Hey, I'm here early for once.
EdenKink - Fetish Etiquette - Thursday, December 22nd, 2011 @ 8pm ET
Hey AA! Glad you could make it.
Originally posted by
Hey, I'm here early for once.
I'm a few minutes early. Working on some tutorials too
I'm really excited for this!
Got my tea. Hi, everyone!
leeets DEW IT.
Originally posted by
Rayne Millaray
Grab your drinks and your seats and make a bathroom run! I've got coffee, eggnog (with and without alcohol), hot chocolate and candy canes to go around. That jolly old elf left a surprise for a few of you in that bag over there by the tree! And
Grab your drinks and your seats and make a bathroom run! I've got coffee, eggnog (with and without alcohol), hot chocolate and candy canes to go around. That jolly old elf left a surprise for a few of you in that bag over there by the tree! And EdenKink is about to begin.
15 Minute Warning! less
15 Minute Warning! less

Hi everyone!
hey you! hows it goin?
Originally posted by
Hi everyone!
Aww you find the cutest little illustrations
Originally posted by
leeets DEW IT.
Originally posted by
Aww you find the cutest little illustrations

It's going. Didn't get the gingerbread started, but I'm getting my whole family into ideas for it. I just finished wrapping all the presents.
Oh no, I won't be able to stay for tonight's meeting.
Have lots of fun!
Have lots of fun!
Luna! So glad you could make it! Miss you lots. Hopefully our free time will match up sometime soon!
Originally posted by
I bet you'll have lots to say on this subject. Feel free to jump in whenever you like. I'd love to hear about your experiences.
Yeah, thought that if I wanted to talk to ya Rayne I'd have to stalk you!
Originally posted by
Rayne Millaray
Luna! So glad you could make it! Miss you lots. Hopefully our free time will match up sometime soon!
I bet you'll have lots to say on this subject. Feel free to jump in whenever you like. I'd love to hear about your experiences.
I bet you'll have lots to say on this subject. Feel free to jump in whenever you like. I'd love to hear about your experiences.
have a great weekend then!
Originally posted by
Oh no, I won't be able to stay for tonight's meeting.
Have lots of fun!
Have lots of fun!
Hey you! Happy holidays to you, too! I wanted to thank you for your part in the holiday EdenGivesBack project. You rock my socks. <3
Originally posted by
leeets DEW IT.
ooh so glad it warmed your ! i'm just glad EF gave me the opportunity to do it. EF is AWESOME.
Originally posted by
Rayne Millaray
Hey you! Happy holidays to you, too! I wanted to thank you for your part in the holiday EdenGivesBack project. You rock my socks. <3
I'm here! Made it.. kinda. I'll be in and out.
Welcome to everyone who's here! Glad you all could make it. I know it's tough to find time, what with Christmas coming up this weekend. We'll give everyone a couple minutes to get settled and then get started. You ready?
Lol. Hopefully after the holidays things will settle a bit. We'll see!
Originally posted by
Yeah, thought that if I wanted to talk to ya Rayne I'd have to stalk you!
Yep! -^^-
Originally posted by
Rayne Millaray
Welcome to everyone who's here! Glad you all could make it. I know it's tough to find time, what with Christmas coming up this weekend. We'll give everyone a couple minutes to get settled and then get started. You ready?
Welcome to everyone who's here! Glad you all could make it. I know it's tough to find time, what with Christmas coming up this weekend. We'll give everyone a couple minutes to get settled and then get started. You ready?
I think I'm ready!
Originally posted by
Rayne Millaray
Welcome to everyone who's here! Glad you all could make it. I know it's tough to find time, what with Christmas coming up this weekend. We'll give everyone a couple minutes to get settled and then get started. You ready?
Welcome to everyone who's here! Glad you all could make it. I know it's tough to find time, what with Christmas coming up this weekend. We'll give everyone a couple minutes to get settled and then get started. You ready?
I celebrated yule yesterday, going to do giftsmas with the family. I have plenty of time though.
You have a new picture! I love it!
Originally posted by
Yep! -^^-
I was slow on the potatoes and my brother didn't notice our grill was out of propane, so mom and dad went back to bet and we're thawing some old casserole... so I've got til the wild rice heats up
I'm here - partly - on Skype with my son who lives 3 hours away....but lurking...sorta.
I'm here more to learn than to contribute.
I'm here more to learn than to contribute.
Hi you guys! It's time for another EdenKink meeting!
This month, based on your vote, we're going to discuss fetish ettiquette in and out of the home. This ranges from kink events and munches to rules and rituals within your own relationship.
Before we start I want to make perfectly clear that I am not the authority on this subject. I've never been to a munch, kink club or event. I have, however, done a lot of research and have a good idea of the guidelines people follow. And I would love to hear about guidelines you've encountered that I don't mention. And please feel free to ask any questions you have.
Also, not too long ago, Smokedawg reminded us on EdenCafe that "kink" doesn't just encompass BDSM. There are other fetishes and types of "kinky" relationships than those with some form of BDSM-related dynamics. For example, swingers and furries have parties too! If any of you have anything to say about etiquette at these types of events, please tell us about it! I'll admit I have no idea about either, really, besides what they've shown on television. And we all know how accurate television is. /sarcasm
In any case...
Without further ado, let's start with etiquette at munches. Have any of you ever been to a munch? Were there any rules you were expected to follow?
This month, based on your vote, we're going to discuss fetish ettiquette in and out of the home. This ranges from kink events and munches to rules and rituals within your own relationship.
Before we start I want to make perfectly clear that I am not the authority on this subject. I've never been to a munch, kink club or event. I have, however, done a lot of research and have a good idea of the guidelines people follow. And I would love to hear about guidelines you've encountered that I don't mention. And please feel free to ask any questions you have.
Also, not too long ago, Smokedawg reminded us on EdenCafe that "kink" doesn't just encompass BDSM. There are other fetishes and types of "kinky" relationships than those with some form of BDSM-related dynamics. For example, swingers and furries have parties too! If any of you have anything to say about etiquette at these types of events, please tell us about it! I'll admit I have no idea about either, really, besides what they've shown on television. And we all know how accurate television is. /sarcasm
In any case...
Without further ado, let's start with etiquette at munches. Have any of you ever been to a munch? Were there any rules you were expected to follow?
Peeking in!