What is the first thing that attracts you to another?
What first attracts you?
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Overall personality... I don't associate it with intelligence or sense of humor. Those are specific categories that I don't look at first.
I fully agree with you on this. Even though I am now married, I would say that personality is key to any relationship, whether it be romantic or friends. The sense of humor and intellegence (hopefully) falls in line after that. Money and looks have never been important to me in any relationship, they seem trivial when it comes to who will stand by you when you need them, in the end. Just my opinion though.
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Overall personality... I don't associate it with intelligence or sense of humor. Those are specific categories that I don't look at first.
Presence or that vibe thing I get from a man. If I feel that, I know there is a possibility for something more.
I take overall personality into account, because I'd always rather date a sweet guy who wasn't hot than a really hot guy who was a jerk. Sense of humor can more or less go along with personality, and that's something that draws me to a person quickly too.
OK, I have always been attracted to the shy, well reserved person. That is the first thing I notice. Alas, it doesn't stay that way for long.
For me it is how they carry themselves really. If a girl is confortable with being who she is then I get interested.
I have to go with the smarts, I'm not shallow in regard to looks but i can not, i repeat NOT deal with an ignorant chick, the most annoying thing in the world to me. Like Ron White says, we have a surgery to fix any kind of ugly, but you can't fix stupid! lmao
I have to be able to speak to someone on an equal level, hate having to dumb stuff down for people, I'd rather be able to be myself around those i associate with, know what i mean?
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What is the first thing that attracts you to another?
I'll be honest, looks. However I've met plenty of attractive people who totally are unattractive in other aspects, so my initial attraction matters little.
Intelligence has always attracted me to a man first before anything else.
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What is the first thing that attracts you to another?
When someone is really intelligent and witty. It immediately turns me on. I'm really big on the personality department, so just looking good doesn't draw me in.
I've met some really hot people who just have no common sense, or are extremely selfish.
I've met some really hot people who just have no common sense, or are extremely selfish.
First personalty
^^ I completely agree.....I like witty, intelligent people and actually WANT to hold a conversation with them
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When someone is really intelligent and witty. It immediately turns me on. I'm really big on the personality department, so just looking good doesn't draw me in.
I've met some really hot people who just have no common sense, ... more
I've met some really hot people who just have no common sense, ... more
When someone is really intelligent and witty. It immediately turns me on. I'm really big on the personality department, so just looking good doesn't draw me in.
I've met some really hot people who just have no common sense, or are extremely selfish. less
I've met some really hot people who just have no common sense, or are extremely selfish. less
I'm with Lithaewyn 100% honestly. I can't help it. But I have indeed been very attracted to many supposedly physically unattractive people as well.
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I'll be honest, looks. However I've met plenty of attractive people who totally are unattractive in other aspects, so my initial attraction matters little.
Intelligence. I have to fall in love with your mind.
This all depends on if I'm getting to know someone online or in person.
In person, first rule of attraction is looks. Now if said "hot person" opens their mouth and they're either not intelligent or charming, then the attraction is instantly turned off. (This happens to me a lot... not that I'm 'on the prowl' but I've met people I thought were gorgeous and then they spoke... not so gorgeous anymore)
In situations, like online, where you don't necessarily see someone face to face, there's a lot more to it, intelligence, wit, charm, humor... and when you finally see them it's like fireworks. (Mr, for instance) I'm sure there could be the experience for seeing someone after "falling" for them and being instantly turned off based on looks, but there's definitely more to a person than looks.
In person, first rule of attraction is looks. Now if said "hot person" opens their mouth and they're either not intelligent or charming, then the attraction is instantly turned off. (This happens to me a lot... not that I'm 'on the prowl' but I've met people I thought were gorgeous and then they spoke... not so gorgeous anymore)
In situations, like online, where you don't necessarily see someone face to face, there's a lot more to it, intelligence, wit, charm, humor... and when you finally see them it's like fireworks. (Mr, for instance) I'm sure there could be the experience for seeing someone after "falling" for them and being instantly turned off based on looks, but there's definitely more to a person than looks.
For me it's the way they carry themselves... and the eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul.
I agree with Brandi Rouxxx. The way you carry yourself is a big thing for me. Confidence. The eyes too. You can really see what is going on when you pay attention to the small things.
Sense of humor.
Personality, but also the overall package.

Idk if this is the same thing as "the overall package", but I'm attracted to the right combination of everything listed. It just has to fit them well and I guess that does it for me.
Personality is the first thing I notice cause to me, that's the most important. A guys looks, match his personality and the more I get to know him, the hotter he becomes. So I don't go by looks - unless I'm just perving on someone from a distance.
Money means shit to me. I don't care what they do or don't make.
I do love and find intelligence extremely attractive - same with humor.
Money means shit to me. I don't care what they do or don't make.
I do love and find intelligence extremely attractive - same with humor.
looks always get my attention at 1st.
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What is the first thing that attracts you to another?
Sense of humor.
I'd say a combination of looks and personality. sense of humor is a BIG deal tho.
I'd say sense of humor gets my attention, as does looks, but personality makes me decide if he's a keeper or not!