What do you think about sex in the morning?

Contributor: briluminary briluminary
My boyfriend likes to have sex upon waking up but it's honestly just not my thing. What about you?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I love it!
padmeamidala , Diabolical Kitty , P'Gell , -BillD , froggiemoma , AngelvMaynard , Lucky21 , LaLaLouise , Kindred , eggiweg , Starkiller87 , LennaKieran , JessCee , magicmac , Karen Affeldt , Fun Lover , M121212 , Elaira , Kkay , Liz2 , gehuwd , guard083 , JE011 , ParisLove , KinkBiLove , EastCoast36 , babyrock , Darling Jen , dawnkye , CherryDyke , BellaDonna2884 , Howells , MeliPixie , jenngarcia , ss143 , Stagger13 , jakjak , WhoopieDoo , Peggi , The Curious Couple , dhig , Paladin Fantasys , Toys in Love , dude , kokopelli , Lady Venus , The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , LittleBird , bondedlove23 , SomeGirl , TheCleansing , Anjulie , ejrbrndps , InNeedOfABuzzzz , geliebt , domistar , catgirl9 , EnterTheFist , LavenderSkies , mmc67 , HomuHomu , PassionateLover2 , Kitt Katt , GRRRRR , Gracie , PassionCpl , STM , mistressg , AmethystSmoke , winterseve , hummingbird8 , mpfm , Over here , Stinkytofu10 , Brandonn , Jaimes , sweetnlow4u , snuggly , Hibangel , Incendiaire , Positwist , Highmaintenancegirl916 , vanilla&chocolate , The Majikat , hall5885 , pootpootpoot , Honeybee , Bex1331 , Missmarc , CoffeeCup , Tork48309 , ihavenipples , Wigychuck , chula101 , WD40watcher , sexxxkitten , Catch Star , Fawkes , xilliannax , thekindthorn , 31 Flavors , BG529 , RTC , dragonn , HannahPanda , sexydelphia , licious , KRD , konicaguy , garychutchcouple , Derpina , Bignuf , agilbert , Why Not? , butts , Yummm , PropertyOfPotter , submarinerswife81 , meowpuss , Billie Bones , *Camoprincess* , Elias McLovin , RadRach , laroc nite (Tina) , TheirPet , ankie212 , Mari , Flan-Flan Shazam , FairyPrincess , Chami , pfoof , True Pleasures , xcapricax , geekkink , nosrslylol , Zandrock , Katzer , AwesomeAmanda , SoloJoe , tweet420 , Thumper Logic , burtnuh , Sunny Meadows , Trysexual , Ace <3 , gwenevieve , Eugler , loveme , HisLittleFiend , ohsnaprawr , jive.9 , Sbmsvschoolgirl , SMichelle , Geogeo , Meido , CJK , spiced , Cosmonaut , chicagobearsfan , Rokmai , leanright69 , MaximusMax
162  (54%)
Not for me.
yrnw , Ghost , Rossie , toxie m , EJ , joja , - Kira - , cheetahpita , MamaDivine , Dreaus , VelvetDragon , squire , Loriandhubby , Kiwi Green , Cat E. , Flower1 , ShinySuicide , Real or memorex
18  (6%)
Ehhh, sometimes I will.
