Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
Most distressing thing to find out about your date
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I have little tolerance for liars. I've ended friendships because of it.
toss up between compulsive lying (just a huge no) and living with parents (because you just don't want to leave the nest, not because of financial/psychologica l/physical problems.)
Lying would be just no good, how could I expect to properly start a relationship with someone if I couldn't trust anything they said? That would be no kind of a relationship
If you can find out that they're a compulsive liar on the first date, you're ahead of the curve!
Originally posted by
If you can find out that they're a compulsive liar on the first date, you're ahead of the curve!
Finding out that they're a compulsive liar would definitely be the worst.
I voted for compulsive liar, but the second most distressing thing for me would be to find out they're married and cheating on their partner. That's a HUGE no-no.
It was a toss up between the STD and lying....I am leery about both. Being polyamorous would be almost a must for me but polygamous would be awkward since I am pagan and generally polygamy (polygyny to be completely correct) is a religious practice. Hair is fine, underwear is never a necessity, and being older would be fine if I am attracted to him.
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Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
This is an interesting question... I think that living with parents/STD/hairy/etc are all things that can be dealt with in some manner (meds, move out, the beauty of waxing) but compulsive lying is a dealbreaker. You can't trust the person anymore and there's no relationship or even just casual sexing that can happen without some level of trust.
I can't STAND liars..
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Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
neither can I
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I can't STAND liars..
Liars are a major "no" for me. If you lie to me even once, my trust in you is severely damaged. Lie to me a second time, and we aren't going to be in each other's lives anymore.
Liars I was thinking of going with STD* but then I realized if a person a liars I can't ever be 100% sure they are telling me the truth about their STD or sexual history which is worse then a person who is up front about it.
*Also, I'm assuming that when you say STD you mean serious incurable STD like HIV. different STD are likely to get a different response.
*Also, I'm assuming that when you say STD you mean serious incurable STD like HIV. different STD are likely to get a different response.
Tough one - it was a toss up between compulsive liar and has an STD.
Lies, then std and the lives with his parents

Didn't realize this would be a poll when I clicked on it. Of the choices, compulsive liar is definitely the worst. But what came to my mind first when I saw the thread title, would be closetedness. As an out gay man, I will only date other out gay men (or out bi men). But if you won't hold my hand in public, then I'm not gonna waste my time with you.
Id say an STD or compulsive liar!
Polygamy, liar, and STD would totally make me run! Lol. I don't really find hairy all that sexy, but that can be shaved. I wouldn't get rid of him only because of hair. I might suggest shaving, but that's about it.
liar, and std would be worst for me
Originally posted by
Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
It really bugs me when someone is on the cell phone too.
I couldn't vote because I wanted to check most of the stuff listed!
Its hard to pick, most of those would be major red flags!
Honesty is super important to me, so liars would be out instantly. STD is also a pretty big deal breaker.
Living with parents would be ok if it is a temporary thing after losing their job or something, but if they're like 30 with no plans to move out soon...bye!
Honesty is super important to me, so liars would be out instantly. STD is also a pretty big deal breaker.
Living with parents would be ok if it is a temporary thing after losing their job or something, but if they're like 30 with no plans to move out soon...bye!
Compulsive liar.
I've been through a couple of those. It's terrible.
I've been through a couple of those. It's terrible.
Compulsive liar.
I've been through a couple of those. It's terrible.
I've been through a couple of those. It's terrible.
To find out he had an STD would suck
Liars/cheaters/ stds/ hairy girls
Voted for liar, but polygamous and the STD would also be a deal-breaker.