Do you like anal penetration?

Contributor: Sera Sera
Do you adore it, or do you hate it? How were you first introduced to it, if you've tried it? Would you try it, if you haven't?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Envy , deltalima , PurpleBerry , OhMy! , Bigtitts , thatonegirl , wondertoes , Bunnycups , ToxicHeart , Lady Neshamah , MrRainybowbow , Chevylady37 , SexKittenXxX , Moein , Sebmissive , K101 , AMGuidroz , Bonesdance , Nothere , Pablo F Lleras , big b , Smitty , One true love , Bry & Jenn , wrmbreze , tinadice , SouthernBelle , pokefan15 , justme23 , Upyourreviews , icyqueen , Vanille , lovebites , edeneve , Cat E. , Rory , Mrs.Tee , Feisty , DenRu85
twilightsun , butterflygirlxo , Jenniae09 , MEME , TiffyPixie , darthkitt3n , sweet seduction , Peaches2kinky , vanillaSpice , xoflxokcxo , freshbananas , Stephanie Marie , magicmac , mama2007 , nicole07 , Mlee , That Man from Mars , kelaaa33wish , CoffeeCup , guard083 , LavenderSkies , Ash1141 , StephieBoo02 , Pink Jewel , MamaDivine , glasskitten , AliMc , woodsdragon , bryenswife , ginnyluvspotter , Cinnyree , Mrs. Tickle and Giggle , Isola , tami , Bunnybun
Airen Wolf , ~LaUr3n~ , SexyySarah , P'Gell , Liz2 , LittleBoPeep , ScottA , Jimbo Jones , Illusional , Kindred , David88 , eyeore65 , Rossie , ToyTimeTim , 00 , shankinbro , PurpleReign , RadRach , deadpoet , must2fun , FVWhitechapel , Pleasure Piratess , Gunsmoke , clp , removedacnt , SeXXXcapades , Jessica Rose , Persephone Nightmare , ZenaidaMacroura , Destri , Pleasured n Aroused , onehotmomma , kck , V.T.T , silversnowleopardess , TheSexista , GreenDaisy3 , mrs.mckrakn , CleverKitty , jakjak , REDzSmile , Yoda , Sera , Ropeguy , tiresias , tigrluvr9999 , GeekWife , Kim! , Danielle1220 , Eeyor89 , CutiePatootie , leatherlover , isisandshiva , missyross , SexyTabby , seaofneptune , Joie de Cherresse , sasweetheart89 , the bedroom blogger , pinkzombie , hive83 , dv8 , lamira , Redboxbaby , Shumway , KnK , CafeSabroso , Tart , *HisMrs* , The Awesome Penguin , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , Shellz31 , AussieSarah , Lucidity , 19WolfMan51 , abntroll58 , fghjkl , RonLee , Vaccinium , ReesaAndBrandon , Darling Jen , AU , Rainbow Boy , Airekah , IrishLassie , Inkblot , Checkmate , RomeroB , dbtracy , Xander Knoblock , TheSinDoll , JaLaine , LadyEarlGrey , KikiChrome , 0letitgrow , ihavenipples , Kaltir , CSEA , RubberDuckie , Mills , *Huxley* , ALM83 , lovebugg , BadassFatass , SapphirexIce , slynch , pookalicious , AW00 , SiNn , M121212 , phunkyphreak , minifreak , BlueDog , UnknownGirl , Midway through , Skitlz , jk68 , SugarAndSpice , jankit , Lilbee , KunisCarrot , Conrad , alliegator , neon , ATL Freak , SoSexxxay , biggieaddict , lisa1 , newfoundlust , Brianna91 , NaughtyButterfly , angel142stx , sexyintexas , Kissaki , Howells , bluekaren , padmeamidala , AOutrajus , Anjulie , SexyLilPixi , Rocky LaFemme , salaciousrex , toxie m , Linga , HouseWench , lolsos , namelesschaos , liilii080 , uu , sexyk515 , orbitsekai , sarki , Naughty Student , Antoinette711 , Research , daniel and frances , lovemuscle n cookie , jay28 , deletedacct , ac0313 , Collodion , Sex'и'Violence , Cedarlooman , Redheadinfla , teeny <3 , Karen Affeldt , Miss Morphine , irishlove , Bignuf , Trillian , CharlieBrown , The Mother of a SiNner , GatorDood , zracer , Ivy Wilde , ms.anon , Lucky21 , Miss Anonymous , terriann , cherie2188 , jeangel246 , Sunshineamine , jg19 , aliceinthehole , domsub1993 , ToyingCouple , mcl272 , LittleA , samopayn , TameTemptress , Beck , 12345678 , Jnuts , Stagger13 , Ash1141 , karay123 , 2BudZ , Old news , l'amour , Clandestine , duff , dhig , bayosgirl , bilovers79 , Loriandhubby , WanderlustinGypsy , Pinkie Pie , ge0rge , Deeder , Eliyahu , Brenard , robertk2380 , tinadice , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Istanbull , blackadeezee , chantalgiardina , firefly1330 , SMichelle , hall5885 , Various , Mwar , MistressDandelion , elrique , romstomp , friendswithfangs , CherryGryffon , solitudinarian , potstickers , yevans , sugar&spikes , Wonderstruck , SavingMyself , MontereyJak , AK Bunny , hmb12 , WhoopieDoo , kitty1949 , Falsepast , AwesomeAmanda , travelnurse , squire , T&L , LilLostLenore , Andrey2052 , magicmaxx Mr.Mrs , hornyNkinky , Bill220 , BrittaniMaree , AlianneCimorene , Babylove09 , travhawk , damnbul12 , 7Miles , brevado , Jennifer87 , Boosty , Trysexual , John E W , extrafun , Adnerbmw , karenm , KrissyNovacaine , GingerSpice , ScorpioCurves , Lavendar , meitman , sophia430 , TiffanyW , Septimus , 4ever18 , Komitto , SoloRebel , Soundside46 , ButtPlugLover , Fire21 , ejrbrndps , louise83 , jim58 , spencerfist , MattWillTry
aleong , LikeSunshineDust , Coralbell , Lsassy , acookie , Eorwyn , Blue Babe , ellejay , MaryExy , Mistress Kitten , cburger , The Curious Couple , Jackol , kittychilla , tlaskowski , MissCandyland , Kenneth Fort , dancingduo , Hummingbird , evie.amor , wicked48
Total votes: 376 (374 voters)
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
Captivating topic discussions on Penetration:

