I don't really care about the color.
How do you feel about flesh-colored toys?
Flesh-colored toys creep me out a little. I prefer toys that bear almost no resemblance to a penis, partially because my partner might view them as less threatening. I like crazy colors!
Originally posted by
Flesh-colored toys seem to be widely available in most soft materials, but I have a hard time imagining that there's really that big of a preference for beige/tan/caramel/brow n over all of the fun colors that are out there. In some cases
Flesh-colored toys seem to be widely available in most soft materials, but I have a hard time imagining that there's really that big of a preference for beige/tan/caramel/brow n over all of the fun colors that are out there. In some cases (*cough*Randy*cough) more colorful versions of toys have been discontinued, leaving only the flesh-colored versions available.
I'm curious: how does the EF community feel about flesh-toned toys? less
I'm curious: how does the EF community feel about flesh-toned toys? less
The flesh colored toys are almost always a very unrealistic flesh-color, like a crayon.
Green! Orange! Bronze! I like the colors that they don't make. (tear) I have color preferences, and then I'll chose any other color over pink, and then pink, and then realistic, if it's the only option. D:
Really, I look at realistic and think "...that looks like someone hacked it off of a person GAH." I don't go for the disembodied penis thing. I have one realistic toy from Tantus though and it gives me a sort of dysphoric feeling I didn't realize I had until I owned a realisticish toy. While they don't make me feel as unaroused as they used to, I still feel more of a thrill looking at a neon colored hunk of silicone than I do a flesh colored hunk of silicone. (And that goes for any skin tone, be it a vanilla, caramel, or chocolate, or latte, or cappuccino... now I want coffee.)
Really, I look at realistic and think "...that looks like someone hacked it off of a person GAH." I don't go for the disembodied penis thing. I have one realistic toy from Tantus though and it gives me a sort of dysphoric feeling I didn't realize I had until I owned a realisticish toy. While they don't make me feel as unaroused as they used to, I still feel more of a thrill looking at a neon colored hunk of silicone than I do a flesh colored hunk of silicone. (And that goes for any skin tone, be it a vanilla, caramel, or chocolate, or latte, or cappuccino... now I want coffee.)
I like fun colors! To me a toy is a toy, its not meant to replace the real thing. It's like eating fake meat.
Skin tone are my favorites...and black
I'm still new to sex toys, but I don't like the flesh colored ones. not sure why, I think I just don't like realistic ones, penises are just so weird looking to me??? but if that's all thats avail and I REALLY want it, i'd probably buy it. I have the jack rabbit, I wasn't that comfortable with the shape at first but I don't really care about that anymore, but still, I'd much rather avoid realistic in any form possible.
I don't tooootally care? BUT I do like fun colors, and tend to go for those, and if a product seemed really good and was flesh-colored I'm sure I would get it.
Flesh colored toys kind of creep me out. I think if I'm seeing flesh color it should be actual flesh. But I'll take the "realistic" coloring if it's all that's available.
I'm a fan of toys that are not very realistic (in both colour and design). I've only had one flesh-toned, realistic toy, and though it performed well, it didn't have the same visual appeal for me. Purples and blues and greens are so appealing, especially the misty or iridescent kinds. (Part of the reason I ordered a chilly blue O2 Cush.)
I prefer flesh colored although I cant deny I love a bright jelly colored dildo
I don't like flesh coloured toys, they are majorly creepy. If I ever *fingers crossed* get a vixskin toy I plan on getting the chocolate, which is the least like my skintone. It's almost like it's a new, fun colour?

i only buy flesh
I love fun colors, but if I were to ever buy a dildo for use as a strapon I might try to match my skin color.
I don't get flesh colored ones because if I wanted it to look like the real thing I would just use the real thing. Also I love all the wild colors of my dildos, vibrators, and anal toys.
I like glass and silicone in pink, blue, clear, or purple.
I don't care either way
Originally posted by
Flesh-colored toys seem to be widely available in most soft materials, but I have a hard time imagining that there's really that big of a preference for beige/tan/caramel/brow n over all of the fun colors that are out there. In some cases
Flesh-colored toys seem to be widely available in most soft materials, but I have a hard time imagining that there's really that big of a preference for beige/tan/caramel/brow n over all of the fun colors that are out there. In some cases (*cough*Randy*cough) more colorful versions of toys have been discontinued, leaving only the flesh-colored versions available.
I'm curious: how does the EF community feel about flesh-toned toys? less
I'm curious: how does the EF community feel about flesh-toned toys? less
I have no problem with flesh colored toys, but I do like fun colored ones better.
I refuse to use any flesh colored ones at all. I just hate hate hate the way they look, and I'm lesbian for good reason! And I'm not the hugest fan of pink, but if that's all there is, I guess I would use it.
color mostly doesn't matter to me
Not into them.
i actually have always loved fun colors and still do but with my vixskin i really like the flesh colors. just helps me fantasize but also like fun colors in those ones 2. if it weren't for vixskin i wouldn't have ever thought i would like anything realistic even the color.
I definitely love colored toys - I'm very visual and I get excited by colors!
i like the prettier colors better.
I don't really mind flesh color toys but I must say I prefer my pink colored ones...it's my fav color and love to have my toys in pink
I like fun colors and will avoid flesh colored if I can. If I can only get it in flesh colored, I'll get it.
I prefer colors over flesh tones since most of my dildos aren't realistic in design. If you want it to look real however, I suppose flesh tones are the way to go. They bug me personally since I haven't seen many true-to-life Black/African-American skin tones on silicone toys (I'd love a dildo that could really be mine...), and even those that mimic White skin tones don't fully capture the varied coloration on most penises.
Now that I think about it, I realize that I don't like skin toned dildos because they seem more like imitation cocks than dildos. Does that make sense?
Now that I think about it, I realize that I don't like skin toned dildos because they seem more like imitation cocks than dildos. Does that make sense?
This ^
Originally posted by
The flesh colored toys are almost always a very unrealistic flesh-color, like a crayon.
If I want to play with a realistic penis my husband is happy to step up. My toys are brightly colored like toys ought to be.
I kinda agree with you there. I'd much prefer a fun color, I love the o2 Revolutions colors and the tie-bright mustang - love! I wish there were more fun colored toys offered. I'm not saying I'd never ever buy a flesh colored toy, but I don't think my guy would ever be into playing with it with me.. :-/
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Personally, flesh-colored toys creep me out and do not put me in a sexy mood at all.