What would you do if your honey cheated on you in your dreams?

Contributor: Miss B Haven Miss B Haven
A british accent on an octopus...awesome

I have wierd dreams but I try to analyze them instead of getting upset.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I'm 98% sure it has happened - I think it's natural. Our relationship starts with trust, and for us that the only 100% there is. Dreams are not an issue.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
I get annoyed if somebody that she used to likes or that flirts with her
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I've gotten upset before, lol.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
The options in this poll are great.

With that said, I have cheated and been cheated on in dreams. My partner and I usually talk it out in the morning, say lots of I love yous, and then get over it.
Contributor: *Huxley* *Huxley*
Meh. It's a dream, not reality. If you are really "Getting mad at him and being emotionally distant but don't tell him why." then maybe you shouldn't be in that relationship and/or need to get over your own insecurities. Seems like that choice is doing more harm then good. Especially over a dream.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by Jessica Elizabeth
Eh, dreams are dreams. If we could only control what we dream. The basis of a relationship is trust. Just 'cuz it's dreamed doesn't mean it's real.

Now if there really was cheating, that's different. But dreams, they ... more
Yep. Ditto to this. Funny though, my man has had several dreams in which women were coming on to him, and he refused to be with them because he wanted to be faithful. LOL
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
And I died over those poll options. Stab him in the toe, indefinitely. And maybe the knee too for extra good measure.
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
It's actually him that usually has dreams about me cheating on him, and even though it was just a dream I still feel guilty about it. But after a while we just laugh it off and go on like normal.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I would get over it because dreams aren't real and it's probably symbolic more than real.
Contributor: charcat charcat
I'm really really confused here. Maybe I'm just weird but dreaming about my boyfriend cheating wouldn't make me mad at him because it's a dream, and he had nothing to do with it. Sure, I might wonder why I had the dream, but I wouldn't be mad at him because that just doesn't even make sense...
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.
Ha ha lol Your poll answers are cute & funny. I seriously dream at least 2-3 times weekly that my partner is cheating on me! I can't stop! It's been happening for 4 years now and every time, I wake up so devastated til I realize it was a dream. A lot of times while I'm dreaming I'll remember that it's a dream and it's not real and then I fall back into the dream and then remember again. It's still really upsetting though when those dreams feel real. Maybe this is the meds I take for pain/anxiety before I sleep! Lol. Lately, I've been reading in my sleep. Like, I will actually be thinking each word in my head and they usually are really crazy sentences. That's probably most definitely the meds! Lol

I hate those cheating dreams. I always have the nightmares of him being with my twin sis. IT NEVER goes away! He isn't attracted to her. He actually isn't very fond of her at all, but I dream horrible nightmares about them all the time. It could have something to do with her being a little premiscuous in the past with my parnters. ? ?
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Anica
When I was pregnant with my son, I had this very vivid dream and I was so pissed off, I woke up crying yelling at my husband...which he thought was especially hilarious after I told him about the dream.

My dream was that as part of his ... more
OMG! That is too funny! That sounds a lot like the way things work into my dreams! Lol I have cats too so I know their misbhaviors can be stressfull enough to find their ways into your nightmares! Lol.
Contributor: AMGuidroz AMGuidroz
I can relate to all... except the bottom few! Not sure what thats about! lol
Contributor: daniel and frances daniel and frances
Originally posted by The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.
make him tell me all about them and then do that stuff with him.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
it's just a dream we both fool around in my dreams lol
Contributor: Eucaly Eucaly
The silent treatment for sex dreams is very odd.

They'll probably never be honest about dreams again if you did it!
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
i've been having alot of sex dreams lately, most involving me cheating on him, which are so much worse emotionally even than when he cheats on me in my dreams. i actually called him up one morning and was so upset because i dreamt he fucked his ex, who has been in and out of the picture (she texts him alot and calls occasionally.)
i called him, told him about it, and asked him, 'so did you fuck her?' he's like... what? this is ridiculous. which of course made me freak out even more. i was like 'just answer the question, yes or no!?'
he said no... i ended up being depressed the entire rest of the day. felt like dying. shit!

all over a dream. i have intense, dramatic, lucid dreams however. usually nightmares.

its just a dream.
try not to stress yourself over it. but i would talk to him about it if i were you.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
probably forget it. i don't remember most of my dreams anyway.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
My ex had a dream that I got lunch with another guy (not even a cheating dream) and he got upset with me. I had no idea what he expected me to do about it. It was HIS dream after all.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
mad and distant and I'm usually the one "cheating" in my dreams.
Contributor: starklover starklover
It was a dream, it was not real so I would do nothing
Contributor: TheBadHobbit TheBadHobbit
It'd take me a while to get over the rush of emotions, but I'd be doing my best to wave it off the whole time. It's not HIS fault my brain got flooded with sucky images! I'd probably need some cuddling to help me get over it faster though
Contributor: Breas Breas
Ugh, I hate dreams like this.... Well, I don't consider them dreams, I consider them nightmares!
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
Haha... I voted for all but the third and fourth ones and the last two.

In one of my dreams where someone cheated on me, I told him that I'd only stay if I cheated on him with as many people and as many times as he did and he could do nothing about it. I ended up cheating with a few more people than he did and just laughed it off. Haha, weird dream.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
This happened to me recently. I dreamt my husband slept with his ex. I laughed it off of course.
Contributor: Brandonn Brandonn
alot of point farmers wasting time on this one
Contributor: AJvil AJvil
Originally posted by The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.
It's just a dream so I wouldn't let it get to me
Contributor: SecretToyLover2 SecretToyLover2
I'm usually the one cheating in my dreams. And it's always with like movie stars and females lol. I remember studying this in a college class and it's usually because you, yourself, fears that your significant other is cheating. I honestly only have these dreams after watching a movie where someone cheats.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by The Bloggess
Make me feel better about myself.
I've had a bad dream before but I didn't take it out on her.