Ladies, how old were you when you got your first period?

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
It is believed that as nutrition increases, and some say more hormones from cattle and other animals enter out food system, girls are experiencing menarche (first menstruation) much earlier than in the past. The Victorian woman usually experienced her first "Curse" at about 16, now the average is about 11 or 12. In developing countries, the average is much older than in Post Industrial countries like the USA and most of Europe, Australia and parts of South America.

How old were you, and just for seeing if age has decreased over time, what decade was it?

Please answer ONE age and ONE decade.

Thank you
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
9 years old or younger
~LaUr3n~ , usmcwife99 , Darling Jen , Rhazya , gothikstars , SXEKAT , Cream in the Cupcake , teeny <3 , vegan.guy , Lsassy , BlueDog , Woman China , Upskirt , mandiegk , Kat Shanahan , SamsDelight , Dizzykakes , MJ1337 , M. Roth , ToyGurl , snowbumbunnie , LadyDarknezz , momma22js , meezerosity , chantal coopette , Jake'n'bake
10 years old
00 , Tori Rebel , Pleasure Piratess , Maiden , Alan & Michele , Hannah Savage , Miss B Haven , Kynky Kytty , beautifulpierced , thatonegirl , SomewhatSomewhere , blissfulqueen , thegoldilocksincident , C4ss , mariah , sbon , swf , Hadespark , Eden C. , Fuck it. , Serenesub , Maeby , Rose of Eros , funstuff4me , ThoughtsAblaze , Elaira , irishlove , Noira Celestia , Beck , Leaving Love , playtimeohsofun , exploringthechimera , cheetahpita , DeliciousDrip , PurpleCat23 , unfulfilled , lovabeleesa , wdanas , Love Perpetua , geliebt , RainbowSkittles , HannahPanda , Kinky T , Rin (aka Nire) , Intrepid Niddering , Nyx (Under the Covers) , Isola , Mylo
11 years old
doowop , Coralbell , Andromeda , Annemarie , Misfit Momma , happeegrl03 , Jessica Elizabeth , SydVicious , Illusional , FAM4LIFE , LittleBoPeep , Miss Cinnamon , PonyPlay , softcoeur , Mnemosyne , crazypao , deadpoet , Sassy Single , Liz , brokenangel , Jenniae09 , RadRach , CleverKitty , PrettyPurple , LikeSunshineDust , Danielle1220 , TheSexista , wondertoes , SexyTabby , Kinkyquing , I'll Miss You EF :( , firefly , Taylor , lizzy408 , Sebmissive , Mistress Sassy , Darkestraven , Mistress Kitty , Anne Ardeur , misslady , TheSinDoll , Lady Marmelade , shelly8791 , sixfootsex , ninaspinkturtle , lamb0luv3r , viciouschristine , Love Bites , RedGoddess , ss143 , xrockergirlx , purplekidney , Miss T , leatherjacket , SexyLilPixi , Wondermom , salaciousrex , Archeteuthis , Miss Anonymous , kinksters , deletedacct , Ariel6909 , eden'sgardener , JessCee , sassyNsensual , Bignuf , emiliaa , indiglo , Shorty32 , bayosgirl , Retro , Ryuson , haley730 , swaggsohott12 , Sunshineamine , Collogue , ParisLove , IslandGoddess , oldman , BabyL0ve , wrecklesswords , Gone (LD29) , Forever17 , MooRawr , Fishie Princess , sekmetrn , CanadianChick , Kitka , guro , ViVix , Curiouscat , Honeybee , Khanner , Deeder , SalmiakkiVodka , Tangles , Mwar , Bzz , nikki6639 , blondie , spiceboy , amazon , epiphanyjayne , BeepBop , Meido , shorejen9 , quinceykay , Vanille , Pink Lily , MK434 , LovesAPoet
12 years old
