How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)?

Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
How do you feel about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do you believe in complete openness, complete privacy, or something in between?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
All forms make me uncomfortable.
2  (1%)
I am OK with others doing it, but not me.
2  (1%)
I am OK with doing it, but I don't like when others do.
1  (0%)
I am OK with holding hands only (myself or others).
11  (5%)
I am OK with holding hands and closed mouth kissing (myself or others).
120  (50%)
I am OK with holding hands and open or closed mouth kissing (myself or others).
45  (19%)
I am OK with all of the above, plus groping/fondling (myself or others).
5  (2%)
I am OK with any PDA (myself or others).
41  (17%)
Other (please explain)
11  (5%)
Total votes: 238
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I'm also okay with hugs, long embraces, and most other torso-to-torso contact (e.g. leaning against someone) as long as it doesn't involve sex-like motions.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
I think it depends on the environment, honestly.
Contributor: Raven Raven
I agree that the location has a lot to do with it. PDA's by a couple in a mall might be viewed differently than if they were standing on a street corner waiting for a light to change.

I'm okay with most stuff as long as I don't feel like saying, "Get a room already!"
Contributor: Rose Unlocked Rose Unlocked
I am ok with almost any thing it's not hurting me if some one else is all over another person. The only thing that is a little odd to me is when they are being overly cute on purpose or if they are having sex right there in front of me. Other then that I would say go for it.
Contributor: Luscious Lily Luscious Lily
Like Adriana said, environment plays a big part here. Under normal circumstances, anything short of groping/sex-like motions is fine by me. If the setting is appropriate, say on a dance floor, then anything short of sex in clothes is cool. Of course, in other settings nothing past holding hands is ok - funerals, board meetings, jury duty... but it would make jury duty a heck of a lot more fun!
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I was considering "public" meaning larger open areas. To me a mall and a street corner are at about the same level of public-ness. A dance club isn't really public to me. It would depend on who else was around. My votes reflect just regular on-the-street PDA with random people around.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Rockin'
I was considering "public" meaning larger open areas. To me a mall and a street corner are at about the same level of public-ness. A dance club isn't really public to me. It would depend on who else was around. My votes reflect just ... more
A club is public. How could it not be?
Contributor: Mamastoys Mamastoys
I think it depends on the environment and the situation. I don't think anything about holding hands, kissing or hugging my hubby in public and as long as it doesn't get too sexual in nature, I don't see a problem with it.
Contributor: Sir Sir
To me, it isn't my business what other people are doing while they're out. When I'm out somewhere, I'm in my own world with only my partner; I honestly don't give a damn what other people think of what we do or what other people themselves do. We happen to be very sexual with each other, no matter where we are, though we generally cool ourselves while we're out. But I have groped her breasts, fingered her, and spanked her playfully while we've been in public. Discreetly, but in public. She's also groped my penis and touched me in erotic ways, so I don't find what anyone else does to be interesting or even thing that matters.
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
A club is public. How could it not be?
You would not get arrested for public intoxication at a club, for example. You would at a mall.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Femme Mystique
You would not get arrested for public intoxication at a club, for example. You would at a mall.
Hmm. That's an interesting way to look at it. In general, I would consider public anyplace outside my home, where I cannot control who is in the vicinity (ie the public is allowed) so that would include a club/bar/etc.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
A club is public. How could it not be?
Hobos aren't in clubs. Hobos are in public (on the street, in buildings where there are open doors without bouncers or ID checkers). A club isn't public to me because the people there have a reason to be there (aren't just passing through). It's a business. You can get thrown out of a club. You can't (usually) get thrown off the street.
Contributor: LilyLust LilyLust
I am OK with holding hands and closed mouth kissing (myself or others). mainly because I am a mother and my 3 year old doesn't need to see some teens practicly going at it in the park then try and do that at preschool. He's very impressionable right now. Some PDA is fine. light kisses hugs hand holding you know the "normal" stuff. But I don't think people realize that there are usually kids in eye shot when in public. Now if I were at a club and some people were making out that would be differant but in general public, then I have to play the defencive mom card on that. I would make out on my husbands lap in front of our kid so I don't want others doing it. But most people has common curdacy for other around them.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I am ok with hugging, light klissing, or holding onto my man when with my family or out in a park lets say. However, making out with tongues interlocking infront of my parents/friends/people in public to me is just inappropriate. Though, I will not judge those who feel comfortable to do so. Everyone has a different degree of what they are comfortable doing and are ok with. To each his own.
Contributor: Darling Dove Darling Dove
I'm okay with most things. Personally if I were going to do something more intense with my fiance I would make sure it wasnt in plain view like in a car or some secluded place outside. But kissing and such, maybe some light teasing is okay in public, and of course I am okay with him wearing his collar as long as I hold the leash...
Contributor: BlessedRaven BlessedRaven
i have a set of rules for circumstances. it drives my boyfriend crazy. i'm okay with pda in public places if we are by ourselves: kissing, hugging, cuddling, even with tongue occasionally.

other than that if i'm with people i know it really depends on the person. if i'm with my girlfriends i don't want to make them feel uncomfortable so i'm very hands off. other people it may be okay to hold hands, kiss, or sit on his lap. it really depends how i think each person would react.

basically i try to respect people i know well, but i don't really care if i'm around strangers. a couple holding hands is just a bloop in another persons life that they'll forget.
Contributor: Domineight Domineight
It really depends. Its annoying if I'm in a restaurant and the people at the same next to me can't keep their hands off eachother. I've see couples holding hands while they eat and sitting on the same side of the table so they can continue feeling on each other.

