It all depends on location and situation, but in general most forms of kissing (ope/closed) and cuddling and holding hands are ok in public.
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)?
I love holding my husbands hand or standing on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss when we go out. And when he leans down and kisses me on the forehead or something Its so sweet and I feel so secure.. I do hate it when you pass by a bench in the mall and theres a couple laying on top of each other with their tongues down eachothers throats.. that is for the bedroom, not for public.. especially when you have young kids that have to walk past and see that.
I am okay with kissing hugging and touching. Personally the only way I would get mad if I saw some one doing it in public is if kids were there to see. I would never personally do it anywhere in public, although I guess giving road head is kid of public I have done that.
I love PDA, but not public fondling! Save that for somewhere more secretive!
Doesn't bother me, if I think it's a bit much all I have to do is look away or move.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
PDAs are instances of free porn that other people display for me to look at. What's not to like?
i'm a big practicer of PDA so it would be hypocritical to say that when other people do it, it disgusts me lol if i really don't like it, i just look in another direction
something in between for me. I dont mind seeing people being cute and holding hands, giving eachother innocent kisses. i think its romantic, and love to see love! but when its fondling, groping, hot and heavy stuff, it no longer reminds me of love, it just seems like the people are horny lol
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
I can handle small PDA like hand holding or small kisses but I cant take a full make out session
I'm fine with most displays of public affection for myself and others.
I've found that anything more than closed mouth kisses from time to time becomes WAY to awkward to be around. I'm not saying people can't or shouldn't, but some control would be nice.
Mild PDA is ok. Kissing, hand holding, hugging and cuddling are fine. Giant make out sessions and groping are a bit too much. Ass slaps and grabs are ok too though.
Little signs of affection are great. And a little grope here and there when no one is looking but nothing too over the top.
I'm fine with PDA! I'm glad to see a couple who actually likes eachother
I'm okay with all kinds of PDA, it doesn't bother me. Heck, I probably wouldn't bat an eye at two (or more) people having public sex, it wouldn't bother me any more than any other form of PDA... The only kind of PDA that bothers me is the kind that directly interrupts my day, for instance: people making out in line in front of me and holding up the line, or PDA that I'm forced to watch because they're directly in front of me and I can't walk away, see former line example.
I don't mind holding hands or kissing. And my boyfriend likes to smack my butt sometimes in public.
But it makes me uncomfortable when people are making out and all over each other.
But it makes me uncomfortable when people are making out and all over each other.
My girlfriend and I are okay with more subtle versions of it with other people. Their hand-holding, little kisses, etc. But when it comes to us, we're more the type that prefers not to broadcast to everyone that we're a lesbian couple out in public. We'll put our arms around each other, and kiss on the cheek, but that's about it.

I am totally ok with it as long as there are not kids around.
I'm totally okay with PDA's up to the point where clothing starts coming off.
It depends on the context but in genera it doesn't bother me. For an example that does bother me the other day two people were making out very loudly in the computer lab I was in, completely rube for two reason: 1) Your taking up two computers that other people could be using 2) the noise is distracting everyone else.
I believe that people/couples should be considerate of those around them.
If we're with our friends, then most PDA (open-mouth kissing, playful groping, etc) is acceptable... to an extent. We don't do more than we ourselves would be comfortable seeing our friends do.
If we're in public, in the presence of strangers and children, we'll keep it rated G. Holding hands, hugging, closed-mouth kissing.
If we're with our friends, then most PDA (open-mouth kissing, playful groping, etc) is acceptable... to an extent. We don't do more than we ourselves would be comfortable seeing our friends do.
If we're in public, in the presence of strangers and children, we'll keep it rated G. Holding hands, hugging, closed-mouth kissing.
I think some of it really depends on the environment. Passionate kisses at the airport would not even register. Passionate kisses in the middle of the produce department would.
I don't feel that anyone needs to announce their bedroom activities to the rest of the world - no one else cares. No one is being eaten up by jealousy that you're getting laid. They are being eaten up by annoyance that their day is being disrupted by two people who apparently have no self-control or consideration for other people. Most people I've seen with the huge amounts of PDA aren't choosing to do it in a discreet location where I'm accidentally interrupting them. They're choosing to do it in the middle of everything, so everyone will see their grand, passionate love affair, as if they're trying to rub everyone's noses in it: "Look at me, I am HAVING SEX! I want to announce it to all of you, because MY SEX LIFE IS SO IMPORTANT TO YOUR DAILY LIVES! I know you were all wondering who I was having SEX WITH and HOW OFTEN!" Whereas everyone else is just rolling their eyes and trying to move along without slipping in bodily fluids.
I don't feel that anyone needs to announce their bedroom activities to the rest of the world - no one else cares. No one is being eaten up by jealousy that you're getting laid. They are being eaten up by annoyance that their day is being disrupted by two people who apparently have no self-control or consideration for other people. Most people I've seen with the huge amounts of PDA aren't choosing to do it in a discreet location where I'm accidentally interrupting them. They're choosing to do it in the middle of everything, so everyone will see their grand, passionate love affair, as if they're trying to rub everyone's noses in it: "Look at me, I am HAVING SEX! I want to announce it to all of you, because MY SEX LIFE IS SO IMPORTANT TO YOUR DAILY LIVES! I know you were all wondering who I was having SEX WITH and HOW OFTEN!" Whereas everyone else is just rolling their eyes and trying to move along without slipping in bodily fluids.
I'm fine with holding hands and other casual forms of affection. For example, if my husband and I are out, whether it's walking through the mall or grocery shopping, I'll occasionally give him a sort of back rub, where I'll just run the heel of my palm (or fingertips, depending on how he's feeling) up and down his back for a minute or two. It's nothing scandalous, but damn, if it doesn't feel good.
I am OK with holding hands and closed mouth kissing (myself or others).
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
I am okay with it.
depends on the situation