P'Gell , Lady Venus , buzzvibe , Chilipepper , ~Miss Jess~ , MuffysPinguLove , Splendwhore , SexyySarah , anyroom4me , Waterfall , Blinker , Midway through , joja , The Wolf , chrissybelle , Love Buzz , Jul!a , DeliciousSurprise , JPito , SunshineKT , sexyhellokitty , ToyingCouple , Alegria , NightNight , Sera , Lime , Persephone's Addiction , Trashley , beautiful diva , Armsjlove , Cookiekitten , SweetestAngelGoneBad , Tess , jreed24 , Jobthingy , learnlivelove , omgmegg , Yiggi , jackieb3301 , null , Aly890 , ZenaidaMacroura , Ajax , BBW Talks Toys , CS2012 , Isadorabelle , lucymalfoy , Airekah , Stujen , 7Miles , Pixel , BadassFatass , Purpleladybug , Valentinka , BeautiFullFigured , Alyxx , REDRUM , SapphirexIce , StephieBoo02 , purkle3 , Redboxbaby , Miss Jenn , aBeastlyLittleThing , *Ashley* , loveshocks , al16 , PiratePrincess , alliegator , MaryExy , tickle me pink , (Re)tired Stripper , Ms. Paprika , shentel , padmeamidala , onehotmama , clp , charcat , Wyo Daisy , CoffeeCup , lick123 , Ivy Wilde , toxie m , Ms. Spice , heidi.carls , zeebot , Jenyana , SiNn , potstickers , boobookittyfuk , The Curious Couple , v23 , EJ , Breas , ParisLove , WhoopieDoo , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , Pink Jewel , allehcat , oneeyedoctopus , firingmissiles , cburger , Apirka , mpfm , SeductivelyCute , PropertyOfPotter , Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama , LusciousLollypop , Kitka , freda , vanilla&chocolate , MissCandyland , ghalik , hyacinthgirl , Sex Positivity , JunexMommy , Zombirella , pootpootpoot , Scarlette , RomanticGoth , dks210 , Stinkytofu10 , funforall7 , shoutitout87 , quackbuster , woodsdragon , Velocity , SneakersAndPearls , Missmarc , Sima-pusya , The Majikat , Sunny Meadows , ginnyluvspotter , MK434
13 years old
Envy , gone77 , Carrie Ann , Sanjay , AU , VieuxCarre , Naughty Student , TexasBrat , smartbabi92 , Peach Girl , softkkisses , Madeira , Kim! , tits only , missmandy27 , Adriana Ravenlust , Shellz31 , RosesThorns , darthkitt3n , KnK , Miss Morphine , LavenderSkies , HouseWench , KikiChrome , ClaimedByDarkness , PussyGalore , Lovelies , phunkyphreak , SexyStuff , PinkPedal , Mz.GreenEyez , mystepmotherisafish , aBeastlyLittleThing , *HisMrs* , bunny love , wetone123 , Rachel Nunez , kelaaa33wish , froggiemoma , NarcissisticLust , K101 , Linga , cujo467 , CAKES , onehotmomma , aliceinthehole , soyandapplecrisp , Ladylannae , Ansley , Princess-Kayla ♥ , PDXlady , Lurr , countryfan1290 , VSgirl , dbm6907 , wrmbreze , Kitka , Azule , tigertiger , SubmissiveFeminist , Various , xilliannax , duff , marrythenight , lacybutton , gloomybear , Thomas90 , Gracie , pasdechat , xMila , LaSchwartz , einad , bettle590 , llellsee
14 years old
Judy Cole , Jess , deltalima , fatesrelease , sexysweetieshan , Liz2 , Valyn , FVWhitechapel , SexYnCute Couple , socceras , mnc5051 , newbern2004 , BluePixi , lezergirl , HoneyHoney , Stephanie Marie , Kitt Katt , jc123 , Rain. , Liz123 , Nora , SexyRayne , voenne , corsetsaurus rex , Ice1 , catsin , Heatherbipoly , kitty377 , heather-mooney , PeaceToTheMiddleEast
15 years old
removedacnt , oohlookasquirrel , Not here , PassionQT , Airen Wolf , kck , KinkyShay , Selective Sensualist , Lucidity , MissBre , liilii080 , Brandy Rebecca Johnson , ily , theavocadopit
16 years old
Tuesday , Kiwi , newlady , beachluv51800 , Sweet-n-Playful
17 or older
I got my first period in the 1960s or before
00 , oldman
I got mine in the 1970s
P'Gell , removedacnt , Tuesday , wetone123 , Ivy Wilde , Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
I got mine in the 1980s
buzzvibe , PassionQT , Alan & Michele , Airen Wolf , Carrie Ann , Armsjlove , Tess , Selective Sensualist , lizzy408 , TheSinDoll , Redboxbaby , Kitt Katt , Woman China , Miss T , Kat Shanahan , funstuff4me , Wyo Daisy , indiglo , EJ , wdanas , mpfm , wrmbreze
I got mine in the 1990s
