I used to shave but couldnt stand the iching when it grew back. I went to waxing and it hurt but only for a short time. I found somebody that does sugaring and it is much less painful. And yes, full brazilian.
Pubic Hair Removal.... Which method do you use (regardless of how much you take off)
Wax, wax, wax-- and tweeze in between waxes as needed. I get really irritated by shaving and epilators, and the idea of using any of those creams down there terrifies me.
I usually shave. But recently I've tried waxing with little success. I find it hurt down there for days afterwords.
I use sugaring as well but I do it myself. It's like waxing but only made from sugar, and the brand i use is organic. It is realllly hard to do brazilian at home, but I've done it so don't let other people convince you that it's impossible Although my hair grows back in about 2 weeks, so I end up doing it frequently. I love how soft the skin feels!
I typically shave, but I have very sensitive skin, so regardless of the method I use, I break out afterward.
Originally posted by
I am curious how common each technique really is out there...
i shave but i really want to do the laser hair removal thing
Shave with an intuition razor taking it all off. So far it's the method that works the best for me.
I dont have the guts to wax. I shave.
I want to wax, but am too scared! lol But I use an electric razor to shave it all off, sometimes I keep a strip there.
Waxing is the best for me. I can't stand shaving. It's gets itchy and pokey when the hair grows back and I love how waxing thins out the hair and inhibits it from growing back. I've waxed myself before and it's terrible. It's just very difficult because you need an extra hand; two isn't enough. Having it done professionally is the way to go. I find it hurts very briefly and not horribly. Afterward, I have a nice tingly feeling and a bit of an adrenalin rush. If it's your first time, it can be helpful thing to trim your hair as much as possible. You need a very small amount for the wax to grab hold of and the longer your hair, the more painful the waxing.
Shave it! All of it! Everywhere! Banished!
Shave, I hate it because no matter which way I go, I always end up with pricklies! I'm too scared to wax though!
Shave it all!
I shave when things get a bit over grown, and on occasion trim a bit with scissors.
Veet works amazing.
I only shave down there. I have tried creams but I don't like the smell and it usually leaves hair beyond anyways. I would love to get a brazillian but that would probably hurt like hell and I don't like pain lol.
Have you ever tried waxing?
Originally posted by
I shave, it just works and is not painful like waxing.
I waxed but never got around to a Brazilian. Now I shave I don't like it but have to do it due to budgeting. If I could I would get laser hair removal.
I use to wax now I shave I miss waxing
I wax. I have a warmer and do it myself. Its a bit tricky at first but with practice it gets easier. Like milebeauty, I do get a nice tingling feeling after and an adrenaline rush. It hurts only for a second. My skin is so soft I love it.
for those of you that wax at home, what brand do you use or think works best?
The whole lot goes with the help of my Emjoi bodybare trio. I have thought about waxing but cant handle wax pain and in the past its left a nasty rash on my leg. Besides, I prefer to keep my parts private. Plus I CANT stand any lil hairs growing back. So this way doing it at home, anytime I find a stray hair - its GONE! The Emjoi is painful the first few goes (although I dont find it as painful as waxing and its a more thorough job) but once ya skin is use to it - its a breeze!
I pretty much only shave. The one time I tried using a cream I ended up being really allergic to it. Not the best thing in the world.

I finally got the guts to get a Brazilian wax a few years back when turning 40. I loved it and kicked myself for waiting so long.
There are a couple of secrets:
- find a good esthetician with experience
- take Advil or preferred pain reliever 45 mins before the session
- know it gets easier, the first time was 3x as painful as the second
Prior to going, I had tried shaving, trimming, plucking, etc... Nothing compares to the great smooth feel, for both me and my wife, after a waxing.
Truly, the hardest thing about it might be finding a shop that will do males based on where you live. You might need check their website or call in advance.
I've seen 4 different estheticians in 6 years. The first was way to rough. Second was pretty good, but lacked proper sanitation practices. Third was very inexperienced. Fourth was a charm.
All of them were very professional. This isn't a message with draping. You'll need to be naked and they will be handling you. Trying to use a towel for modesty isn't practical.
Don't let pain or modesty deter you if this is something that interests you.
Sorry so long...
There are a couple of secrets:
- find a good esthetician with experience
- take Advil or preferred pain reliever 45 mins before the session
- know it gets easier, the first time was 3x as painful as the second
Prior to going, I had tried shaving, trimming, plucking, etc... Nothing compares to the great smooth feel, for both me and my wife, after a waxing.
Truly, the hardest thing about it might be finding a shop that will do males based on where you live. You might need check their website or call in advance.
I've seen 4 different estheticians in 6 years. The first was way to rough. Second was pretty good, but lacked proper sanitation practices. Third was very inexperienced. Fourth was a charm.
All of them were very professional. This isn't a message with draping. You'll need to be naked and they will be handling you. Trying to use a towel for modesty isn't practical.
Don't let pain or modesty deter you if this is something that interests you.
Sorry so long...
I know, I wanted to check a few too.
Originally posted by
Luscious Lily
I wish this had been a "check as many boxes as you want" poll. I trim the landing strip, and depending on time of the year either wax/epilate or shave the rest. And if it has to be perfect, and the wax/epilator misses a few, I twease the stragglers.
I shave most of the time, but during vacations I wax, because I have the time :]
Never thought of that...
Originally posted by
I have tried depilatories - in my view they are way too caustic for 'intimate' use.
Shaving isn't so bad if you use a high quality razor, fresh blades and a premium shave cream. I use the latest Gillette Fusion and hair ... more
Shaving isn't so bad if you use a high quality razor, fresh blades and a premium shave cream. I use the latest Gillette Fusion and hair ... more
I have tried depilatories - in my view they are way too caustic for 'intimate' use.
Shaving isn't so bad if you use a high quality razor, fresh blades and a premium shave cream. I use the latest Gillette Fusion and hair conditioner as shaving cream. Not only does the conditioner protect from irritation - it leaves the skin 'conditioned' - so no aftershave is necessary. less
Shaving isn't so bad if you use a high quality razor, fresh blades and a premium shave cream. I use the latest Gillette Fusion and hair conditioner as shaving cream. Not only does the conditioner protect from irritation - it leaves the skin 'conditioned' - so no aftershave is necessary. less
I've tried shaving, and it was very annoying both during and afterwards. When I do something now I trim it close.
I never shave...
Originally posted by
I am curious how common each technique really is out there...
I have to trim certain areas with clippers otherwise I'll get razor burn and then I can shave others parts that can handle it.
I shave. It's a pain, but it's cheapest, especially if I have do it often.