Places like airports and train stations I always excuse. Its a place of excited hellos and goodbyes.
Contributor: Sundae Sundae
I really don't like public displays of affection on my part. It's not that I'm shy, but the people I am out with aren't usually long-term partners and so sometimes those gestures which in private I enjoy seem like displays of ownership in public (which isn't appropriate when we're only casually seeing each other). The occasional touch, maybe a peck on the cheek are ok, but I prefer brief and fleeting stuff. I really don't like kissing in public or being too clingy, it sends out the wrong message and is often inappropriate. On a semi-related note, I cannot -stand- seeing or being subject to the 'penguin waddle' - that awful thing where a guy puts his arms around a girl and sort of walks behind her awkwardly.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I don't mind touching and kissing as long as they aren't obviousy looking to get a response. Generally I ignore behavior like that since even negative attention seems to encourage the participants. I behave like a lady in public in private is another story.

I kiss my guys, hold hands (I've even held hands with them both while in public, hold onto their arms ect. Both guys tend to be gentlemen in public mainly because they feel that if they are treating me like a cheap woman then other guys might get the idea they can as well, which would be a major mistake on their parts. We learned just how much people watch strangers when we went bowling as a family after my son was born. I kissed Sigel, just a quick closed mouth kiss, after he made a strike and then did the same without even thinking about it with Arch and we got a few startled looks. I ignored them and went on as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened! I figure if I am not comfortable with being open in public how can I expect others to be? In a few years we're gonna get some remarks anyhow when my girls call one man Daddy and my son calls the other man (or both) Daddy.

When I see people openly acting trashy in public it just smacks of low self esteem or no respect for themselves or their partner. I WANT people to think I am a lucky woman with a gorgeous, polite man and vice versa. Maybe it's old fashioned but still I like thinking that people are happy to be around me rather than wishing they could escape!
Contributor: deceased deceased
More than a hug? Get a room.
Contributor: Riccio Riccio
I agree that location influences what is appropriate, but, in the words of Dame Ellen Terry (1848-1928): "I don’t care what you do, as long as you don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses."
Contributor: JustYourAverageGuy JustYourAverageGuy
The situation/location matters.. but either way, just simple hugs and pecking, anything more is too much...
Contributor: GNGenie GNGenie
The only time I feel PDAs are disturbing is when they're really hardcore (of the groping variety) and taking place in a totally inappropriate location: for example, a preschool, church, or funeral parlor. (All of which I have come across)
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I'm okay with all of it in the right scenario and the right audience. In the presence of friends and family, more restraint should be displayed out of respect.

But when I go out dancing, my partner and I are very physical. I love making people jealous and so does he .

I don't think it is ever okay to expose your partner or your self to those who don't want to see though. This is why you find a corner .
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I don't mind touching and kissing as long as they aren't obviousy looking to get a response. Generally I ignore behavior like that since even negative attention seems to encourage the participants. I behave like a lady in public in private is ... more
I agree with behaving like a lady in public. The couples in clubs who are just trying to get everyone's attention by basically having sex on the dance floor irritate the heck out of me. I believe in the less is more philosophy, with affection, clothing, and just about everything else. My clothing lets you know I have a good looking body without exposing lots of skin, and my actions with my fiance show that we have a very strong intimate emotional connection without having to get physical, and that's what's important to me
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
This had always been a point of contention between my ex-husband and myself, as he wanted to cling and be overly affectionate to me in public, mainly to 'show face' and 'keep up appearances' (he didn't want anyone to know our marriage was celibate). I have ALWAYS been more subdued, and I was frequently embarrassed and had to push him off. Always annoyed the hell out of me when he ass-grabbed in public.

Mulder was more like me in being subdued (hand holding, arms around each other, some close-mouthed kissing), but he sometimes surprised me (usually depending on how drunk he was). I will never forget when he pelvic thrusted me from behind while we were leaving a restaurant and him giggling insanely at my blushing and speechlessness. I can admit that the 'just under people's noses' aspect was hot (and the sex later was great).
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Chilipepper
This had always been a point of contention between my ex-husband and myself, as he wanted to cling and be overly affectionate to me in public, mainly to 'show face' and 'keep up appearances' (he didn't want anyone to know our ... more
When we go out, it is like we are the only people in the room and that's all that matters to us. It's for us and us alone. That's not right to make you feel uncomfortable so he can "save face". I would be upset if my partner or anyone else tried to do something I was uncomfortable with, like those guys who lift up girls skirts while dancing. Not cool. What bothers me is the girls who let them do it!

"I can admit that the 'just under people's noses' aspect was hot (and the sex later was great)." EXACTLY!
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
I love PDA! I’m a touchy love kind of person anyways. And I don’t mind other doing it either; kissing, holding hands and whatnot. as far as going farther than that Id prefer not to see it. 'get a room' as most might put it. Not I do have a thing where I like to be naughty in public! But not just openly, I like to be discreet about it; in car, behind a building, just somewhere discreet! I have always fantasized about sex on the beach (and no, not the drink!) but a secluded area on the beach, Id LOVE IT! as far as being completely in the open about PDA, keep it simple; holding hands, kisses, back or neck rubs... more on the innocent side. Not everyone likes to walk into or by a free porn show!!
Contributor: Persephone's Addiction Persephone's Addiction
I am completely ok with PDA's. Open mouth make out sessions are great. I wish everyone made out in public.