When you bought your first sex toy in person how did you feel?

Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
Originally posted by Rhazya
I bought my first sex toy when I was twenty-one, I was out of my parent's house and on my own. I went to a local store that actually had coupons from a college coupon book.

When I went in, it was very well lit, very clean. As soon as I ... more
I had a similar experience at about the same age. Fortunately, the only clerk in the small local shop I went to was female, so I didn't have the embarrassment of dodging a male clerk.

When I asked to look at a dildo, she very humorously explained that they didn't carry dildos since dildos are illegal in Texas, but that they had these lovely "educational models" that I might be interested in. It made me laugh and helped to relax me.

I was very grateful for her matter-of-factness, as well as for her helpful suggestions. I ended up buying a beaver and some astroglide, and I still love both.
Contributor: Triple X Moma Triple X Moma
Originally posted by Rhazya
If you bought your first sex toy ever in person, how did you feel as you bought it? I'm just curious as to how everyone felt.
I was shy. After the first time it was easy.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
Originally posted by ScottA
Absolutely panicked that I would see someone I was acquainted with.

I went to a quality store, so the service there was good, but going in and out, and then worrying that someone I knew would come up and look in the windows just in case ... more
Me too! I bought my first toys at Spencers and it was totally awkward trying to figure out the best toy for me (when I had no idea) with teenagers running around and the fear of a friend seeing me. Eek! I'm glad I found EF.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
I was a little nervous when we first walked in. After walking around a bit the feeling went away and I felt perfectly okay.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I actually felt very aroused. The shop I was in was very... Idk but it made me horny!
Contributor: Chul Chul
I've never bought a sex toy in person, but I'd really like to try at least once. I love the convenience and deals of buying online, but my interest in going to an actual brick and mortar store to browse around entices me.
Contributor: Rawhide Rawhide
It was fine, very comfortable. It felt good to be able to support the local economy of a small town. It felt nice to be able to deal with a human being and ask questions, see products in person, and in general recieve in person customer service. But this was more due to the excellent quality of the shop I had access to, not the in person experience itself. I had visited other shops in larger cities with friends and never purchased anything, never wanted to, because the vibe was very unappealing.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
When I made my first in-person sex toy, I felt pretty nervous, but also really excited. It took me quite some time to work up the nerve, and my best friend and I had been talking about going for quite a while before we actually made the trip.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Love Perpetua
When I made my first in-person sex toy, I felt pretty nervous, but also really excited. It took me quite some time to work up the nerve, and my best friend and I had been talking about going for quite a while before we actually made the trip.
*headdesk* I read that as making your own sex toy in person, before I realized it was a typo. I need more sleep.
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
Never done it, but I have a feeling I'd be nervous
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
I have never bought a sex toy in person, and I really never want too.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I was very nervous BUT, it was mainly because I was underage. I had no problem marching up and setting my vibrator on the counter, but I was very afraid of being carded and asked to leave.