Sir , Shellz31 , Sunshineamine , Lily Night , Triple X Moma , Ajax , Lummox , meitman , caligaliber , MaryExy , married with children , NarcissisticLust , bayosgirl , Ryuson , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Gunsmoke , IslandGoddess , Red Vinyl Kitty , indiglo , ZenaidaMacroura , EvilHomer , DeliciousDrip , Sharpsgirl1 , ily , Sex'и'Violence , nancylanier , DeliciousSurprise , Nora , MissBre , Pink Jewel , jc123 , Beck , Sohotdinosaur , darthkitt3n , SexyTabby , null , Katastophy , sausagelover , budasangel , Kendrir , voenne , zeebot , (k)InkyIvy , grace , IndridCold , Hallmar82 , FemmeFlo , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , eeep , Katelyn , firefly1330 , underHim , slynch , In Between Soliloquies , Mwar , corsetsaurus rex , LAndJ , dbm6907 , hillys , tinadice , Passion plum , Subska , highlifegirl , Squeaky , Curiouscat , hot n spicey , Kirsten A , curious kitten , Bbiz , aluraceleste , MissCandyland , ThoughtsAblaze , Yebby , Sam I Am , mmmmm , Undecided , solitudinarian , Terri69 , FHeemz , CadmiumKitty , Scrawberry78 , Gone (LD29) , epiphanyjayne , gsfanatic , amplified to rock , MnK , beautifulbombshellVI , Charry , dontbackdown02 , Martiniman , LaSchwartz , aimtoplease , ViVix , chantalgiardina , misty82 , AliMc , luvslukin , Phoenix77 , unfulfilled , Big Dog , Lildrummrgurl7 , Kenneth Fort , Gdom , Mamastoys , kmarsico , moops , Lioncub , wildshores , apple4me , ginnyluvspotter , Robespierrethecat , sexualscientists , 1001 Pleasures , 783883877299373783 , Ayogirl230 , donatello6789 , twelve13 , CarmenCaligula , Pastafariette , Pumpk1nPatch , tami
121  (40%)
Total votes: 301
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Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I'm not a morning person, but if I'm feeling good then I'm up for it. There are mornings that it's better to leave me alone though!
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I really have to be in the mood. Most of the time it's a no. I want to get up and brush teeth and pee not have sex right away. I will go for an afternoon delight though
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by briluminary
My boyfriend likes to have sex upon waking up but it's honestly just not my thing. What about you?
I enjoy sex in the morning. Sometimes that is the only time we can get a quickie in with having two kids. He will often want to take me right before going to work. It's a great way for us to connect before he leaves for the day.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
I love morning sex. Especially when you're still all groggy!!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
It's a nice way to start the day.
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
i love it
Contributor: -BillD -BillD
Not immediately in the morning, we like to shower and brush our teeth first, but after that we love to have sex.
Contributor: meitman meitman
I rarely ever turn down sex, but I'm also pretty fond of sleep. I could take it either way.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Yes please.
Contributor: LaLaLouise LaLaLouise
I love it when wake-up cuddles turn into more! But it hasn't happened in probably over a year. My sweetie likes to sleep in and I'm an early riser. Plus he has minor stomach aches in the morning on a somewhat frequent basis.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I'm not a morning person, unless my husband really wants it, I prefer to wait till bedtime.
Contributor: magicmac magicmac
A morning spooning is great!
Contributor: Karen Affeldt Karen Affeldt
I love it. It kind of sets my mood for the rest of the day.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
In the morning, I don't feel sexy and I'm nearly impossible to arouse which means no morning sex. However, I have no qualms with waking my partner up in the night with a good blow job.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I'm sleepy and grouchy in the morning. My boyfriend is often (or always) ready to go but I turn him down 9/10 times. Mornings are the time to get every last pinch of sleep possible, not the time to get all sexy-like.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
It really depends on the situation! Not usually, though!
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
If woody is awake I take advantage of it. I like starting my day off with a bang!
Contributor: M121212 M121212
Totally love it. It's the best way to start the day!
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
I love waking up all snuggled up with my lover. Apparently cuddling turns me on.
Contributor: IslandGoddess IslandGoddess
Originally posted by Sunshineamine
I really have to be in the mood. Most of the time it's a no. I want to get up and brush teeth and pee not have sex right away. I will go for an afternoon delight though
Lol you couldn't have said it any better. The first thing i think of when i wake up is how pas and want to pee! I would pee first brush my teeth an from there have morning sex. Or we could have morning sex in the shower thats always fun. Over all im move of a night time girl. So that way after when im all exausted i could go right to sleep.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
I enjoy it when I have it. I don't always want to have it.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I love it when it happens and gets me going for the day.
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
I hate having sex in the morning. However, if that's what my husband wants to do, I definitely do it.
Contributor: guard083 guard083
I love sex in the morning and so does my boy
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Generally, it's a big no for me. I don't feel well in the morning physically, and that makes very difficult to want to have sex. There are the occasional exceptions though.
Contributor: ParisLove ParisLove
I love it
Contributor: babyrock babyrock
Originally posted by briluminary
My boyfriend likes to have sex upon waking up but it's honestly just not my thing. What about you?
My girl loves it and so do I.
Contributor: dawnkye dawnkye
I love sleepy morning sex, especially if I can roll back to sleep right after.
Contributor: CherryDyke CherryDyke
I'm cool with it!