For those ladies who allow anal penetration as a regular part of your sex life, how much do you enjoy this activity?
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How Many Minutes does it take you to have one Orgasm???
I usually get an orgasm 10 minutes into penetration.

during solo play how many toys do you use?
for instance....nipple toy with vibrator, double penetration, vibrating cock ring on a dildo.

any other good combos?

did you cum the first time
was just curious if most men orgasm on there first anal penetration. like most know, women dont when theyre virginity (vaginal) is lost.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I like it so much more after reading Tristan Taormino's Guide though. I had no idea anal sex didn't have, and isn't supposed, to hurt!
Contributor: MsTryska MsTryska
There should be a neutral - "Tried it, not for me" option.
Not sure why it would be disgusting unless you are doing it wrong or someone didn't prep properly beforehand.

For myself - not really a big fan of things in my butt, although I can cum really hard from my own finger there and then not need another orgasm for a week. But it's such a delicate area, I don't really want anyone else poking and prodding there.

For my bf - i LOVE sticking things in his butt.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Yeah I agree with MsTryska. There should be like a "Tried it, and it was okay, but it's not like super fun". Before getting married to my husband, we did ONLY anal and back then it was great. But once we got married and tried vaginal sex, I SO much prefer it to anal anyday. So it's not like gross or disgusting, but it's just not as fun as some other things. I wouldn't say I love it though.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
Originally posted by MsTryska
There should be a neutral - "Tried it, not for me" option.
Not sure why it would be disgusting unless you are doing it wrong or someone didn't prep properly beforehand.

For myself - not really a big fan of things in my butt, ... more
I agree 100% It's not my thing, but I don't think it's disgusting at all. And I love using toys for anal on other people.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I love it! I use to be scared of it, but then I found a partner (my hubby now) that knows how to do it right and make it feel good!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I love it.

I agree the "tried it and it isn't for me" option should have been available, Not everybody likes being penetrated anally, but they don't necessarily think it's "disgusting" it's just something that they found doesn't ring their bell!

