Ladies, how old were you when you got your first period?

Contributor: amazon amazon
Ugh, that's when it all began. :-p
Contributor: xMila xMila
I was 13
Contributor: Claire-Bear Claire-Bear
I had my first when I was 12.5, once. I didn't have one again until I was 14. It was regular after that.
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
9ish? Maybe 10, not sure. In either case, it sucked and my mom was more excited than I was. I was home and it was about 11 pm when it happened, so I was lucky...
Contributor: Heatherbipoly Heatherbipoly
i was 14 or 15 years old
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
NEVER will I forget that moment!! Would have been in the 90s
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Twelve, and my mom didn't believe me at first. It was...embarrassing.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by P'Gell
It is believed that as nutrition increases, and some say more hormones from cattle and other animals enter out food system, girls are experiencing menarche (first menstruation) much earlier than in the past. The Victorian woman usually experienced ... more
I was about 12 or 13.
Contributor: Intrepid Niddering Intrepid Niddering
I first got it three days before my eleventh birthday. It then ended on my birthday and disappeared for the next five months, only to resurface with extremely horrible cramps and lasting seven days long.
Contributor: bettle590 bettle590
I was 12 or 13, I know it was 7th grade. What a strange time
Contributor: kitty377 kitty377
Originally posted by removedacnt
I really believe all the hormones and drugs they put into animals where we get our meat, milk and egg products from, are playing a roll in girls developing too early.
I totally agree!!! A few years back one of my mom's friends had a daughter and she was 7 and showing really early signs of puberty. The mom freaked out and the doctor suggested things like hormone free eggs, milk, and meat. She started following this plan of hormone free animal products and all the freaky early puberty signs stopped!
Contributor: Nyx (Under the Covers) Nyx (Under the Covers)
I was 10 years old and at school. Thankfully, my best friend had started hers the month before me! And we had another friend who already had hers, so we kind of had an early-bloomers club. It was funny that it happened before any of us had had the "as your body matures" curriculum in school, so when that class finally happened (in 5th grade), we spent the whole class rolling our eyes at each other during the instructional videos.

I was one of the first girls to have to wear a bra though (really have-to, not want-to). Myself and my friend (the only other bra-wearer) used to have to suffer through the boys snapping our bra straps and we had the odd experiences of the other girls asking if they could see our bras/our breasts...
Contributor: Sima-pusya Sima-pusya
12 years old
Contributor: The Majikat The Majikat
Thats scary.
Contributor: Mylo Mylo
Originally posted by P'Gell
It is believed that as nutrition increases, and some say more hormones from cattle and other animals enter out food system, girls are experiencing menarche (first menstruation) much earlier than in the past. The Victorian woman usually experienced ... more
I got mine when I was in 5th grade. I was the second girl in my class to get it so I felt so out of place and always felt like i needed to hide the fact that I was on my period.
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
It was two months before I turned 12, and I was in 7th grade (I skipped a grade, lol).
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
I got mine on my 12th birthday
Contributor: llellsee llellsee
I had no idea it was so common to start at 9 or 10 before reading this thread.

I was 13, I'm glad It was at 13 because I was prepared and waiting for the day it would happen.
Contributor: heather-mooney heather-mooney
Originally posted by P'Gell
It is believed that as nutrition increases, and some say more hormones from cattle and other animals enter out food system, girls are experiencing menarche (first menstruation) much earlier than in the past. The Victorian woman usually experienced ... more
I was 13 or 14.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I was 14 when I got mine and it was in the 90's.
Contributor: MK434 MK434
I think I was 10-11.