Most distressing thing to find out about your date

Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
lots of hair everywhere
lives with parents
1  (1%)
has an STD
34  (22%)
is polygamous
4  (3%)
doesn't wear underwear
is 20 years your senior
3  (2%)
compulsive lier
113  (73%)
none of the above would bother me
Total votes: 155
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I have little tolerance for liars. I've ended friendships because of it.
Contributor: jfree jfree
toss up between compulsive lying (just a huge no) and living with parents (because you just don't want to leave the nest, not because of financial/psychologica l/physical problems.)
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Lying would be just no good, how could I expect to properly start a relationship with someone if I couldn't trust anything they said? That would be no kind of a relationship
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
If you can find out that they're a compulsive liar on the first date, you're ahead of the curve!
Contributor: dhig dhig
Originally posted by Lucidity
If you can find out that they're a compulsive liar on the first date, you're ahead of the curve!
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
Finding out that they're a compulsive liar would definitely be the worst.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I voted for compulsive liar, but the second most distressing thing for me would be to find out they're married and cheating on their partner. That's a HUGE no-no.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by lezergirl
Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
It was a toss up between the STD and lying....I am leery about both. Being polyamorous would be almost a must for me but polygamous would be awkward since I am pagan and generally polygamy (polygyny to be completely correct) is a religious practice. Hair is fine, underwear is never a necessity, and being older would be fine if I am attracted to him.
Contributor: xxx xxx
This is an interesting question... I think that living with parents/STD/hairy/etc are all things that can be dealt with in some manner (meds, move out, the beauty of waxing) but compulsive lying is a dealbreaker. You can't trust the person anymore and there's no relationship or even just casual sexing that can happen without some level of trust.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by lezergirl
Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
I can't STAND liars..
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
I can't STAND liars..
neither can I
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
Liars are a major "no" for me. If you lie to me even once, my trust in you is severely damaged. Lie to me a second time, and we aren't going to be in each other's lives anymore.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Liars I was thinking of going with STD* but then I realized if a person a liars I can't ever be 100% sure they are telling me the truth about their STD or sexual history which is worse then a person who is up front about it.

*Also, I'm assuming that when you say STD you mean serious incurable STD like HIV. different STD are likely to get a different response.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Tough one - it was a toss up between compulsive liar and has an STD.
Contributor: PersonalAngel PersonalAngel
Lies, then std and the lives with his parents
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
Contributor: hornypoet69 hornypoet69
Didn't realize this would be a poll when I clicked on it. Of the choices, compulsive liar is definitely the worst. But what came to my mind first when I saw the thread title, would be closetedness. As an out gay man, I will only date other out gay men (or out bi men). But if you won't hold my hand in public, then I'm not gonna waste my time with you.
Contributor: barrettbn2 barrettbn2
Id say an STD or compulsive liar!
Contributor: K101 K101
Polygamy, liar, and STD would totally make me run! Lol. I don't really find hairy all that sexy, but that can be shaved. I wouldn't get rid of him only because of hair. I might suggest shaving, but that's about it.
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
liar, and std would be worst for me
Originally posted by lezergirl
Which of these would be the biggest deal breaker on a first date?
Contributor: Enchantedkitty Enchantedkitty
It really bugs me when someone is on the cell phone too.
Contributor: link82 link82
I couldn't vote because I wanted to check most of the stuff listed!
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Its hard to pick, most of those would be major red flags!

Honesty is super important to me, so liars would be out instantly. STD is also a pretty big deal breaker.

Living with parents would be ok if it is a temporary thing after losing their job or something, but if they're like 30 with no plans to move out soon...bye!
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
Compulsive liar.
I've been through a couple of those. It's terrible.
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
Compulsive liar.
I've been through a couple of those. It's terrible.
Contributor: Willis2011 Willis2011
To find out he had an STD would suck
Contributor: KennyMister KennyMister
Liars/cheaters/ stds/ hairy girls
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
Voted for liar, but polygamous and the STD would also be a deal-breaker.