What do you think about sex in the morning?

Contributor: BellaDonna2884 BellaDonna2884
Great way to start the day.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
My boyfriend (if he doesn't have to work that day...) likes to flop over and hump my butt in a silly manner. After a bit though it goes from silly to some serious let's-have-fun motions, and I am always up for that no matter what time of day!

I do especially love it in the morning though. It makes me feel special, like I actually rate over the bathroom, coffee, waffles, AND whatever else his Overseer--I mean, BOSS--has planned for him to do even though it's his day off.
Contributor: ParisLove ParisLove
Love itt
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
My hubby loves it so sometimes but I don't like getting up before I have to and with a baby and two dogs there's not a lot of time to lounge around in bed in the am.
Contributor: Jon S Jon S
we dont really but i would like to
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
before church is the best
Contributor: joja joja
I'm okay with it theoretically, but I am NOT a morning person and tend to want to brush my teeth, eat, shower, and relax before doing anything in the morning - sex included.
Contributor: nancylanier nancylanier
my man is the same he ALWAYS wants to have sex first thing in the morning but im not always up for it
Contributor: Nora Nora
I'm more of a "wait til I'm awake" type person, but my significant other ejoys morning sex, so I compromise.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
A great way to start my morning!
Contributor: Pink Jewel Pink Jewel
I compromise even though I am not a morning person.
Contributor: Paladin Fantasys Paladin Fantasys
I voted I love it, because I do, but it's my least favorite.
Contributor: dude dude
Originally posted by briluminary
My boyfriend likes to have sex upon waking up but it's honestly just not my thing. What about you?
I love it in the morning or anytime I can get it.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I will do it, however not really all that fun. I like to take more time to do it. I am not a morning person either!
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
Definitely a great way to start the day!
Contributor: bondedlove23 bondedlove23
Nothing better than falling asleep next to the person you love and waking up to a little morning sex.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I'm not a morning person but Hubby is so as long as he realizes I'm not waking up willingly or instantly horny and he's willing to get my sleepy self going it's okay.
Contributor: SomeGirl SomeGirl
I'm not a morning person at all, and I used to hate morning sex, but I prefer to just be woken up with sex.
Contributor: Katastophy Katastophy
If I'm being woken up for it, then no. Otherwise it's okay.
Contributor: TheCleansing TheCleansing
Absolutely lovely to start the day with.

After all what's a better wakeup call?
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
Originally posted by P'Gell
It's a nice way to start the day.
Agreed, I'm a big fan of morning sex
Contributor: InNeedOfABuzzzz InNeedOfABuzzzz
Not a big morning person but there's no better way to start the day than to wake up ready to roll around in the sheets. A great orgasm first thing in the morning gets my whole day, hell, week going!
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I think it's great! I just really prefer it when we can both stay home for a while in the morning after.
Contributor: Kendrir Kendrir
If it's a weekend, sure
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by briluminary
My boyfriend likes to have sex upon waking up but it's honestly just not my thing. What about you?
Love it
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Sometimes, unless I'm really really grumpy.
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
I'm not a morning person!
Contributor: HomuHomu HomuHomu
Sex is great no matter what time it is :3
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
I agree with HomuHomu: Morning, Noon, and Night; any time any where. Get it when you can get it!
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
If we don't have to rush out anywhere, bring it on. sex and then breakfast? Heeeeell yeah!

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