Lady Venus , Tori Rebel , oohlookasquirrel , Maiden , Blinker , ~LaUr3n~ , Jessica Elizabeth , SydVicious , Sanjay , Illusional , FAM4LIFE , usmcwife99 , AU , Valyn , SunshineKT , Darling Jen , sexyhellokitty , Alegria , deadpoet , Persephone's Addiction , Trashley , FVWhitechapel , SexYnCute Couple , CleverKitty , Kim! , PrettyPurple , Jobthingy , Danielle1220 , tits only , Rhazya , blissfulqueen , Shellz31 , firefly , Taylor , BBW Talks Toys , CS2012 , newbern2004 , Isadorabelle , Darkestraven , Anne Ardeur , Miss Morphine , LavenderSkies , Pixel , BadassFatass , KikiChrome , PussyGalore , teeny <3 , vegan.guy , phunkyphreak , SexyStuff , sixfootsex , ninaspinkturtle , Miss Jenn , mystepmotherisafish , *Ashley* , ss143 , *HisMrs* , Serenesub , purplekidney , leatherjacket , (Re)tired Stripper , mandiegk , Maeby , SexyLilPixi , NarcissisticLust , Archeteuthis , deletedacct , cujo467 , clp , ThoughtsAblaze , CAKES , Elaira , CoffeeCup , onehotmomma , MJ1337 , missap , aliceinthehole , zeebot , Jenyana , Beck , SiNn , cheetahpita , PurpleCat23 , Gone (LD29) , Yaoi Pervette (deleted) , Nora , snowbumbunnie , Love Perpetua , geliebt , Fishie Princess , LusciousLollypop , Kitka , Azule , hyacinthgirl , Sex Positivity , Zombirella , Deeder , duff , RomanticGoth , SalmiakkiVodka , lacybutton , spiceboy , chantal coopette , theavocadopit , shoutitout87 , quackbuster , xMila , Jake'n'bake , epiphanyjayne , SneakersAndPearls , Nyx (Under the Covers) , shorejen9 , Mylo , ginnyluvspotter , Pink Lily , PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I got mine in the aughts, 2000 or beyond
Splendwhore , Coralbell , Andromeda , Annemarie , Not here , Waterfall , Midway through , sexysweetieshan , Jul!a , DeliciousSurprise , JPito , kck , Naughty Student , Mnemosyne , Sassy Single , NightNight , smartbabi92 , Madeira , SomewhatSomewhere , Kinkyquing , ZenaidaMacroura , I'll Miss You EF :( , Sebmissive , thegoldilocksincident , Mistress Sassy , lucymalfoy , Mistress Kitty , Lucidity , BluePixi , HouseWench , Kiwi , sbon , lezergirl , Hadespark , Lovelies , BeautiFullFigured , Alyxx , REDRUM , Stephanie Marie , PinkPedal , MissBre , lamb0luv3r , loveshocks , al16 , BlueDog , xrockergirlx , PiratePrincess , MaryExy , Brandy Rebecca Johnson , tickle me pink , bunny love , Upskirt , Ms. Paprika , Rose of Eros , K101 , salaciousrex , charcat , eden'sgardener , JessCee , sassyNsensual , toxie m , emiliaa , ily , Ms. Spice , heidi.carls , Retro , soyandapplecrisp , Rain. , mistressg , Ryuson , potstickers , The Curious Couple , v23 , Collogue , M. Roth , DeliciousDrip , BabyL0ve , wrecklesswords , WhoopieDoo , allehcat , lovabeleesa , PDXlady , MooRawr , oneeyedoctopus , cburger , voenne , countryfan1290 , VSgirl , PropertyOfPotter , dbm6907 , corsetsaurus rex , guro , tigertiger , vanilla&chocolate , ghalik , SubmissiveFeminist , Ice1 , Honeybee , Khanner , Various , pootpootpoot , marrythenight , dks210 , Tangles , Mwar , Bzz , nikki6639 , Thomas90 , blondie , pasdechat , funforall7 , LaSchwartz , BeepBop , Sweet-n-Playful , Intrepid Niddering , bettle590 , kitty377 , The Majikat , quinceykay , llellsee , heather-mooney
I have not yet menstruated
MoonlightLust , Retro.old
Total votes: 710 (440 voters)
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Contributor: 00 00
Got mine the day after I turned 10 freaking years old. Not the best birthday gift ever!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
With my mother being an RN (who worked with OB's and newborns) I was totally prepared for the rite. I was 12-years-old, it was May 10,1990, and it's been hell ever since (she downplayed the cramp part).

