How many of us here at EF are currently on a weight loss journey? What are your goals?

Contributor: Lady Bear Lady Bear
I've been eating better and working out, on and off, for about 3 months. I started at 175 lbs and I am down to about 160. My goal is 145-150 but my body likes to plateau around 160 so I'm at the hard part now. I also have a strength goal. I want to be able to do one pull-up.
My boyfriend really keeps me motivated by working out and eating better with me. I also just bought I nice dress that is a bit small to help motivate me to keep at it. ^_^
Congrats on your weight loss! Good luck with the rest of your journey.
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
I'm in a weird situation where i really want to lose weight and i think that if i lived by myself i could do what i needed to do to lose weight but being in a couple with a man who is not fond of grilled chicken and vegetables and not eating out quite so much it's hard. I eat less and try to cut calories where i can. I also go to the gym so hopefully I'll get there eventually. I just want to feel confident about myself. Honestly working out makes me feel great, you just have to tell yourself to do it, even if your tired from work or feeling lazy and your body say "but it would be so nice to lay down and watch that show you wanted to see" you just say "sorry maybe after the gym" and go, soon your in the door, changing and working out and afterword you feel so good. I find that if i get into a work out routine my body misses it if i don't go. So just stay motivated ladies, and please don't do anything unhealthy (a.K.a anorexia, bulimia, or starvation) Everyone would love to look like those models in the magazines but if that was what was in the cards for you that's how you'd look. All you can do is love yourself and try to be as healthy as you can. Good luck everyone with your goals!
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
i really just want go back to a size 5 or seven jean the otherday i went to the store and im an 11 i think 15 or 20 pounds should do it
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
I am working on losing weight. I am a member of gym (well I work at a Y so my membership if free, which helps). I am part of a weight-loss group that meets once a week and has weigh-ins, support, recipes, ect and this really helps. I use Slimfast and try to eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise. I have lost 23.5 pounds so far and working towards a 50 pound loss. Once I hit 50, I work start working towards my next 25 (I do 25 pound increments so that I don't get frustrated. Good luck to everyone!!
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
Originally posted by ejrbrndps
big time runner that lost 50 lbs. looking for a few more before my wedding
I am losing for my wedding too! Congrats on your loss!! I am at 23 pounds so far and my wedding is end of Sept.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Originally posted by Chilipepper
That is awesome! Congratulations!
sorry this is late but thanks hun!
Contributor: AshMegYo AshMegYo
I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight, just want to tone up some. i'm already at a healthy weight just wanna get rid of this tummy flab.
Contributor: CaliGirl CaliGirl
Originally posted by lexical
I'm currently working on becoming fit and healthy. Christmas 2011 I weighed almost 260lbs. After five months, I'm down to 230. My end goal is 160. What are your goals? What motivates you? Are you feeling discouraged? How about a ... more
I'm slowly just trying to change my habits. Making healthier choices.