Depends on the situation and context. I'm okay with PDA but prefer not to be 100% attached to my partner in public, but sometimes I'm just in a mood to hold hands. I dunno.
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)?
I don't care how far I or others take it, my only concern is if children are around. I do believe that we must set example for kids as a comunity, and I only need to ask myself if I'd be disappointed for the way someone acted near my child--that usually curbs it, based on situation.
I'm ok with most PDA, but I do draw a line. For one, it depends on who is around. If we're with other couples, sure. With single friends who would feel a bit left out, I try to keep it really innocent simply to avoid alienating them or hurting feelings, especially in situations where I know someone in the group either has or has had a crush on myself or my date. Unless I don't like them much, haha. Around "adults" I try to keep it innocent too, although there are some exceptions. I happen to have a few good friends who are old enough to be my parents. And say, at Wal-Mart, I just don't want to be "that couple." Or hurt my ex's feelings too bad. He works there.
I think if people are getting naked in public then that's probably a bit much (bearing in mind that I've had sex in public places a few times! ). However, I'm totally fine with grabbing my boyfriend's backside in the supermarket, and I honestly like to see other people enjoying their relationships that much as well.
I LIKE seeing people in love. It makes me happy. I worry much more about the couple that won't even touch each other in public.
I LIKE seeing people in love. It makes me happy. I worry much more about the couple that won't even touch each other in public.
PDA is great!...WITH LIMITS.
im cool with holding hands, cuddles, light kissing, or touches.
NOT having foreplay in public or your prelude to sex. It just makes me uncomfy, I dont intend to watch you, so dont put on a show.
im cool with holding hands, cuddles, light kissing, or touches.
NOT having foreplay in public or your prelude to sex. It just makes me uncomfy, I dont intend to watch you, so dont put on a show.
I am great with PDA. My husband on the other hand, hates it. the problem with that is, he never kisses me or says I love you ANYWAYS. He says that PDA makes him uncomfortable and its inappropriate but with a lot of stuff he has done, its extremely inappropriate. It's almost like I have leprosy or something because he won't touch me or kiss me or say I love you or anything. It's sad its killing me actually. I feel like I'm not wanted. But yes. PDA is good. Some is too much, like making out every second and grinding at every moment, but kisses and everything like that, is wonderful. Go for it!

I like PDA, as long as you aren't having a full out make out session in public. I would kiss my boyfriend (open mouth) whenever he would leave, in public. But it was just a few seconds and then that's it. We kept our makeout sessions (and more to his car and my room.
I actually have another reason for liking PDA, being a gay man. I think it is important for people to see two guys holding hands. It lets people know that we really do have relationships, not just casual sex. It sends a message of hope to other gay guys, who might feel like finding a boyfriend is hopeless. It tells people we are proud of who we are, and who we are with. I got a lot of double takes when I held my boyfriend's hand in public, but never anything I perceived as negative. Honestly, if a guy isn't willing to hold my hand in public, then I'm not going to date him.
I actually have another reason for liking PDA, being a gay man. I think it is important for people to see two guys holding hands. It lets people know that we really do have relationships, not just casual sex. It sends a message of hope to other gay guys, who might feel like finding a boyfriend is hopeless. It tells people we are proud of who we are, and who we are with. I got a lot of double takes when I held my boyfriend's hand in public, but never anything I perceived as negative. Honestly, if a guy isn't willing to hold my hand in public, then I'm not going to date him.
I'm ok with some - but kissing (more than a quick peck) or anything more makes me uncomfortable, whether I'm the one doing it or it's done in front of me!
Originally posted by
Persephone's Addiction
I am completely ok with PDA's. Open mouth make out sessions are great. I wish everyone made out in public.
Holding hands and a quick peck on the lips are just fine. Anything further is just irritating and obnoxious.
We dont do much in public but I dont care if others do. Its just awkward when theyre kids.
making out can be a bit much..
I'm fine with kissing in public, but it really bugs SO, so it doesn't happen too often, mostly just when I pounce on him!
its so great everyone should do it.
i love it, but my bf hates even hand holding. he's weird about how he'll make other single ppl feel.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
I only tend to be Annoyed when someone is getting PDA and I want it. ;-)
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
im ok wit it all
I chose other cause my girlfriend and i tend to do many things in public but never been caught, on buses on benches just all over, but the idea of someone els doing that just sounds crazy lol
Well, being what I'd consider the eternally single. I hate it with a passion! It feels like everyone is rubbing it in that they have someone and I never will. You guys know you love each other, why does everyone else have to know it too? Every little pda fills me with bitter jealousy.
On the otherhand.. the only time I've had a real boyfriend, we would kiss and hold hands, and my boyfriend would tease me, him knowing of my great dislike of pda. My reply was,"Well shouldn't I get a chance to do it too at least once?' My next relationship.. assuming I ever have another..I think I'll keep it at home, remembering how others may feel like I usually do...
On the otherhand.. the only time I've had a real boyfriend, we would kiss and hold hands, and my boyfriend would tease me, him knowing of my great dislike of pda. My reply was,"Well shouldn't I get a chance to do it too at least once?' My next relationship.. assuming I ever have another..I think I'll keep it at home, remembering how others may feel like I usually do...
I dont mind it. I dont want to see them close to having sex but everything else is okay.
I'm okay with holding hands and closed mouth kissing, but everything else just seems like too much for me.
okay up to fondling. I have kiddies and kissing is okay, but fondling gets into questions of touching appropriately.
it depends on where we are
its ck
I don't see the issue with this. Love is beautiful, why hide it from the public?
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
I have to say we were in a Family type chair sit down restaurant, mid day, on the road, traveling with kids. There was a couple...not even young kids, but probably about 20's...and they were doing about everything except intercourse in their booth. Groping, rubbing and dry humping, to the point where 1. Several people walked out and 2. one guy called the manager over to complain and was told "It is not my business to tell people what to do...I don't need to set off some violent nutcase". We too ended up leaving. Yes, there IS too much PDA sometimes.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
Today, I would have just walked up to them and said "GET A ROOM".
Love is great....that isn't what PDA is many times. A couple holding hands, hugging, even kissing is fine. However, when he or she is groping up their partner....I mean real groping, which I have seen in a mall, a fast food place, the library, that is just being exhibitionists and TRYING to make people uncomfortable. That is not "love".
Originally posted by
I don't see the issue with this. Love is beautiful, why hide it from the public?
Im fine with PDA to an extent I love it when couples can show affection to one another bf and I will hold hands or embrace kiss.If I am with couples only group then do what you want. As long as my kids aren't around for the heavy stuff and I am not wondering if I should be paying them to see whats going on PDA is fine other wise get a room.
It depends on the location and who is around. If it is only adults around , hell I would watch them lol
I love seeing couples express their love for one another. I think that it's cute. I personally love it. It doesn't bother me at all. I enjoy PDA whether it's me and my man or just any other couple. I love it all, in fact, I wish more people were comfortable with it.