What do you think about sex in the morning?

Contributor: Chami Chami
i like it when i can get the man to stay upstairs with me to have sex....his damn morning cigarettes ruin everything
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
Love it, but I've been scolded for attacking my husband in the morning and waking him up :/
Contributor: xcapricax xcapricax
use to hate it but now cant get enough
Contributor: luvslukin luvslukin
I usually enjoy some solo time in the mornings. A cup of coffee, some Xhamster, and a nice long stroke is a great way to spend a Saturday morning.
Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
I mean, what could be a better wake-up call?
Contributor: Phoenix77 Phoenix77
Only if it's before I'm awake enough to realize that I feel gross! If I've been awake for 15-20 minutes or more, I better get a shower and have breakfast and brush my teeth or I don't even like kissing my partner!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I don't care when we have sex, but I'm up way before he is so that's not usually anything that will happen for us.
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
As a male that is my favorite sex
Contributor: Big Dog Big Dog
Makes me sleepy and lazy all day afterwards.
Contributor: Kiwi Green Kiwi Green
i prefer sex before bed, helps with sleeping
Contributor: Katzer Katzer
Totally and you can sleep again after lol
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
Neither my fiance nor I are morning people. We rarely have morning sex. When we do, its because I was awake before him and crawled back in bed after an hour or so.
Contributor: Kenneth Fort Kenneth Fort
Originally posted by briluminary
My boyfriend likes to have sex upon waking up but it's honestly just not my thing. What about you?
The morning is for sleeping.
Contributor: AwesomeAmanda AwesomeAmanda
I love it. My favorite way to start the day!
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
Morning sex can be great, but only if both people are fully awake and ready to go. Morning sex good, exhausted sex bad.
Contributor: Mamastoys Mamastoys
depends on what time I get woke up and what we have to do! Time is a big factor!!
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
Not really my thing but the husband enjoys it
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
love it
Contributor: tweet420 tweet420
i love it any time
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
Great way to start the day
Contributor: burtnuh burtnuh
Yes please!
Contributor: Cat E. Cat E.
It's not for me either. I must shower first thing in the morning.
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
Sometimes yes if the mood is right but mostly I like it better in the late afternoon
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
It's one of the few things that I am excited to wake up for.
Contributor: Robespierrethecat Robespierrethecat
For some reason morning wake up sex really appeals to me.

But, I'm also really lazy in the morning. AND I'm sensitive about morning breath and my boyfriend needs kissing to get excited.
Contributor: loveme loveme
Any time of the day is good for sex
Contributor: HisLittleFiend HisLittleFiend
Love so much. I love being woken up by my honey's tongue slipping into me and leading to something much more. It's the only way I want to wake up!
Contributor: 1001 Pleasures 1001 Pleasures
Once in awhile, but honestly if I get off first thing in the morning, I have to fight the urge to fall asleep. It just keeps me tired all day, so it's really only something I go for if I just want to stay in bed for awhile.
Contributor: jman55 jman55
Morning sex is great, especially if you get woke up by getting a blow job.
Contributor: 783883877299373783 783883877299373783
I prefer to brush my tea and have a wash first.

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