The orgasms from anal penetration and double penetration are really different than clitoral or G Spot orgasms. Even for women. I find myself purring like a cat, something I have NEVER done during any activity before. Nina Hartley has a good chapter on anal love in her book Nina Hartley's Guide to Total Sex and she also said she makes unusual noises during anal penetration. It made me feel better, because it was something I had NO control over and had no idea it would happen. Knowing other people have had the same reaction (making really unusual animal like noises) during anal sex was a revelation and now My Man and I think it's really cool that I have this reaction.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
My first experience was horrible, no lube and brute force. It took me awhile to get over it but now I love it! Butt plugs are regularly part of my play.
Contributor: aleong aleong
I have attempted to, but have never succeeded. It really scares me, but I hope I'll get to experience it one day.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I liked it when I tried it but will never do it again. I'm just not sturdy enough back there.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Tried it, like it, still do it. I was self-introduced to the idea - I heard about people doing it, figured that there must be something to it, so I tried it. Didn't know what I was doing at first, but fortunately didn't hurt anything (and did things "right enough" to enjoy it).
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I voted the last option, but only because it's the closest to me. I haven't, but I would if my partner really wanted to. J has absolutely no interest in it, so I don't see it happening. Honestly, I'm ok with that.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I am pretty much just like ScottA, only I just recently found the joys of having my wife do it though. For me the health benefits are a big plus.
Contributor: shankinbro shankinbro
I started playing with my asshole in highschool, and I love it. The sensations the feelings, its all pretty awesome. My favorite feeling is the stretching feeling when inserting the first toy of the night, lol.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
I haven't tried it but maybe I might.
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I tried it, and I kind of like it. Still looking to experiment more and see how I feel about it in the future.
Contributor: RadRach RadRach
I give it 2 thumbs up!
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
When I was 18, I had a BF who forced anal on me, you could call it rape, and ever since then I have had a phobia of anal pen. I've tried to do it but tense up before it even happens.
Contributor: deadpoet deadpoet
I have gotten use to it after a while. I didn't like it for the most, for personal reasons. but my BF changed my mind.
Contributor: PurpleBerry PurpleBerry
I've never tried because I know it would just be to much. Plus I just can't bring myself to even think about it.
Contributor: clp clp
I love anal!! Both for myself and for my partner. It is a required and important aspect of my sexuality. That has a lot to do with how I developed as a youngin', the way that I approached sex and sexuality as I grew up, and also just my expectation for intimacy with partners. I don't often engage in solo anal play, because that closeness and trust is a good portion of what makes anal so enjoyable for me. Other words like submission, humiliation, ownership factor into the enjoyment.

Not that it is my place to recommend anything under the sun, but I see it this way: I enjoy exploring my body sexually and don't draw lines around what should or shouldn't qualify for pleasure. Any type of play is at least worth trying.

If interested, I highly recommend a read at this essay by Chelsea G Summers called the Good, the Bad, and the Anal.
Contributor: FrenchKisser FrenchKisser
with small toys or beads only.
Contributor: SeXXXcapades SeXXXcapades
I've done it to Alisha, I loved it, she didn't... I'm not sure I'm interested in having it done to me, maybe some day...
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Originally posted by Lady Venus
When I was 18, I had a BF who forced anal on me, you could call it rape, and ever since then I have had a phobia of anal pen. I've tried to do it but tense up before it even happens.
Try not to give up on anal can be awesome! Suggest you get a butt plug plug along the lines of the Ryder, Infinity or a dil with a base and try yourself. You could be pleasantly surprised, and so worth it!
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
Originally posted by Liz2
Try not to give up on anal can be awesome! Suggest you get a butt plug plug along the lines of the Ryder, Infinity or a dil with a base and try yourself. You could be pleasantly surprised, and so worth it!
Start with fingers, since you have much more control over speed, they're nice and small, and you get feedback. Plugs and dildos are later. External touching is a good way to start, since you can get used to the feelings without having any stretching.

Don't feel you have to try something. Wait as long as you need to.
Contributor: silversnowleopardess silversnowleopardess
For the longest time, I absolutely hated it. An ex boyfriend was far too rough and condemning of me when there was a bit of mess when he finished, so I had a lot of issues with it.

When I first got together with my husband, I told him that in order for him to have anal sex with me, he'd have to let me have anal sex with him. He let me go first, so I felt obligated to let him try.

He was so gentle, went slow, used lube and explained to me how to relax my muscles enough to have anal without pain. It's actually quite pleasant for me now.
Contributor: GreenDaisy3 GreenDaisy3
The first time it happened my hubby kind of just did it and I was scared, but as he continued to penetrate me it felt really good. Now there are times I request anal over vaginal and it could just be because I have a partner that knows how to do it. At least for me.
Contributor: mrs.mckrakn mrs.mckrakn
i wouldnt say love it but it nice. prefer vaginal penitration. what kills me about anal is the first couple of min. cause oh my goodness it hurts. but oncve im past that. WOW!!! feels amazing
Contributor: CleverKitty CleverKitty
I did it for the first time when I was 16 with my dads mini maglight flashlight and well I've been hooked ever since. Sometimes I think it's easier to come from anal penetration than vaginal. It hits my g-spot from a whole new angle.