Sometimes you just need that time to yourself. Especially if I just want to get off quickly and not have to deal with someone else.
Is it wrong to prefer a sex toy over your lover sometimes?
Seconded. There is a difference between wanting alone time, and wanting the toy more than your partner. The first is fair enough, but the latter makes me a bit sad to contemplate. I certainly wouldn't want my mate forming such preferences!
Originally posted by
Airen Wolf
While I realize that this sounds silly on the surface I really believe that one should never PREFER a toy over a might desire to use a toy and skip partner play especially if said partner is unavailable or uninterested but I will never
While I realize that this sounds silly on the surface I really believe that one should never PREFER a toy over a might desire to use a toy and skip partner play especially if said partner is unavailable or uninterested but I will never say I prefer my toy over my partner(s).
Personally I prefer my partner(s) use my favorite toy with me. less
Personally I prefer my partner(s) use my favorite toy with me. less
They're both different, so I think they fall in their own categories.
I think it depends on the situation.
I wouldn't turn him down then go use a toy, that's kinda mean and would hurt his feelings. If I want sex, I'll take it from him or grab a toy. I don't prefer a toy over him but I do like to use a bullet or something at times for clitoral stimulation while having sex.
Originally posted by
I always wonder if it's wrong to just sometimes want your toy over your lover? Is it ok to prefer your toy every once in awhile?
Definitely, I mean if there are things you can do to toys or things toys can do for you that you wouldn't want your partner to do then it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
It feels like all kinds of unhealthy if a partner feels they should be the sole object of your sexuality. I'm sure it works out fine for some couples, but I couldn't deal with a partner who thought that I shouldn't masturbate because she exists. Just 'cause we bang doesn't mean she owns my desire or my body; I gotta retain rights to touch my own body, ya know?
For me, choosing my partner vs. my sex toys isn't always picking from two means to the same goal. I want to have sex with my husband for the intimacy and closeness. I want to use my sex toys because I'm feel the need to tune out the world and get off. It just depends what I'm in the mood for.
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I don't prefer it, I like the real thing. But I have played with myself soon after sex with a toy. I also don't see anything wrong if you prefer one over your partner.
Originally posted by
I always wonder if it's wrong to just sometimes want your toy over your lover? Is it ok to prefer your toy every once in awhile?

I still have a high sexual energy and prefer to take care of my own needs now. My wife and I took care of each other and she trusted me to provide her sexual needs for over 48 years. It was a lifetime of love, desire and mutually satisfying sexual energy, even at our ages. I will never find a true love such as what she shared with me.
I don’t have a lover anymore thanks to an untested, mandated vaccine my wife of 47 years was forced to take in order to keep her government job. She incurred heart injury and later passed away. No one held accountable for her being used as a ‘lab rat’.
I don’t have a lover anymore thanks to an untested, mandated vaccine my wife of 47 years was forced to take in order to keep her government job. She incurred heart injury and later passed away. No one held accountable for her being used as a ‘lab rat’.
I don't think anything is "wrong" in someone's sex life, unless it involves a violation of consent. There are a lot of reasons why a toy might be preferable - you/your partner isn't in the right headspace or physical space to play together in the way you each want, life gets in the way, you want the type of orgasm that a human isn't capable of replicating (just like how sometimes you want an orgasm that a toy isn't capable of replicating). Sure it's IDEAL if you can get everyone on the same page, and incorporate your lover into scenes even if you still want or need toys to get you off - if they want to be part of them - but it would seem really weird and controlling to me if a partner became upset because I got myself off without them using a toy, and I don't expect to be around every time they're in the mood to cum either. If anything it's hot to think of them masturbating, regardless of what they use or whether I'm there for it.
Toys are just a way to broaden the sexual palette you work with and adapt to different circumstances that life throws at you. Plus, some toys are just that fucking good! What can I say?
Toys are just a way to broaden the sexual palette you work with and adapt to different circumstances that life throws at you. Plus, some toys are just that fucking good! What can I say?
I'll be perfectly honest I've never played with any kind of toy before, only my fingers to masturbate with, but now that I'm married, I still masturbate but together with my Hubby & we both enjoy doing & watching one another which is awesome! I simply can't imagine a toy ever being able to take the place of my hubby's gorgeous 23 Cm's of clean, waxed smooth, throbbing hard cock which I can play with anytime I so desire night & day!
