How to approach a "crazy christian"?

Contributor: Scarlette Scarlette
My mother is Baptist...a STRICT Baptist.

this comes as no surprise to me that men and woman arent allowed to be alone.

Modern dating, is a total no no.

My whole thing is this: if youre part of the group, and you take the religion seriously, and what the group has to say. Then dont ask him.

You can take the chance, I mean he might be okay with a woman taking charge...but it depends on how serious he is. If he joined the group, is really into it, then dont take the chance. If he seems relaxed enough do it.

Its a gamble either way.

Im just looking at this in a negative light because I dont take fondly to religion, and I think "modern" type of dating is just dandy.
Contributor: Solar Ray Solar Ray
Doesn't hurt to ask... if he is indeed a "crazy Christian" you might as well find out early on. Just be up front and say you want to go out on a date... can't see the harm in it. Worst is he says no and you move on... nothing lost.
Contributor: lucymalfoy lucymalfoy
You should definitely try anyway
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I have never heard of Christians having this type of thinking-should never be alone together. I thought that was a Mormon thing? Anyways...take the chance. If he says no then maybe join the group and go that route if you like him enough.
Mormons are totally fine with being alone together before marriage (I'm one)
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Sounds like one of you will have to change your viewpoint. If you aren't willing to change yours, it isn't fair to expect him to change his. Maybe you can reach a compromise?
Contributor: *Huxley* *Huxley*
The worst he can say is no.
Contributor: neon neon
do it!
Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Originally posted by 0
I attend a Christian church with my friend EVERY Sunday. To me dating has always just been dating, but her church has a "singles" group (going to age 25) that meets occasionally and does courting exercises and doesn't believe a man and ... more
Heres what ya do, walk up to the guy and ask "Do you wanna go get some pizza and then go fuck?" If he gives you anything but a YES! just look at him and ask "What, you don't like pizza???" then shake your head and walk away.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
I would ask him, but don't get your hopes up and certainly don't entertain thoughts of trying to change him.

From the title I really thought this thread would be about a christian witnessing to you.
Contributor: KennyMister KennyMister
Ask him out and hope he isn't brain washed
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
id just ask
Contributor: sexyk515 sexyk515
just ask you both are adults only thing he can do is say yes or no .
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
Originally posted by 0
I attend a Christian church with my friend EVERY Sunday. To me dating has always just been dating, but her church has a "singles" group (going to age 25) that meets occasionally and does courting exercises and doesn't believe a man and ... more
i think u should give that up, unless ur ok w/ what he believes. i personally could never date someone like that b/c i'm a very touchy feely person & i like my alone time w/ my partner. but that's just me.
Contributor: K101 K101
Ok, first I would ask him. If he is really against it and says no then if it were me and I preferred not waiting to have a relationship, I might consider attending a more lenient church a time or two and find out what resonates best with me. I would not wait to have a relationship. Relationships are supposed to happen before marriage, you're supposed to be alone with them and get to know them. I'm not saying you shouldn't attend that church anymore, I'm just saying that you may find that a less strict church fits you best. I promise, God does not get angry over relationships. It isn't a sin to have relationships and crushes. I attending a church that was open to anybody, no dress code, no judgment my entire life. I quit going as much when they pastor handed the church over to a younger couple who I was close with and loved so dearly, but they changed so much when they started running the church and it just isn't the same. Sometimes you have to find what is right for you. Now, I stick to listening to Joyce Meyer and Creflo Dollar every morning and I read Joyce's books too! They're really helpful and I love that they address issues like marriage, sex, relationships, daily life and issues, etc. because that's what I need the most help in. I prefer hearing about the real issues that everyday people have and how to talk to God about them rather than sitting in a pew where the preacher's too afraid to talk about real life issues because he's worried less people will attend.

I think you should go for it though. Ask him! Ask Him! Ask him! Lol

Best of luck
Contributor: w-o-name w-o-name
Just ask
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
If you really like him then fuck the rules and ask him out anyway. Most Christians don't even follow those stupid rules anyway. Personally though I would move on to another guy just because I could never be with a guy who believed that men and women should never been alone together before marriage. Take that last statement with a grain of salt though, as an atheist I would not be compatible with a religious individual anyway.
Contributor: jokerzwild jokerzwild
Ask you never know, think alot of people just go along with the prevailing idea and he might be only going along with the crowd as well.
Contributor: freda freda
Originally posted by 0
I attend a Christian church with my friend EVERY Sunday. To me dating has always just been dating, but her church has a "singles" group (going to age 25) that meets occasionally and does courting exercises and doesn't believe a man and ... more
Ask him anyway
Contributor: socceras socceras
I voted that u should ask him. but it all depends on the sitch. idk what hes like
Contributor: Hibangel Hibangel
If it were me I'd go to the meetings hoping to get closer. That way may waste valuable time though. Do whatever u feel is right.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I'd ask him! Maybe he feels the same way?
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
What could it hurt to ask?