's strait) than other women. I do not understand it. I usually tell him about the crazy dreams, and we laugh about them. I just have off the wall dreams in general.
I am poly, but there is still such thing as cheating in my world. I would be upset, but I also understand its just a dream. I would probably talk to my partner and make sure we were ok and try very hard not to take it out on him.
honestly i have dreams like that and still do till this day. its just the worst fear coming out in your sleep. the first couple times it happened to me i woke up in a panic then realized he was sleeping right next to me. it all depends on the intensity of the dream for me as well though.
Well after waking up, it'd feel real, so I'd be a little distant and sad.. But after realizing it's just a dream, everything will be fine. Now if I was cheated on in real life... ohhh I'd pounce on him & attack. lol jk.. I'd wish I could though.
it has happened he was mad when he woke up
Originally posted by
The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.