I have never been to one myself
Originally posted by
Rayne Millaray
Hi you guys! It's time for another EdenKink meeting! This month, based on your vote, we're going to discuss fetish ettiquette in and out of the home. This ranges from kink events and munches to rules and rituals within your own relationship.
Hi you guys! It's time for another EdenKink meeting! This month, based on your vote, we're going to discuss fetish ettiquette in and out of the home. This ranges from kink events and munches to rules and rituals within your own relationship. Before we start I want to make perfectly clear that I am not the authority on this subject. I've never been to a munch, kink club or event. I have, however, done a lot of research and have a good idea of the guidelines people follow. And I would love to hear about guidelines you've encountered that I don't mention. And please feel free to ask any questions you have. Also, not too long ago, Smokedawg reminded us on EdenCafe that "kink" doesn't just encompass BDSM. There are other fetishes and types of "kinky" relationships than those with some form of BDSM-related dynamics. For example, swingers and furries have parties too! If any of you have anything to say about etiquette at these types of events, please tell us about it! I'll admit I have no idea about either, really, besides what they've shown on television. And we all know how accurate television is. /sarcasmIn any case... Without further ado, let's start with etiquette at munches. Have any of you ever been to a munch? Were there any rules you were expected to follow?