An IUD Insertion Story

Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
Originally posted by corsetsaurus rex
I got my own about three weeks ago. Thanks to a back-tilted uterus and some other factors insertion and the week after were scary-painful, and I just stopped bleeding from it four days ago (despite the fact insertion was on the last day of my ... more
Agreed, i feel like with how much i was paying to have the thing put in they should at least offer me some sort of pill other than 4 Ibuprofen which didn't do shit(excuse my language) to help with pain or softening my cervix. Cervical dilation was awful and if that's even a fraction of child bearing pain I'm getting all the drugs i can. Lol.
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
It is not something I would even remotely consider. The price is a big part of it (joys of being a laid-off teacher and having no insurance) but the idea of something being inside my lady parts like that honestly mortifies me!! This is no offense to anyone who has one, just not something for me. I am more than happy to take a pill everyday.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
My mother had them back in the late 60's early 70's and had really bad experiences with them. Of course, things have changed since then, but I wouldn't get one.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I love my paragard! Your insertion story sounds scary. I wasn't told to take a pill beforehand, and they didn't need to dilate my cervix, and I was a 20 year old who never had a kid before. It took them maybe 5 minutes, and they let me see it on an ultrasound, and I left and drove myself home. I was on my period so of course I bled, but I didn't notice any extra blood and there was nothing unnatural in it. That night I went for a bike ride. I had some cramps, but moving helped. I had never had menstrual cramps before, and so with Paragard this was my first cramp experience, and I think that made mine less bad since my body just doesn't get cramps. By the next morning I was up and running like normal. I recommend it to everyone as long as they don't have problems like endometriosis or really terrible periods, since it can increase cramps and blood flow. I've had some heavier blood flows and leaking divacups, and I had menstrual cramps twice in the last year with it, but I feel awesome. No hormones is the best decision I ever made, especially as someone who isn't always having sex with men and doesn't want those side effects.
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
I LOVE my Paraguard IUD! It's the best! I named it Clive Owen, because he was the only man I could imagine wanting to have inside me for 10 years. Clive and I have been together for 5 years now and our relationship has never been better.
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Originally posted by novanilla
I love my paragard! Your insertion story sounds scary. I wasn't told to take a pill beforehand, and they didn't need to dilate my cervix, and I was a 20 year old who never had a kid before. It took them maybe 5 minutes, and they let me see it ... more
This is pretty much exactly my insertion story! Went in just after my 20th birthday, took less than 5 minutes to insert, no dilation necessary, just a couple Ibuprofen after, and I was fine. I spotted, but it was at the beginning of my period, so I didn't freak out about it.

I didn't think it hurt very much but, then again, a month earlier they took 6 cervical biopsies (all pre-cancerous spots) without even giving me a goddamn tylenol. There was no way the brief discomfort of the IUD insertion could ever compare to the pain and utter terror of the biopsies.
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
I have the Mirena. Getting mine was a HORROR story!

They didn't dilate my cervix or give me any warning. The doctor did something... I heard a loud, wet cracking noise! Next thing I know my body is suddenly going ice cold, I've urinated all over the table/floor, and there is blood pouring out of me. The doctor and nurse are saying something to me, but I couldn't hear them. I fell off the table at some point.

I don't remember what happened after that, but I woke up in the ER, shaking. The next day, I was right as rain and haven't had any problems since. It's been in four years now.
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
I got a Mirena today and I'm so worried about growing gross hairs or having spotting that never stops or terrible cramps that never go away or weight gain or my acne getting worse. I thought I did my research, but I guess it wasn't enough. ._. I'm kind of wishing I'd gotten a Paragard and been put back on my Apri pills.

I shouldn't worry so much. I haven't even given it a chance.

My insertion story is nothing. lol I didn't get a pill to be dilated or take a motrin beforehand, but they had absolutely no trouble getting it in. The pinch on my cervix hurt and when they were moving the Mirena around to get it where it should be it hurt kinda bad (no worse than my dysmenorrhea cramps, though) and made my knees wobble a little and I had to close my eyes and take deep, slow breaths to get it to hurt less and to keep my body calm. I do have a pretty high pain tolerance and this is probably the most I've ever expressed pain when having a doctor do something for me. So I'd say it was moderate.

I have had a couple drops of blood today and a little bit of cramping. I'm hoping tomorrow won't be bad. Please don't let tomorrow be bad. *__*

Funny thing is, the doctor said I was one of her easiest patients ever because I didn't move and it was easier to put into me than it was with a lot of her patients who'd had children. lol Don't know if that says good or bad things about my cervix, but it says good things for my not getting hurt.

Man I'm glad they didn't try to get some nurse to hold my hand or anything like that. That would be so awkward.
Contributor: The Majikat The Majikat
thanks for your experience!
Contributor: RedKyuubi RedKyuubi
Thanks for the story
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
Yesterday I got my Paragard IUD inserted. It was a day I'd been waiting over a year to experience.

My local Planned Parenthood has been a part of my uterus' life for a while now. I'd been weighing IUD as an option and researching, ... more
I contemplated getting one prior to all the horror stories. You see, my body has rejected 4 types of birth control (3 pill forms made me puke like I had morning sickness, and NuvaRing gave me blood clots in my eyes). That being said, I don't want to insert something, have a bad reaction, and then wait for my Dr. to squeeze me in to deal with it.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Really, really thankful that I'm a lesbian right now. >.<;;; Sounds horrific, honestly, I could never do that. The whole thing make me cringe. You really are brave though, and I'm glad it's working out for you!
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I know of people who have one and love it and others who have one and hated every minute of it. I don't have one and never seriously contemplated getting one either, I just know it wouldn't be the thing for me.
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
Sorry to hear it dont go so well
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
I've had a Mirena for 2 months now. It was horrifically painful being inserted and I spotted non-stop but it seems to be trickling down now to almost nothing. The goal was to stop my periods, PCOS and heavy bleeding causing anemia. My doctor and I came to the conclusion it was the best option since I reacted poorly to several HBC pills and the depo shot.
Contributor: Pink Lily Pink Lily
I would love one, but they are really expensive up front.