Can't wait for this crap to be over with. *eyeroll*
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by 00
Got mine the day after I turned 10 freaking years old. Not the best birthday gift ever!
MissP, two of my daughters got theirs at 9 and 10 respectfully, the other not until almost 15. My baby just got hers for the first time this week and it got me thinking. She's only ten, but is a big girl, and looks quite a bit older. We've been told she can't have the Kid's Meal at restaurants, until My Man insists "She's only ten!"
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Chilipepper
With my mother being an RN (who worked with OB's and newborns) I was totally prepared for the rite. I was 12-years-old, it was May 10,1990, and it's been hell ever since (she downplayed the cramp part).

Can't wait for this crap to ... more
Chili, as I am going through perimenopause I can tell you, it's like going through puberty backwards. The hot flashes, the night sweats, the mood swings the "extra" periods and even the missed periods I can take. The increasing difficultly having an orgasm though, NOBODY told me this was a symptom (and I'm a nurse!) and it SUCKS!

But, I hope things will work out when I'm all done. A tiny bit of estrogen helps, but it still sucks.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I got mine when I was about 10-1/2, in the early 90's. I tend to follow my mother's side of the family though and she got hers at 10 as well, which would have made it 1969.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by P'Gell
Chili, as I am going through perimenopause I can tell you, it's like going through puberty backwards. The hot flashes, the night sweats, the mood swings the "extra" periods and even the missed periods I can take. The increasing ... more
As I said ALL over with. Almost makes me believe that God's a misogynist for making the equipment act like this.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I was 13 and in 8th grade. It was the very first day of spring, and I woke in a bed of blood. I also had school that morning. Not one of my better times for sure....

And i always joke around saying I'm a late bloomer with everything. Most of my friends had already started their periods way before I started mine.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
9 years old. I was in 3rd grade and was the youngest girl in my group of friends to get it. However, that meant all my friends came to me to tell me once they got theirs because I knew what they were going through.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Chilipepper
As I said ALL over with. Almost makes me believe that God's a misogynist for making the equipment act like this.
Yeah, sometimes I wonder. BUT, as we get older a LOT of us get multiple orgasms (which I didn't experience regularly until I was well into my 30s) and that is something really worth the wait for.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I really believe all the hormones and drugs they put into animals where we get our meat, milk and egg products from, are playing a roll in girls developing too early.
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by removedacnt
I really believe all the hormones and drugs they put into animals where we get our meat, milk and egg products from, are playing a roll in girls developing too early.
Another factor is stress and family dysfunctionality. They find women who comes from what are deemed 'broken homes' tend to mature physically faster than those who come from functional and relatively stress-free families.

Of course there are always exceptions.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
Originally posted by removedacnt
I really believe all the hormones and drugs they put into animals where we get our meat, milk and egg products from, are playing a roll in girls developing too early.
Hell yes they are! The meat industry is pumping these animals full with growth hormones to fatten them up/help them mature faster. Can you honestly try and argue that ingesting those same hormones aren't affecting our bodies? No. Just-- no. That's why I went vegetarian. That, & the cruelty. But mostly for health reasons.

Another good point about hormones and food consumption is soy. There's an unprecedented amount of soy in much of our food now. Soy has a hormone in it that mimics estrogen. I've run across stories of women whose toddler's have already started developing breasts because they've been feeding them soy milk... that's just not right. I know for a fact that at the very least, you should try to avoid conventional soy. However, I've heard some mixed things about organic. Many people claim that the organic soy is better for our bodies. I honestly can't say either way, though I am of the general belief that organic is much purer, and usually better for us in general.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
By the way, I believe I was 12 when I got my period. My mom gave me a tampon, & I popped my cherry on it.
It was painful, but at least I didn't have blood all over my panties anymore.
Contributor: oohlookasquirrel oohlookasquirrel
I got mine just days before my 15th birthday, so I put myself down for 15. My parents told me that if I hadn't had my first period by my 15th birthday, they were taking me to the doctor to make sure there was nothing wrong. Then I didn't have a period for another 6 months, so I ended up having to go to the doctor anyway. They put my on the pill to regulate my periods, which was convenient when I would decide to become sexually active a little later. I regret being on the pill though, because I'm 26 now and have never been an adult woman without being on the pill. I keep meaning to get an IUD, but I always find a way to put it off.

I believe my period was so late because I was really really skinny, but I've been told that I physically resemble women in the family who were late bloomers, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I was 13. I was experiencing the worst pain I had ever felt up to that point. Thinking it was an appendicitis (there was no blood), my parents took me to the ER. They didn't find anything, and I think it was the next day when the fun part started.
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
I was 11 years old, and it was the first week of summer break after 6th grade. What a way to kick off summer >.>
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
Also, I remember going to a summer program at age 16, and you know how it is when a bunch of girls live together... periods all at once! Some girls were complaining that they'd had their period for three whole years and it was so terrible. Then I mentioned that I'd had mine for 5 years. Apparently I won.
Contributor: Judy Cole Judy Cole
I was also one of the last girls in my class to develop breasts. From "Flatsy" to DDD. Oh, the irony.
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
I was 11 years old, and it was 2000. I had the heaviest periods ever, but they were only once every three months.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I was 12
Contributor: Not here Not here
I was definitely a late my period a few months after turning 15, in 2002.. my sophomore year of HS. I thought I'd NEVER get boobs, or any curves because I was only an A cup at the time.. then the next year I was a B, the next year a C, and shortly after that a D. Needless to say I was wrong, haha.

My mom didn't get hers until she was 16, so I think it must just run in the family.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I was 15 too and I wasn't very regular until I went on birth control just before my 18th birthday. My daughter is 12.5 and wondering when she will get hers. I have a feeling she'll be a late bloomer too.
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I was 12
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by Judy Cole
I was also one of the last girls in my class to develop breasts. From "Flatsy" to DDD. Oh, the irony.
I'm STILL waiting.

My period started at 16. During my first pelvic exam at 14 the doctor said "You do have a uterus." I was so relieved! I was beginning to wonder.

The lateness was probably because I was super skinny and everyone matures at a glacial pace on my father's side of the family. My mom's periods started at 12. And I ate plenty of red meat back then.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
The 'super skinny' theory doesn't hold true, because I was skinny and *still* started at age 10. One of the worst days of my life, because not only had none of my friends started yet, I was in school when it happened.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Mine started when I was twelve...I think. It may have been 11. I was raised by my dad and he's a single parent, so I didn't know anything about periods or their significance. I never thought of it as a breakthrough moment or anything. Luckily though, my dad was dating a woman at the time who took care of me and explained what it meant. No one was around when I had my first menstrual cramp though! I literally thought I was going to DIE! I called 911 and talked to the operator who was very kind and helped me out.
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
I was either 11 or 12, went on a week long trip with my school and the altitude from the airplane made it start! I forgot to pick a decade in the poll, but it would have been early 90's
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Got it on a road trip when I was 13 in the last decade. I think my mom saw the look on my face and knew.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I think I was 9 or 10. 4th grade I believe.